通識教育;體育課程通識化;全人教育;全人健康;身心健康課群;提昇體適能;終身運動General Education;Integration of Physical Education in General Education Curriculum;hole Person Education;Health-related Curriculum Design;Upgrading of Personal Fitness, Life-long Physical Training
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[[abstract]]因應e世代人類生活方式急劇轉變所衍生出的現代生活品質問題,高雄第一科技大學乃依據通識教育「全人教育」的教育宗旨,致力於跳脫傳統體育課程的教育模式,全力推動強調全人健康的通識化體育教育:結合運動知能、保健、通識教育的身心健康課群、強調提昇體適能、終身運動規劃的體育實作教學,此一變革的目的在將體育教育提升為具通識教育精神,強調運動內涵、身心平衡健康發展的全人健康教育。[[abstract]]The issues of declining quality of life have emerged as the life style of the E-generation changes in the blink of an eye. With a goal of cultivating whole person graduates of sound body and mind, NKFUST has worked vigorously to provide an alternate physical education program so as to realize such goal pursuant by the General Education. This alternate physical program is designed to strengthen students' knowledge on sports, fitness issues and other health care related subject matters with a special emphasis on increasing student's physical fitness level and promoting the idea of making fitness training as a life-long process. The ultimate goal of the program is to incorporate the essence of General Education into the physical education that will raise students' awareness on the importance and value of sports, and thus helps to cultivate a well-rounded individual in all aspects.