Challenges in Implementation of Inclusive Education in Malawi: A Case Study of Montfort Special Needs Education College and Selected Primary Schools in Blantyre
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The present study explored the challenges faced in the implementation of inclusive education in
 Malawi. The study was constructed within Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. The
 theory maintains that children grow, develop and learn in a complex environment that impacts
 them negatively and positively. An exploratory qualitative case study research design was
 adopted for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to pick on the study sites as well
 as the research participants. Montfort Special Needs Education College and a few selected
 primary schools formed the cases for the study. Semi-structured interviews and focus group
 discussion were used to collect data and results analyzed using themes with a clear focus on the
 research questions.Date
Master thesisIdentifier