Social Ethics
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Social ethics is distinct from social politics or socialism which, since the end of the 18th century is a political answer to the social question and a counter model to the economic mode of capitalism. Social and economical ethics and philosophy are the meta domain of varieties of applied ethics, considered as professional good praxis.
Social ethics includes a wide range of subjects, such as social justice, racial discrimination, socio-economic ethics, philosophy of race, but also "religious" social ethics, e.g. the social doctrines or teachings of religious communities on social justice, socio-economic problems, social work, social relations, and the role of religion in politics, economics, society, the arts and sciences.
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- Encyclopedia of Death and the Human Experience (2009)
- Encyclopedia of Social Problems (2008)
- 21st Century Sociology: A Reference Handbook (2007)
- Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice (2007)
- Encyclopedia of Disability (2006)
- Encyclopedia of World Poverty (2006)
- Encyclopedia of Social Theory (2005)
- The SAGE Encyclopedia of Social Science Research Methods (2004)
- Encyclopedia of Homelessness (2004)
- Encyclopedia of Community (2003)
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Globethics Publications
- Obiora Ike, Faith and Action Rooted in Christ (2021)
- Chigozie Nnebedum, Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees (2021)
- Ruth Dymphna Maduforo, Domestic Violence (2020)
- Elly Kansiime, Theology of Work and Development (2020)
- 崔万田 Cui Wantian, 爱+经济学 Agape Economics (2020)
- John Mohan Razu, Ethics of Inclusion and Equality [Vol. 3] (2020)
- Tibor Héjj, Human Dignity in Managing Employees (2019)
- Stefania Gandolfi, Diritti dell’uomo e società democratica (2019)
- Dicky Sofjan, Religion, Public Policy and Social Transformation in Southeast Asia [Vol.1] (2016)
- María Florencia Santi, Ética de la investigación en ciencias sociales (2016)
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Image in the public domain. Le cortège des mineurs du Pas-de-Calais en grève parcourant les corons (1 April 1906, Le Petit Journal, Source: Wikimedia Commons).
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COMPARTILHANDO O CORPO DE CRISTO: EUCARISTIA EM PERSPECTIVA DIACONALEstuda-se a dimensão diaconal da eucaristia e a sua relevância para a eclesiologia. Para tanto, verifica-se a relação existente entre a Última Ceia e as ceias rotineiras que Jesus realizava com o povo durante o seu ministério. O estudo da prática da comensalidade de Jesus e do uso que ele fazia, em seus ensinamentos, da imagem da ceia como metáfora para o Reino de Deus, ocupa a primeira parte do texto. Num segundo momento, tematiza-se a relação existente entre a comensalidade e a instituição da eucaristia, buscando perceber o caráter de continuidade histórica e inseparabilidade entre ambas. Em terceiro lugar, a atenção recai sobre a perspectiva diaconal dessa relação. Esta é apresentada em forma de teses, nas quais se procura evidenciar que a perspectiva diaconal da eucaristia se faz perceber no fato de que a primeira diaconia é a do próprio Deus através de Cristo; que ela possui uma dimensão escatológica; caracteriza-se pela gratuidade, pela partilha, pela inclusão, pela transformação, pela reconciliação e pelo empoderamento. Quanto à metodologia, segue-se as diretrizes da pesquisa bibliográfica, analisando dados colhidos em textos publicados principalmente na área da hermenêutica bíblica, com foco na eucaristia e na diaconia cristã.
A IGREJA QUE ACOLHE E AMPARADiante das diferentes calamidades que assolam a sociedade como um todo na contemporaneidade como a atual pandemia, a igreja demonstra seu papel assistencialista e humanizador (GAEDE NETO, 2001) ao trazer não apenas a esperança pela fé, mas pela ajuda assistencial alimentícia, psicológica, trabalhista, legal, entre outras, conforme mostra a literatura acadêmica (BOFF, 1999; JÚNIOR, 2018). O presente trabalho, para tanto, visa trazer uma mirada panorâmica histórica sobre as diversas formas que a igreja como instituição desempenhou seu papel diaconal (assistencial) no decorrer das diferentes épocas da história da humanidade (SCHWARTZMAN, 2004; JÚNIOR, 2018; STARNITZKE, 2013). Sob o viés bibliográfico qualitativo, busca-se trazer de modo breve alguns dados relevantemente pertinentes em relação ao positivo papel que a igreja tem desempenhado desde a época antiga até a contemporaneidade, com o advento das tecnologias da informação (SPADARO, 2012; RIO, 2020). Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para diferentes maneiras cada vez mais complexas de se desenvolver a fé dos (não) fiéis bem como o sentimento de pertencimento destes concernente à realidade religiosa e teológica e a promoção de uma realidade mais socialmente engajada e atenta às necessidades locais em relação à saúde, educação, trabalho e desenvolvimento pessoal. Palavras-chave: Igreja; diaconia; história da igreja; comunidade cristã.
From Jahiliyyah to Justice: Islamic Social ReformsThis article examines the social reforms introduced by Islam that transformed pre-Islamic Arabian society from a state of jahiliyyah (ignorance) to one of justice and equity. It analyzes key Islamic principles such as human equality, brotherhood, piety (taqwa), just governance, prohibition of oppression, circulation of wealth, and protection of minority rights. The study highlights how these principles, rooted in the Quran and exemplified by Prophet Muhammad, revolutionized tribal loyalties and arbitrary conventions prevalent in pre-Islamic Arabia. The reforms addressed economic disparities, established a framework for systematic wealth distribution, and protected the rights of marginalized groups. The article argues that the shift from the era of Jahiliyyah to the establishment of Islamic justice wasn't just a historical event, but a transformative change in how society was organized. This change still offers valuable lessons for tackling modern social issues. By contrasting the social conditions before Islam with the ideals it introduced, the study shows how Islamic teachings The study shows how Islamic teachings created a system of social justice aimed at building a fair, compassionate, and morally grounded society.
Protecting the rights of minorities by appeal to a multicultural citizenship approachThere are a few government in the world which have a united culture. Generally, one culture as an official and dominant culture is supported by the central government and recognized. Such an approach results the discontent of other cultural groups. Different groups who are in such a situation, often claim their rights by human rights literature or minority rights. A number of theorists have proposed an “equal citizen” theory to solve this problem. The other ones also, have provided a solution to claim the rights of cultural groups and minority by presentation the theory of a “different citizenship’’ or “multicultural citizenship’’ and sometimes ‘’tended multicultural’’ in the area of minority rights and citizen rights. Among these theories, the theories of thinkers such as Will Kymlicka and Irish Marion Yang are significant. .Qur’anic verses and Islamic law sources have special rules hereof, and they seem to confirm the approach of a different citizen with equal citizen. This article seeks to challenge the classical theories of citizenship rights on the basis of "equal citizen" and on the basis of the theory of "multicultural citizenship" and "different citizens" of the abovementioned scholars and a number of Qur’anic verses and affected by the aforementioned theory, provides a new framework for claiming minority rights and solving their problems in countries with mosaics of ethnic, national, cultural and different identities. And seeks to provide a model that is consistent with and compatible with multicultural countries to peaceful living with admission of different the other one.
Actions of Jurisprudents in Helleh Related to the propagation of Islamic Culture after Mongol AttackThe ignorance of viewpoints and the reactions of religious scholars and jurisprudents in the diverse social domains has led to the less criticism and investigation of their measures, approaches and actions and this great inheritance is less accessible to the elites and social actors in the later centuries. Considering the actions of religious jurisprudents and scholars specially in some periods of the past when the Islamic society was suffering from the crises and challenges is of great significance. The ignorance of these historical-social researches made the religious centers and institutions be unconcerned towards the conditions and the cultural-social consequences of social actions. Taking advantage of the library sources and descriptive-analytical approach, this article is to answer the problem on the grounds applied in the domain of religious culture by the jurisprudents of Helleh in the 7th and 8th centuries, when the world of Islam was seriously affected by Mongolian attack and the collapse of Abbasid caliphate. The results of research clarify that the endeavors of jurisprudents have been toward facilitating the cultural relations, changing the religious conflicts into the scientific negotiations, putting emphasis on ethics as the foundation of Islamic culture, taking cultural responsibility, avoiding from passive readings in the domain of religious culture and taking advantage of the cultural templates in the domain of propagating the culture and religious instructions
Pelayanan Misi Kontekstual Melalui Pendidikan Nilai Karakter Kristiani bagi Anak Jalanan di Kota BandungAbstract. The 172 street children depicted are in vulnerable, marginal, and exploited conditions in the middle of the urban district of Bandung. To this day, the church as a spiritual institution and a community is still engaged in charitable diocese with a sporadic approach in responding to the street child phenomenon in the city. This research aimed to produce and develop a model of education of Christian character values as a contextual mission service for street children in Bandung City. This research was conducted by the Research and Development (R&D) method with the R2D2 model (Recursive, Reflective, Design, and Development. Through the Contextual Teaching & Learning (CTL) model in the implementation of Christian character education values, street children construct values given and shown in positive and beneficial actions and behaviors for empowerment. The church is expected to be able to build a positive image as a missionary who not only focuses on charitable diocese, but also meets the basic needs of street children through the implementation of a model of education of Christian character values. Abstrak. Sebanyak 172 anak jalanan digambarkan berada pada kondisi rentan, marginal, dan tereksploitasi di tengah perkotaan Bandung. Hingga saat ini gereja sebagai lembaga rohani, sekaligus komunitas, masih berkutat dengan diakonia karitatif dengan pendekatan sporadis dalam merespons fenomena anak jalanan di perkotaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan dan mengembangkan produk berupa model pendidikan nilai karakter Kristiani sebagai pelayanan misi kontekstual bagi anak jalanan di Kota Bandung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Research and Development (R&D) dengan model R2D2 (Recursive, Reflective, Design, and Development). Melalui model Contextual Teaching & Learning (CTL) dalam implementasi pendidikan nilai karakter Kristiani, anak jalanan mengonstruksi nilai yang diberikan dan ditunjukkan dalam tindakan dan tingkah laku positif dan bermanfaat untuk pemberdayaan dirinya. Gereja diharapkan mampu membangun citra positif sebagai pelaku misi yang tidak hanya bertumpu pada diakonia karitatif, akan tetapi memenuhi kebutuhan dasar anak jalanan melalui implementasi model pendidikan nilai karakter Kristiani.
Pelayanan Karitas Sebagai Media Pembebasan Disabilitas di IndonesiaAbstract. Caritas is another name for the Church's loving service to the poor, sick, marginalized, imprisoned, orphaned, and neglected, including the disabled. How does Caritas become a medium of liberation for disability? This research was conducted across most parts of Indonesia using a qualitative approach. The result was that a service of charity to society beyond the medical and social models of disability. Caritas has open access to disability participation in the church, although it is undeniable that the church still makes disability an object of service. The Church presents disability spaces as part of reflection and theology. Caritas is not stigmatizing and discriminatory; it becomes a constructive and liberating step. It is not harmful but embraces and integrates existing potential so that it becomes the suitable medium for disability liberation. Abstrak. Karitas merupakan nama lain dari pelayanan kasih gereja kepada mereka yang miskin, sakit, terpinggirkan, terpenjara, yatim-piatu, terabaikan, termasuk disabilitas. Bagaimana karitas menjadi media pembebasan bagi disabilitas? Penelitian ini dilakukan tersebar di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasilnya adalah bahwa pelayanan karitas kepada masyarakat melampaui model medis dan sosial dalam disabilitas. Karitas menjadi akses terbukanya partisipasi disabilitas di gereja, meskipun tidak dapat dipungkiri gereja masih menjadikan disabilitas sebagai objek pelayanan. Gereja menghadirkan ruang disabilitas sebagai bagian untuk berefleksi dan berteologi. Karitas tidak bersifat stigmatis dan diskriminatif, sebaliknya ia menjadi langkah konstruktif dan pembebasan. Ia tidak bersifat negatif, melainkan merangkul dan mengintegrasikan potensi yang ada sehingga menjadi media yang tepat untuk pembebasan disabilitas.
Kontribusi Pesta Gotilon Masyarakat Batak Toba pada Keberhasilan Pelaksanaan Tri Tugas GerejaAbstract. The purpose of this study is to explain how the Gotilon festival held by the Huria Kristen Indonesia (HKI) Churches throughout North Sumatra contributes to the implementation of the Three Tasks of the Church. The Gotilon party itself is a traditional festival of the Batak Toba people when celebrating the harvest. The HKI churches throughout North Sumatra have so far included this party as one of the church program. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method through direct observation of the Gotilon festival that took place at the HKI Panei Tongah Church, Panei District, Simalungun Regency. The result of the study revealed that only through this Gotilon festival, the implementation marturia, koinonia, and diaconia can be carried out collaboratively and unite the members of the church congregation. Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana pesta Gotilon yang diselenggarakan oleh Gereja-gereja Huria Kristen Indonesia (HKI) se-Sumatera Utara berkontribusi dalam pelaksanaan Tri Tugas Gereja. Pesta Gotilon sendiri adalah merupakan pesta adat masyarakat Batak Toba ketika merayakan hasil panenan. Gereja-gereja HKI se-Sumatera Utara selama ini telah memasukkan pesta ini sebagai salah satu kegiatan gerejawi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif melalui pengamatan langsung atas kegiatan pesta Gotilon yang berlangsung di Gereja HKI Panei Tongah, Kecamatan Panei, Kabupaten Simalungun. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa hanya melalui pesta Gotilon ini pelaksanaan Tri Tugas Gereja, yaitu: marturia, koinonia, dan diakonia dapat dilaksanakan secara kolaboratif dan mempersatukan anggota-anggota jemaat gereja.
A Justice School: Teaching Forced Migration Through Experiential LearningThe need for committed and competent public interest lawyers has never been greater. We are at a unique juncture in U.S. history where there is both a supply and demand for social justice lawyers. Law schools, however, still fall short in their support and preparation of students who want to be public interest lawyers. Legal education still tends to reproduce social hierarchies, channeling top students into high paying jobs at big firms, with only the very top and most persistent students qualifying for judicial clerkships or a handful of prestigious fellowships. It is vital that students see from Day One of law school that they can use their legal training to make a positive difference in the world, and that throughout their three years of law school they learn the doctrine, develop the litigation skills, and have the kinds of experiential opportunities that will prepare them for this work.This article demonstrates how experiential learning in law school can prepare students for the practice of law and, if done well, instill in them a life-long commitment to social justice. The success of these efforts ultimately turns on working collaboratively with student leaders with a shared commitment to immigrant justice, winning the support of key people in the administration, and ensuring that the experience for students is both emotionally and intellectually rewarding. Our signature achievement was the Karnes Pro Bono Project. Teams of students have, on three separate occasions, worked side by side with attorneys and staff from RAICES, the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services, at the Karnes family detention center, assisting Central American parents and children through the credible fear screening process and helping them qualify for asylum and release from detention. Not only have the students acquired a deeper understanding of the legal, political, and practical obstacles to asylum faced by refugees at the border. They have had the deeply moving and transformative experience of meeting with detained families seeking asylum, hearing their testimonials, preparing their statements, counseling them, helping them through the credible fear screening process, and ultimately learning their fates.
Os frades dominicanos na resistência à ditadura brasileira (1964-1985) : entre a fé e a militância políticaA presente dissertação insere-se no âmbito da História Religiosa, da Teologia Histórica e da Teologia Política e aborda uma temática relativamente pouco estudada em Portugal: a Teologia da Libertação. Apresenta três evidentes vetores de abordagem: a História, a Teologia e a Política. Pretende refletir teologicamente sobre o papel crucial da Ordem dos Pregadores (Dominicanos) na resistência à ditadura civil-militar brasileira (1964-1985). Para tal reflexão, foram tidos em conta, essencialmente, três aspetos, que se interligam profundamente: 1) o processo de latino-americanização do II Concílio Ecuménico do Vaticano, 2) o contexto geral ao qual está associado o surgimento da Teologia da Libertação (internamente diversificada) e 3) a articulação entre a dita Igreja Popular e a Revolução Social.
Этики соседской заботы о пожилых в российском селе: на пути к общинному менеджериализмуHelping elderly people living nearby is a usual practice in the Russian countryside. The article presents a study of the experimental social program "Caring Neighbor", which reformats voluntary neighbor assistance into a formalized paid social service provided under a contract. In this way, neighborhood assistance becomes part of the long-term care system. Theoretically, the article is based on the concept of the ethics of care proposed by Carol Gilligan. Whether the new social program introduces features of managerial ethics into the relationship of neighborly care for the elderly in the rural community – is the main question of the article. The study, implemented in rural settlements of the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad Region in 2020-2021, includes a series of case studies of neighborly care, carried out informally and as part of the “Caring Neighbor” program (number of cases = 16), and 20 expert interviews. The article concludes that the ethics of caring for the elderly is being formed now in the Russian village, can be defined as a community managerialism. Community norms still dominate, but caring about the elderly people is beginning to be understood as a managed, non-gratuitous activity that needs to be coordinated.
Soziodemografische Herkunft, Persönlichkeitsmerkmale und Studienwahlmotive von Studierenden der Sozialen Arbeit - Anregungen und Hinweise für die Ausgestaltung der Förderung der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung in der HochschulausbildungPersönlichkeitsentwicklung in der Sozialen Arbeit ist ein zentrales Thema. Für eine gezielte Förderung der Entwicklung im Rahmen des Studiums ist ein besseres Verständnis, wer sich für ein Studium in Sozialer Arbeit entscheidet und welche Vorerfahrungen diese Studierenden mitbringen, notwendig. Diese Überlegungen markieren auch den Beginn der Verlaufsstudie der Berner Fachhochschule (BFH), aus welcher im folgenden Artikel erste Ergebnisse präsentiert werden. Im Vordergrund der ersten Teilstudie, der als Kohorten- und Panelstudie konzipierten Verlaufsstudie, stehen Fragen zur soziokulturellen Herkunft, zum Bildungshintergrund, zu Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und zur Motivation des Studienentscheids der Studierenden. Aus den gewonnenen Daten lassen sich verschiedene Themen herauslesen, die für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung an der Hochschule voraussetzungsvoll sind: Der Studiengang Soziale Arbeit ist auffällig geschlechtersegregiert. Zudem deuten die schulische Vorbildung der Studierenden und der Bildungshintergrund der Eltern auf eine starke Berufsorientierung hin (im Gegensatz zu einer stark akademischen Orientierung), was für die Planung der Lernstrategien und -erfahrungen an der Hochschule wichtig ist. Ausgehend von den Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen der Studierenden können Fähigkeiten und Stärken von Studierenden detektiert werden und als Einstiegs- oder Anschlusspunkt für die weitere Persönlichkeitsentwicklung genutzt werden. Die Studienwahlmotive von Studierenden hängen immer auch mit Lebenserfahrungen und Lebensrealitäten zusammen. Die Motivation sich zu entwickeln, ist bereits Bestandteil der Studienwahlmotivation und kann für eine tragfähige Persönlichkeitsentwicklung nutzbar gemacht werden.
Ethical Research on Artificial Perception TechnologiesThe development of artificial perception technologies has surpassed the limitations of human natural senses, expanding humanity's perspectives on the world and self-awareness. However, it has simultaneously introduced new ethical challenges. These emerging challenges necessitate a philosophical reexamination of concepts such as 'nature,' 'artificial,' and ' invasiveness ' to better address associated issues. The advancement of artificial perception technologies not only involves scientific and practical applications but also profoundly influences human values, social ethics, and the future trajectory of human civilization. Amidst the current transformation and transition in modes of cognition, reevaluating the relationship between technology and humanity becomes a crucial task.
Legal-administrative intermediation in the migration field. An introductionLegal-administrative intermediation is crucial for migrants to access rights and statuses. This paper traces the roots of intermediation across various disciplines and examines its role in migration studies. It draws on scholarship about the migration industry, humanitarianism, legal sociology, and street-level bureaucracy, and
 synthesises insights from seven articles in this special issue. The paper explores how intermediaries operate at local, national, and transnational levels, becoming essential due to the complexity and discretionary implementation of migration and naturalisation laws. It also investigates how intermediation practises reflect diverse ethics – characterising professional, political, affective, and interpersonal connections
 – and considers the extent to which these practices arise from (and reproduce) asymmetrical and intersectional power dynamics, shaping the (de)politicisation of migration justice.
Qué más le cuento de Corpoayarí. Narrativas de resistencia campesina en los Llanos del YaríEl trabajo de grado realizado parte del proceso de práctica profesional llevado a cabo durante el año 2018 con la organización campesina CORPOAYARÍ - Corporación de Trabajadores Campesinos Agropecuarios y Ambientales de los Llanos del Yarí, en el territorio de los Llanos del Yarí, ubicado en la zona limítrofe entre los municipios de San Vicente del Caguán- Caquetá y La Macarena-Meta. En consecuencia, se atiende la solicitud de la organización para visibilizar la trayectoria organizativa a través de la reconstrucción histórica de la acción colectiva, la memoria de los saberes, prácticas, y estrategias de resistencia frente a la relación conflictiva de los actores que influyen en el territorio. Para esto, previamente se realizó una investigación documental que indagó sobre los antecedentes de los estudios realizados sobre el territorio, y adicionalmente se nutre de los postulados de la teoría crítica y el enfoque narrativo. Recoge la experiencia a través de los diarios de campo de la práctica y posteriormente, a partir de los relatos de los líderes y lideresas, se construyó el análisis de los resultados. Estos presentan, primero, la trayectoria de la organización por medio de una narrativa en primera persona estructurada en 6 momentos, constituida desde lo expresado en las entrevistas; y segundo, el análisis de su historia en clave a las distintas formas de resistencia campesina que han configurado. Por lo tanto, el trabajo investigativo da cuenta de las resistencias que como campesinos han configurado para sobrevivir y defender su territorio en torno a mejores planes de vida, ante un Estado capitalista y neoliberal que reproduce políticas de sesgo anticampesino.
Caminos de incertidumbre: crítica a la filosofía política de HayekLa presente investigación aborda el pensamiento de Friedrich August von Hayek y las teorías clásicas del liberalismo, que concibe la estructura social como procesos fragmentarios. Sobre la base, aparece el mercado como un subproducto natural de las relaciones humanas que hace de la libertad económica una acción individual propia de la voluntad. La investigación aborda aspectos específicos del liberalismo y sus consecuencias de percibir el mercado como un asunto aislado de la estructura política y en general de la social. El desarrollo de una sociedad sin ningún tipo de coerción sobre las dinámicas del mercado recae en autoritarismos asociados a la acumulación de capital. El mercado como un autoritarismo económico afecta de manera indirecta los deseos y la voluntad de los seres humanos.
Interpreting the Sacred: Christian faith and Dayak Uud Danum cultural theology<p><span>The focus of this article was to critically analyze the concept of the Divine in the <em>Dayak</em> Uud culture and to compare it with the Divine in the teachings of the Catholic Church. Every culture had religious values that could contribute to theology. In this context, the <em>Uud Danum Dayak</em> tribe had a divine concept called <em>Jahtah Mohotarak</em>. <em>Jahtah Mohotarak </em>was God in the concept of the <em>Uud Danum</em> <em>Dayak</em> people, who gave life and fertility to every creature on earth. This writing methodology was carried out in the form of qualitative research by searching for data through journals, books, and online articles related to the <em>Uud Danum</em> <em>Dayak</em> tribe and the Transcendent Concept in local culture. This data was compared with the teachings of the Catholic Church about the Divine. The results of this study obtained data about how the <em>Uud Danum</em> <em>Dayak</em> community respected God himself in their daily lives by not calling Him carelessly. At the same time, the religious values of the <em>Dayak</em> <em>Uud Danum</em> community regarding the Divine became relevant pastoral tools in the contextualization of theology.</span></p>
The proof of the highest Being: An analysis of John Duns Scotus' thought in the context of the beliefs of the Lamaholot people<p><span>This research focused on proving God through a dialogue from two different perspectives. One discussed God from the perspective of Medieval Theology, specifically that of John Duns Scotus. The other explored God from the perspective of the local beliefs of the <em>Lamaholot</em> people of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Indonesia. Both addressed the same Divine Being or God as believed in a religion, though the expressions differed. According to Duns Scotus, God is a God of love, showing His love through the incarnation of the Son. The incarnation was how God manifested Himself and gave His total love to His creation. In the local beliefs of the <em>Lamaholot</em> people, God was referred to as the Supreme Being, the highest entity to be revered. The God in question was also a God of love, showing His love by creating the universe, humans, and the highest moral order. The dialogue that emerged between faith and culture in this study suggested that the proof of God within the local beliefs of the <em>Lamaholot</em> people was expressed through the cosmic marriage between Lera Wulan and Tana Ekan. This was evidenced by the new life that appeared on earth, interpreted as an act of salvation for human life. In Duns Scotus' thought, the proof of God was understood within the framework of God's infinite love given to His creation, where God appeared and gave Himself completely to creation through Jesus Christ.</span></p>
Limit situations and the mystery of God: Karl Jaspers' thought on existence and its relevance for the spirituality of the faithful<p><span>This study examined the mystery of God in suffering or human limit situations according to Karl Jaspers and its implementation in the lives of the faithful. Such situations were seen as an inseparable part of human life. Karl Jaspers referred to suffering as a human limit situation. When faced with suffering, humans were unable to do anything but accept it as a part of life. The boundary situation led humans to question the existence of God, asking whether suffering came from God. For believers, suffering—whether illness, crime, or death—had to be accepted as a path to achieving holiness. The method used in this study was a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The purpose of the research was to explore the mystery of God in human suffering. The findings revealed that many people faltered when confronted with suffering, as they were unable to interpret it as part of their faith.</span></p>