Iluzje inkluzji? Uczniowie ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w placówkach oświatowych
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This article addresses a signifi cant problem of the inclusion of the pupils with special educational needs in mainstream institutions. Although many years have elapsed since the 1970s, when many countries fi rst began to speak about the idea of integration and inclusion of people with disabilities and those with special needs into social life, there are still problematic situations hindering or even preventing the implementation of the idea of inclusive education (the social aspect is one of the most diffi cult to implement). As researchers note (e.g. Pijl, Meijer, Brzezińska, and Ainscow), there are still many issues that require assistance here. The following refl ection is an attempt to determine the specifi c aspects of the pupil with special educational needs, the teacher, the parent and fi nally the wider educational institution concerning the most problematic issues of inclusive education. The text also indicates the basic guidelines for coping in diffi cult situations.Date
ArtykułIdentifier Edukacyjne, nr 27, 2013, s. 173-184