Pedagogų ir būsimųjų pedagogų skirtybių pripažinimo ir toleravimo kompetencija
The article analyzes educators and future educators’ values, knowledge and abilities related to the acknowledgement and tolerance regarding students. Educators and future educators evaluated this competence in the form of questionnaire. The empirical data revealed that the competence of acknowledging and tolerating diversity embraces: 1) the assurance of the availability of education for all students; 2) the acknowledgement of inclusive education as a measure, ensuring the needs of all students; 3) the provision that different education needs are not an obstacle; 4) the conception of inclusive education; 5) the ability to follow the provision of inclusive education in practice. Having concluded the results of the research, it became clear that educators and students expressed a general value orientation: a positive approach to inclusive education became apparent; inclusive education is acknowledged as a measure, ensuring the needs of all students. However, the respondents are not sure whether they correctly understand the conception of inclusive education. Educators believe that compared to students they better understand the conception of inclusive education and its main principles. The research identified that pedagogic education programme (specialization) influences students’ competence which means that future special pedagogy students better evaluate their competence of acknowledging and tolerating diversity in all 5 spheres compared to educators of a specific subject. The results show that educators, studying in different pedagogic specialization programmes demonstrated different value orientations related to the acknowledgment and tolerance of the diversity of students.Date