Accessibility to inclusive education for children with disabilities : a case of two selected areas in Ghana
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This study investigated accessibility to inclusive education for children with disabilities in two selected districts in Ghana (Ga East and New Juabeng respectively). A total of two hundred and eighteen respondents were involved and the study employed mixed methods, that is combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods were relied on and simple random and purposive samplings techniques were used in selecting participants. Analysis of data showed evidence of acceptance of children with disabilities into the mainstream schools but there are factors that posed challenges for complete practice of inclusive education. These factors include stigmatisation, discrimination and cultural beliefs, teacher’s competence and attitudes, parental involvement, unavailability of resources and inadequate policies. These factors were found to be barriers that influence accessibility to education for children with disabilities. Discussions of the study attempted to demonstrate children with disabilities get access to inclusive education as a result of general education policy such as FCUBE policy, but nevertheless there are challenges. As a result of these challenges children with disabilities are not benefit from education. Understanding and following the discussions it was concluded that the factors identified in the study as barriers to accessibility to education for children with disabilities need to be addressed for successful inclusive education practice.Date