Influence of text structure on learning counterintuitive physics concepts
Arizona State University
Campus Box 870311
Cognitive DevelopmentConcept Formation
Textbook Content
Abstract Reasoning
Cognitive Processes
Cognitive Structures
Higher Education
Learning Strategies
Science Instruction
Scientific Concepts
Thinking Skills
General Physics
Physics Education Research
Education Foundations
Cognition Development
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Explores the influences of text structure on students' conceptual change. Case studies were conducted and results showed that individuals used refutational text to change their alternative conceptions and acquire new concepts. Findings indicate that refutational text does cause cognitive conflict. While refutational text is effective for groups, it needs to be supplemented by discussion for individuals.Type
Instructional MaterialIdentifier;2-Q
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Therapy of the burnout syndrome [Therapie des Burnout-Syndroms]Korczak, Dieter; Wastian, Monika; Schneider, Michael (German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, 2012-06-01)[english] The prevalence, diagnostics and therapy of the burnout syndrome are increasingly discussed in the public. The unclear definition and diagnics of the burnout syndrome are scientifically criticized. There are several therapies with unclear evidence for the treatment of burnout in existence.The health technology assessment (HTA) report deals with the question of usage and efficacy of different burnout therapies.For the years 2006 to 2011, a systematic literature research was done in 31 electronic databases (e.g. EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO). Important inclusion criteria are burnout, therapeutic intervention and treatment outcome.17 studies meet the inclusion criteria and are regarded for the HTA report. The studies are very heterogeneous (sample size, type of intervention, measuring method, level of evidence). Due to their study design (e.g. four reviews, eight randomized controlled trials) the studies have a comparable high evidence: three times 1A, five times 1B, one time 2A, two times 2B and six times 4. 13 of the 17 studies are dealing with the efficacy of psychotherapy and psychosocial interventions for the reduction of burnout (partly in combination with other techniques). Cognitive behaviour therapy leads to the improvement of emotional exhaustion in the majority of the studies. The evidence is inconsistent for the efficacy of stress management and music therapy. Two studies regarding the efficacy of Qigong therapy do not deliver a distinct result. One study proves the efficacy of roots of Rhodiola rosea (evidence level 1B). Physical therapy is only in one study separately examined and does not show a better result than standard therapy.Despite the number of studies with high evidence the results for the efficacy of burnout therapies are preliminary and do have only limited reach. The authors of the studies complain about the low number of skilled studies for the therapy of burnout. Furthermore, they point to the insufficient evaluation of the therapy studies and the need for further research. Some authors report the effects of considerable natural recovering.Numerous limitations affect the quality of the results. Intervention contents and duration, study design and study size are very diverse and do not permit direct comparison. Most of the samples are small by size with low statistical power, long-term follow-ups are missing. Comorbidities and parallel utilized therapies are insufficient documented or controlled. Most of the studies use the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) as diagnostic or outcome-tool, but with different cut-off-points. It should be noticed that the validity of the MBI as diagnostic tool is not proved. Ethical, juridical and social determining factors are not covered or discussed in the studies.The efficacy of therapies for the treatment of the burnout syndrome is insufficient investigated. Only for cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) exists an adequate number of studies which prove its efficacy. Big long-term experimental studies are missing which compare the efficacy of the single therapies and evaluate their evidence. The natural recovering without any therapy needs further research. Additionally, it has to be examined to what extent therapies and their possible effects are thwarted by the conditions of the working place and the working conditions.<br>[german] Die Prävalenz, Diagnostik und Therapie des Burnout-Syndroms wird in der (Fach)Öffentlichkeit zunehmend diskutiert. Wissenschaftlich wird die unklare Definition und Diagnostik des Burnout-Syndroms kritisiert. Zur Behandlung des Burnout werden verschiedene Therapien mit unklarer Evidenz angeboten.Der Health Technology Assessment (HTA)-Bericht befasst sich mit der Frage, welche Therapien zur Behandlung des Burnout-Syndroms eingesetzt werden und wie wirksam diese sind. Die relevante Studienliteratur ist anhand von Schlagworten in 31 Datenbanken (u.a. EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO) für den Zeitraum 2006 bis 2011 gesucht worden. Wichtige Einschlusskriterien sind Burnout, therapeutische Intervention und Treatment outcome.17 Studien erfüllen die Einschlusskriterien und werden für den HTA-Bericht berücksichtigt. Die Studien sind sehr heterogen (Fallzahl, Stichprobe, Intervention, Messverfahren, Evidenzlevel). Sie haben aufgrund ihres Studiendesigns (u.a. vier Reviews, acht randomisierte kontrollierte Studien) eine vergleichsweise hohe Evidenz: dreimal 1A, fünfmal 1B, einmal 2A, zweimal 2B und sechsmal 4. 13 der 17 Studien befassen sich mit der Wirkung von Psychotherapie und psychosozialen Interventionen (teilweise in Kombination mit anderen Techniken) Reduktion von Burnout. Der Einsatz kognitiver Verhaltenstherapie (KVT) führt in der Mehrheit der Studien zu Verbesserungen der emotionalen Erschöpfung. Die Evidenz der Wirkung von Stressmanagementtraining auf die Reduktion des Burnout ist ebenso wie die Wirkung von Musiktherapie uneinheitlich. Zwei Studien zur Wirksamkeit der Qigong-Therapie kommen zu keinem eindeutigen Ergebnis. Durch eine Studie mit dem Evidenzgrad 1B wird die Wirksamkeit von Rhodiola rosea (Rosenwurz) belegt. Physiotherapie wird nur in einer Studie isoliert untersucht und ist dort der Standardtherapie nicht überlegen. Trotz einer Reihe von Studien mit hohen Evidenzleveln haben die Aussagen zur Wirksamkeit von Burnout-Therapien vorläufigen Charakter und sind von begrenzter Reichweite. Die Autoren der Studien beklagen die zu geringe Anzahl qualifizierter Studien zur Therapie des Burnout-Syndroms und weisen auf die unzureichende Evaluation von Therapiestudien sowie auf die Notwendigkeit weiterer Forschung hin. Einige Autoren berichten beträchtliche Effekte natürlicher Erholung.Zahlreiche Einschränkungen beeinträchtigen die Qualität der Ergebnisse. Interventionsinhalte und -dauer, Studiendesign und Untersuchungspopulationen sind sehr unterschiedlich und lassen direkte Vergleiche nicht zu. Die Stichproben sind überwiegend klein mit geringer statistischer Power, es fehlen längerfristige Follow-up. Komorbiditäten und parallel in Anspruch genommene Therapien sind unzureichend erfasst bzw. kontrolliert worden. Die weit überwiegende Anzahl der Studien verwendet das Maslach Burnout Inventar, dessen klinische Validität nicht bewiesen ist, als Diagnose- und/oder Outcome-Tool, mit jeweils verschiedenen Cut-off-Werten, zur Bestimmung des (schweren) Burnout. Ethische, soziale und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen werden in den Studien nicht behandelt.Die Wirkung der Therapien, die zur Behandlung des Burnout-Syndroms eingesetzt werden, ist unzureichend erforscht. Es liegt nur zur Wirkung der KVT eine hinreichend große Anzahl von Studien vor, die die Wirksamkeit der KVT belegen. Es fehlen große langfristig angelegte experimentelle Studien, die die einzelnen Therapien in ihrer Wirkung vergleichen und evidenzbasiert evaluieren. Auch die ohne Einfluss einer bestimmten Therapie erreichte „natürliche“ Erholung ist näher zu untersuchen. Es ist außerdem zu prüfen, inwieweit Therapien und ihre mögliche Wirkung durch die Bedingungen am Arbeitsplatz und die Arbeitsplatzsituation konterkariert werden.
Intelligence, Personality, and Creativity : Unleashing the Power of Intelligence and Personality Traits to Build a Creative and Innovative EconomyKing, Elizabeth; Rogers, Halsey (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2014-11-04)Cognitive ability, as measured by IQ and
 background factors such as socioeconomic status and
 demographics have historically been seen as the principal
 determinants of a student s academic success. However, a
 growing body of research from psychology, education,
 behavioral economics and neuroscience is showing that
 personality traits also predict academic and work
 performance. This change in paradigm suggests that education
 systems face a more complex challenge than traditionally
 recognized: to work not only with the different types of
 intelligence possessed by students but also with their
 different personality traits in order to produce academic
 success measured by cognitive and non-cognitive skills. This
 paper reviews the research findings from the different
 literatures (psychology, education, behavioral economics,
 and neuroscience) that relate to these questions. Several
 good reviews summarize the findings on aspects of these
 questions, but rarely address all of the questions above. In
 particular, those reviews do not shed light on how education
 can improve both cognitive and non-cognitive skills and how
 such skills promote creativity and labor market outcomes.
 The scientific literatures on human intelligence and
 personality are large, but our focus is on the subset of
 research findings that relate intelligence and personality
 to academic performance. Likewise, the literature on
 creativity, innovation, and productivity is extensive, but
 our focus will be on the research findings that relate
 academic performance to creativity and, ultimately, to
 productivity in the workplace.
Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills for the Peruvian Labor MarketParra Torrado, Mónica; Cunningham, Wendy; Sarzosa, Miguel (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2016-02-03)Evidence from developed country data
 suggests that cognitive and non-cognitive skills contribute
 to improved labor market outcomes. This paper tests this
 hypothesis in a developing country by using an
 individual-level data set from Peru that incorporates
 modules to measure cognitive and non-cognitive skills. The
 paper estimates a structural latent model with unobserved
 heterogeneity to capture full ability rather than just
 measured skill. It also applies standard ordinary least
 squares techniques for comparison. The analysis confirms
 that cognitive and non-cognitive skills are positively
 correlated with a range of labor market outcomes in Peru. In
 particular, cognitive skills positively correlate with wages
 and the probability of being a wage worker, white-collar,
 and formal worker, with verbal fluency and numeric ability
 playing particularly strong roles. The results are robust to
 methodology. The patterns are less uniform for non-cognitive
 skills. For instance, perseverance of effort (grit) emerges
 strongly for most outcomes regardless of methodology.
 However, plasticity—an aggregation of openness to experience
 and emotional stability—is only correlated with employment,
 and only when using the structural latent model. The
 ordinary least squares method also finds that the
 disaggregated non-cognitive skills of kindness, cooperation,
 emotional stability, and openness to experience emerge
 significantly, mostly for the wage estimates. The different
 results derived from the ordinary least squares and the
 structural model with latent skills suggest strong
 measurement bias in most non-cognitive skills measurement.
 These findings, although only correlational because of the
 use of a single cross-section, suggest that recent efforts
 by the Peruvian government to incorporate non-cognitive
 skill development into the school curriculum are justified.