Komparace teorií učení se dospělých Malcolma Knowlese a Jacka Mezirowa
Jurečka, PavelKeywords
teorie transformativního učeníTransformative learning theory
Jack Mezirow
Adult education
vzdělávání dospělých
Malcolm Knowles
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The aim of this bachelor thesis comprise of a presentation and a comparison between Malcolm Knowles's theory of Andragogy and the Transformative learning theory of Jack Mezirow. Both theories are very popular in the USA, but there is not a sufficient attention dedicated to them in the Czech literature. The comparison is built on the basis of three criterions. The fisrt criterion includes inspirational sources of the authors, the second criterion takes into consideration the conception of the adult educator and finaly the conception of the learner constitutes the third criterion. Keywords Malcolm Knowles, Andragogy, Adult education, Jack Mezirow, Transformative learning theoryDate