Pastuović, Nikola PastuovićKeywords
razvoj; ciljevi obrazovanja odraslih; svrha obrazovanja odraslih; buduće obrazovne potrebedevelopment; adult education aims; purpose of adult education; future educational needs
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U radu se polazi od toga da je obrazovanje sredstvo kojim se žele postići određeni ciljevi, pa se znanost(i) o obrazovanju usredotočuju na istraživanje „cilj-sredstvo odnosa“. Ciljevi obrazovanja (odraslih) su doprinos osobnom i društvenom razvoju. S tim u vezi problematizira se koncept razvoja i njegov odnos s konceptom rasta te u tom kontekstu pitanje svrhe (smisla) obrazovanja odraslih. Analizira se aktualni odnos (tj. raskorak) između deklariranih i stvarnih ciljeva obrazovanja (odraslih) u razvijenim zemljama. Posebno se razmatra pojava promjene strukture ciljeva obrazovanja u poslovnim organizacijama do čega dolazi radi jačanja njihove kompetitivnosti u uvjetima ekonomske globalizacije i fleksibilizacije tržišta rada. Razmatraju se posljedice fleksibilizacije tržišta rada na kontinuirano obrazovanje (ne)zaposlenih, te na njihovo zadovoljstvo i kvalitetu života. Zagovara se andragoško promišljanje budućnosti radi identifikacije obrazovnih potreba što ih donosi „četvrta tehnološka revolucija“, koja proizvodi rast bez rasta zaposlenosti (jobless growth economy), te zbog potreba osposobljavanja odraslih za demokratsko građanstvo u uvjetima prijelaza na „zeleni kapitalizam“.The paper starts with the notion of education as a means of acquiring certain aims, therefore it focuses on researching the „means to an aim“ relationship in science and education. (Adult) education aims are contributing to personal and social development. With this in mind, the concept of development and its relationship with the concept of growth is reviewed, and in this context the question of (the purpose of) adult education. It analyzes the current relationship (or the gap) between the stated and real goals of (adult) education in developed countries. Special attention is given to change in the structure of education goals in business organizations which are caused by the growth in their competitiveness at a time of economic globalization and a more flexible labor market. It deals with the effects of labor market becoming more flexible in regard to continual education of (un)employed persons, and their satisfaction and quality of life. It supports the andragogical views of the future for the purpose of identifying educational needs brought on by the “fourth technological revolution” which produces growth without increase in employment rates (jobless growth economy), and due to the need for adult training for a democratic citizenship during the conditions of transferring to “green capitalism”.