Education Praxis Series
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The Globethics Education Praxis Series supports professionals, especially young teachers and students in making values-driven, ethical decisions. Each volume in this series provides either carefully gathered case studies or practical training materials such as ethical codes.
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Digital ethics : a teaching handbookThis "Digital Ethics" handbook emphasises ethics in the digital era, targeting educators in higher education. It comprises three main chapters: “Digital Ethics” covers technology-society dynamics, a range of ethical approaches and tools, and contemporary issues such as data ethics, AI ethics, and corporate digital responsibility ; “Teaching Digital Ethics” focuses on a range of teaching methods to foster ethical literacy, encouraging reflection on personal and societal values ; “Ethical Decision Making” explores professional ethics, offering a structured decision-making template and comparing human and AI decision-making. In conclusion, the text recognises the dynamic nature of digital ethics.
Intercultural business ethics (IBE) : a teaching handbookThis book is a practical handbook for lecturers teaching Intercultural Business Ethics (IBE) in higher education. It is the result of collaboration between lecturers from South Africa, China and Switzerland in an ongoing intercultural teaching project. The basic idea is that students discuss ethical dilemmas from the business world in culturally mixed groups and present their joint solution proposals in a short video. The handbook aims to help facilitators of the peaceful coexistence of countries and cultures.
Resolving ethical dilemmas : 50 cases from Africa for teaching and trainingThis is an honest, tough and practical book in which real people recount their real predicaments concerning poverty, sex, bribes, school fees, forced marriage, healers and traditional rites. Ethics is about what is good and bad. An ethical dilemma, however, is not a decision between good and bad but between bad solutions. The question then is which solution is the “least unethical”. This book presents 50 real-life cases in the contexts of scholarly, private, professional and public life. The cases in this book have been shared for teachers, students and professional practitioners, to be used in teaching and training or individual study, to test personal intuitions and encourage reflection on ethical decisions.
Herramientas para la enseñanza de la ética en la virtualidadEste material pedagógico tiene como objetivo servir de guía para implementar actividades de formación ética, especialmente en la virtualidad. Se basa en las actividades y talleres que el Centro de Ética Aplicada de la Universidad de los Andes ha desarrollado durante los últimos años, y que pone a disposición de toda la comunidad docente. La guía desarrolla los objetivos de enseñanza y rendimiento en el marco de la transversalidad de la ética en el currículo; además de brindar herramientas para desarrollar la sensibilidad y la capacidad de deliberación ética de los estudiantes. Finalmente, brinda metodologías que permiten evaluar el nivel de logro de los objetivos de formación ética.