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Books with a focus on a topical ethical issue written by academics and researchers, usually with a continental or regional relevance.
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Représentations et normes liées à la masculinité : construction d'un concept hier et aujourd'hui : pour une masculinité positive dans une perspective bibliqueVoici un livre qui touche à un tabou : la violence faite aux femmes et cela même au nom de vénérables institutions religieuses. L'auteur montre une insidieuse tactique de déstabilisation, car quand les femmes sont opprimées, toute l'humanité souffre. En tant que chef ecclésiastique, l'auteur désire ramener les gens à la vérité et à la volonté d'un dieu de paix. Malheureusement, même la Bible peut être utilisée comme alibi pour soutenir des structures qui nuisent à autrui, où les valeurs traditionnelles de patriarcat renforcent la subordination des femmes, dans "la masculinité négative". Au lieu d'abolir des valeurs traditionnelles et d’occulter certains passages bibliques problématiques, les prémisses d'une masculinité positive sont définies par le message biblique dans sa totalité et son unité.
La radicalité de Jésus dans l’appel des disciples : une enquête dans les quatre évangilesFace aux crises que traverse la République démocratique du Congo depuis soixante ans, un retour aux sources des quatre évangiles est proposé par l’auteur. Une exégèse de l’appel aux disciples par Jésus est mise en dialogue avec les besoins du peuple congolais. Comment réussir à produire une alliance comparable à celle offerte aux disciples, et qui fonctionne dans la réalité actuelle? Des ressorts puissants sont assurés par des relations interpersonnelles responsables. Suivre l’appel aux disciples c’est transcender la seule foi par une volonté d’agir. Cette volonté d’agir permet la conduite conséquente et collective d’actions selon un bien commun responsable, dont les racines axiologiques sont puisées dans cette foi. Transposée dans le contexte d’un des plus grands pays africains, cette volonté se transforme en une clé de développement spirituel et politique quasi irrésistible, - comme Jésus qui appelait à une plus grande allégeance, et à un ethos qui ne ressemblait pas à Rome, fût entendu bien au-delà de la province la plus éloignée de l’Empire romain.
Résilience et transformation des conflits dans les états des Grands Lacs africains : théorie, démarches et applicationsL’éthique de la paix et la résolution des conflits est un enjeu majeur du développement dans la région des Grands Lacs. En République démocratique du Congo en particulier, une pluralité d’ONG nationales et internationales appliquent cette démarche et font une recherche active pour comprendre la dynamique des conflits. L’auteur montre la qualité de leurs démarches afin de mieux faire connaître et adresser avec succès les conflits identitaires, politiques, fonciers, territoriaux, et gagner en efficacité dans la gestion des ressources naturelles.
Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees : a Euro-African problem in the 21st century : the relevance of ‘Sollicitudo Rei Socialis’This book is a call for solidarity, to stand with all people facing the many challenges of forced migration. Based on a qualitative methodology, sources within the book are taken from a European setting, focusing on African migrants, with special attention to the Nigerian community. The response of the Catholic Church to problems caused by migrations is analysed and discussed with reference to Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, which presents the required alertness and stimuli actions to be taken by all.
Globalance : ethics handbook for a balanced world post-covidWithout ethics and trust, our societies are in deep trouble. Corona is a chance to reflect. Stückelberger gives us an overview with a lot of background information. The book helps us to be aware of risks, opportunities and our responsibility. It encourages to more international cooperation. Many thanks! (Doris Leuthard, Former Minister of Environment of the Government of Switzerland, twice its President, Member of the Kofi Annan Foundation). - When the global village is facing disintegration and globalisation is heading towards the cliff, how can the human heart and ethics return to the trust of the global family? Stuckelberger is a profound observer and theorist of global ethics. He ignites the torch of people’s conscience. This book is very enlightening to provide a reference direction. (Cui Wantian, Entrepreneur in e-health, Professor of Economics, China). - An inspiring read, providing thought-provoking opportunities for Africa to re-envision its cumulative position and continental role in the new ‘globalanced’ world order Post-Covid. (Divya Singh, Prof. Dr, Chief Academic Officer, Stadio Holdings, South Africa). - One of the foremost global authorities on ethics, Stueckelberger, presents extremely interesting and new perspectives. This book is very relevant for various stakeholders in the global ecosystem, especially with Covid challenges. (Pavan Duggal, Dr, International Cyber Law Expert, Advocate Supreme Court of India). - Very few books provoke to think and to get insight. This book Globalance does it! (Alex Ageev, Professor of Economic Strategies, Russia)
Etica y economía : la relación dañada. Parte 2, Profundizando los modos de un auténtico desarrollo humano integral sostenibleEsta segunda parte del volumen Ética y Economía reúne en su contenido los temas centrales de los tres Diálogos de Alto Nivel que se sucedieron luego del primero realizado en noviembre de 2016. Los tópicos que recorren los distintos capítulos del libro colocan los problemas que el desarrollo aporta desde una perspectiva de inclusión social teniendo en cuenta los desafíos que entrañan el avance de la tecnología y la automatización para el mundo del trabajo, las finanzas, las relaciones de género y la sostenibilidad ambiental. Los resultados de los cuatro diálogos de alto nivel fueron presentados en términos de Recomendaciones y Conclusiones desde Ética y Economía al Foro Global del G20 Interfaith. Ello permite abrir una nueva etapa para seguir profundizando a través del debate multidisciplinario la construcción de soluciones justas y sostenibles.
Domestic violence : ethical challenges to the professionalism of religious and faith leaders for healing survivors : a psychological analysisDomestic Violence is a scourge and reality in many societies around the world, but the topic is not given adequate consideration in terms of the required long-term help and information that victims, offenders and caregivers need. The focus on Domestic Violence brings an area of community and clinical psychology, mental health and overall well-being of citizens into view. The author explores the leadership roles of Churches, pastors and counsellors within religious and church institutions in providing long-term and sustainable healing to the affected and discovers gaps in their approaches. This book is an invitation for all stakeholders involved in family welfare and counselling of vulnerable persons, especially religious leaders and churches, to recognise the positive role of psychological therapy for healing the victims of domestic violence.
Opportunités et défis de la réconciliation à l’Est de la République Démocratique du Congo : Cas des conflits liés à la transhumance en territoires de Fizi et d’Uvira (Sud-Kivu)Cette recherche originale met en lumière des conditions de possibilité d'une expérience des réconciliations qui s'enracine dans un processus participatif qui a une vocation éthique globale, dans une robuste déconstruction de tout culture de violence en faveur d'une culture de dialogue. Prenant appui sur l'étude de cas de mécanismes efficaces et durables de gestion des conflits liés à la transhumance dans l'Est du RD Congo, on trouvera dans cet ouvrage une synthèse des expériences d'un ensemble d'ONG congolais, présentant à la fois: a) le caractère domptable des conflits liés à la transhumance par des approches endogènes de gestion des conflits, b) la mise en exergue de la vulnérabilité des initiatives locales de paix, tant que l'État ne les intègre pas dans la mise en place des politiques nationales et locales.
Speaking Truth to PowerThe demand for a better power control and accountability in the Indian Christian Churches underlines the issue of transforming traditional leadership models. The Church of South India (CSI) is a unique church since it is the pioneer of a united and uniting church since 1947, uniting the Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregationalist denominations of the missionary churches. With over 4 million members, it is a powerful church even though Christians in India represent a small minority. The process of a constitutional reform is currently debated to change the character of this church from a united to an episcopal church with an accumulation of power in the role of the moderator. The controversy about this reform is linked to ongoing criticisms about corruption in many of the CSI-related institutions. On this background, church governance becomes a hot issue of power control and accountability, and above all, of the faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the credibility of the community of believers.
Corruption-Free Churches are Possible [Tamil version]"In spite of all the efforts and successes during the last twenty years corruption remains a major ethical challenge around the globe and one of the main obstacles to development. This study concentrates on a sector, on which not many publications are available: churches, mission organizations and development agencies"
Responsible leadership in action : the value of values : Global Ethics Forum 2015 reportHow to be a responsible leader in the context of the world crises today? This was the guiding question of the 6th edition of the Global Ethics Forum (GEF), that took place in Geneva, Switzerland, from 25-27 June 2015. The GEF 2015, a cross-sectoral and multinational gathering, provided an ideal multidimensional platform of discussion for this topic, witnessing lots of cross - fertilization. Next to reflecting the state and need for responsible leadership in the different sectors and regions, the Forum emphasized the exploration of solutions for both general and issue- or sector-specific challenges. These include projects for codes of ethics implementation, for improved access to jobs, enhanced responsible investment, values-driven education, responsible resource management and many more. This report presents a summary of the entire conference including recommendations and projects for action. The GEF Conferences, organized by, represent the moments of refueling of an ongoing, dynamic process to create a values-based world, society and economy. They are the joint effort of a global family of values-driven individuals and institutions.
Social Ethics in Inter-Religious InteractionIt seems impossible to think of religion’s contribution to the development of social ethics when religion is practiced in a space and time where it is in its ostensibly exclusive form. In the last few years, the Indonesian space has been letting out an ambiance of presenting a closed understanding of religious guidance to followers who adhere to it with minimum wiggle space for the “goodness” of God’s guidance to embrace the people out there. Generosity to contribute a part of religious tradition to another group, on the one hand, is held back by the spirit of differentness and history of enmity, while on the other, the willingness to acquire from the neighbouring treasure-trove is obstructed by the concern of tainting the “holy” teaching of religion itself. In addition to that, how shared living spaces which overlaps in various issues with an individual and/ or religious followers living spaces is established so that all the people in a diverse society as Indonesia can live life freely, safely, and peacefully, as well as advance their self-potential without fear or prejudice from other members. Notions of this matter can be obtained from religious sources, although this is achieved sometimes by developing a certain exegesis of religious principles, that is through the creation of a wholly new exegesis or acquiring a dated source aged by history. Aside from technical knowledge in reading of religious text, this effort takes courage. The writings provided to the reader of this book, although collected under the title “Social Ethics in Inter Religious Interaction”, consist of nine articles which could be further specified into three categories: five writings regarding religious theme of particular traditions, three writings referring to social theme which take on thoughts from religious traditions, and one writing discussing public space where religion plays a role as a quite determining factor.
La gouvernance éthique des ressources en eaux transfrontalièresLe monde connaît plus de deux cents bassins situés sur le territoire d’au moins deux pays ou bassins internationaux. Cette étude rend compte des divers facteurs expliquant le retard à adopter une bonne gouvernance visant la conservation de la biodiversité dans la gestion des ressources en eaux transfrontalières du lac de Tanganyika, en République Démocratique du Congo. Les observations que le lecteur découvrira ici reflètent non seulement le cas de la région des Grands Lac de la RD Congo mais s’appliquent aussi ailleurs, elles indiquent les progrès indispensables en vue de gérer les bassins africains dans leur ensemble. Enquiring what determines the delay of the DRC North Tanganyika Lake population in handling a biodiversity conservatory behavior towards the lake and its basin by respecting the natural resources better management principles (NRBMP), this study has focused, by focus groups and conversation, using the proportional pilling in order to point out the percentage of scores for each criterion of that management, to all the concerned parts of the environmental questions whose the activities affect directly or indirectly the lake’s biodiversity: the local authorities, leaders, NGOs members and civil community service office and the Tanganyika Lake Authority (TLA), fishermen, the ship - owners, farmers, wood exploiters, researchers and students with the purpose of knowing who does what in conservation management, how they justify their handling in link with the NRBM principles, how they are mobilized and engaged.
Equal in an unequal world : the value of values in responsible businessHow to tackle the growing inequality that characterizes the beginning of this 21st century ? This was the guiding question for the 5th edition of the Global Ethics Forum (GEF) which took place in Bangalore, India, from 3-5 January 2014. In the context of the five deepening global crises — economic, financial, environmental, political, leadership — inequality has become a key challenge in the transition towards a sustainable model of development. It is a phenomenon that is both universal, as inequality exists between and in segments of society on a global and national level, and multidimensional, since the concerning issues range from gender and wealth distribution to access to education. The GEF in 2014 discussed the multidimensional challenges of inequality and explored good practices and possibilities for tackling them, such as a sharing economy, corporate transparency, holistic business education, and many more. This report presents a summary of the conference, with recommendations and projects for action. It mentions as well’s draft ‘Declaration on Principles of Equality and Inequality for a Sustainable Economy’, which was widely endorsed by the forum. The annual GEF conferences, organized by, represent moments for refueling the work behind this ongoing, dynamic process towards creating a values based world, society and economy. They are the joint effort of a global family of values driven individuals and institutions.
Sustainable Business Relations between China and AfricaThe Ethics Institute of South Africa (EthicsSA) conducted a survey in a number of African countries to gauge local perceptions towards Chinese Business in Africa, in order to have reliable data available for discussion. The findings of the survey were published in February 2014 and indicated that many Africans had negative perceptions about the impact of Chinese business in their countries. In order to address the perceptions that emerged from the survey, it was decided to organise a three day dialogue between a delegation from China and Africa respectively. The theme of the dialogue was Sustainable business relations between China and Africa. The dialogue took place outside Pretoria, South Africa in August 2014, and was moderated by a neutral facilitator in the person of Prof. Christoph Stückelberger, Executive Director of based in Geneva, Switzerland. It provided a platform for in-depth discussions between a Chinese and an African delegation; this report includes many proposals how to improve business relations between China and Africa.
Peacebuilding Initiatives of the Presbyterian Church in Post-Genocide Rwandan SocietyThe dilemma between the sermon of love and peace proclaimed in Rwanda by Churches and their failure to contribute to the prevention of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda brought the researcher to wonder whether the speech and actions of EPR as one of Protestant Churches in Rwanda, could have any impact on the human behaviour. Through that dilemma between the negative impact of the Church mission in the pregenocide Rwanda and its will to pursue the mission in the post-genocide era by contributing to the process of post-conflict peacebuilding, the research problem can be formulated as follows: Is there any effect of peacebuilding initiatives of the Presbyterian Church in the post-Genocide Rwandan society?
L’État africain et les mécanismes culturels traditionnels de transformation des conflitsDepuis 1990, la République Démocratique du Congo est déchirée par des conflits politiques, fonciers, miniers, de nationalité, de leadership et de contrôle des entités politico-administratives. Les divers conflits observés dans ce pays ont été à la base des insurrections, des rébellions, de la formation des groupes armés et des milices locales. L’État congolais a essayé de transformer ces conflits sans grand succès. Les associations tant nationales qu’internationales aidant cet État congolais ont également partiellement échoué. Ces échecs constatés à tous les niveaux sont liés à l’importation des méthodes de transformation des conflits nationaux qui ne tiennent pas compte des particularités provinciales et locales. Or, les provinces en proie aux différents conflits sont constituées de diverses tribus ayant chacune ses propres valeurs culturelles traditionnelles et des procédures de transformation des conflits. Confrontés à la survivance de ces valeurs et procédures qui s’érigent en résistances au changement social, l’État congolais et ses partenaires notamment les organisations nationales, internationales ainsi que les organisations locales commencent à s’interroger sur la nécessité et la manière d’intégrer ces mécanismes culturels traditionnels dans la gouvernance moderne pour le maintien de l’unité nationale et la cohésion sociale. Part of the Publications project:
FamilienethikFamilien befinden sich weltweit in einem tiefgehenden Wandel. Vielfältige Formen von Lebensgemeinschaften werden nebeneinander gelebt. Familie ist dabei immer noch die mit Abstand häufigste Form. Welche ethischen Orientierungen zur Gestaltung der Familien in den verschiedenen kulturellen und religiösen Kontexten ergeben sich? Welche Massnahmen zur Weiterentwicklung der Familienpolitiken sind nötig? Die Studie entwickelt antworten in drei Schritten: Die Grundlage bilden Familiendefinitionen und demographisch-soziologische Fakten. Der Kern bilden familienethische Orientierungen für tragfähige Beziehungen. Die Konkretion führt zu familienpolitischen Empfehlungen und Forderungen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem europäischen Kontext, mit weltweiten Bezügen. Die Studie bringt die christlich-protestantische Perspektive in den Dialog ein, mit seiner Betonung der Freiheit, Partnerschaftlichkeit und Verantwortung gegenüber dem Einzelnen und der Gemeinschaft. [In the vast majority of countries worldwide, a variety of forms of communities exist side-by-side, but the family remains the dominant and by far most common form of cohabitation. Many questions of great ethical relevance are controversial and broadly discussed, such as gender roles, education of children, high divorce rates, youth violence and financing family support, social welfare and building family-friendly taxes by social policies. Which ethical orientations can be found shaping the family in vari-ous cultural and religious contexts? What measures are necessary for developing family politics in the various countries? Answers to such questions will be developed in this study in three steps. The emphasis lies on the Swiss-European context, while consciously drawing upon situations around the world.]
De la violence à la réconciliationLa violence. Voilà plus qu’un simple mot, une réalité qui déchire chaque être humain, homme, femme, enfant, jeune et vieux. Elle appartient à l’histoire humaine, tant celle-ci est histoire d’injures, de disputes, de discours manipulateurs, de luttes au corps-à-corps, d’affrontements entre groupes humains, de blessures, de viols, d’agressions, d’aliénations, de conflits, de guerres, de meurtres. Tout le monde peut en être acteur ou victime dans nos foyers, nos écoles, nos rues, nos marchés, nos stades, etc.