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Teaching and training skills are a core requirement for many librarians (1)- whether the teaching is delivered to library users or to colleagues. Formal training in education, while included in some librarianship courses, is not yet available in all librarianship curriculums. Gaining teaching qualifications can be a costly and time consuming process, which might be low on the list of priorities for the employing organisation. Learning from colleagues and sharing experiences is a valuable way of improving practice (2). TeachMeet is an informal event in which like-minded practitioners share tools, techniques and tips they have tried themselves (3)Librarians at University of Cambridge have adapted TeachMeet for their own professional setting, sharing experiences and encouraging creative approaches to user education and continuing professional development. This paper will give a brief history of TeachMeet, how librarians adapted the concept, and how one TeachMeet event was evaluated by participants and organisers.Date