金廣福文教基金會參與客家地區社區營造之研究; The Study of the Ching Kwang Fu Culture and Education Foundation Participates in Hakka area Community Empowering
Nonprofit organization
Community empowerment
Hakka community
Total Community Empowering
The Ching Kwang Fu Culture and Education Foundat
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[[abstract]]台灣在1994年起由行政院文化建設委員會推動「社區總體營造」政策,其所強調的是「由下而上」的操作模式,而許多地區的社區營造都是借重非營利組織的大力參與才能彰顯出成效,達到「社區充權」的目的,可以說「社區營造運動」正好提供非營利組織一個讓它展現其社會參與角色功能的揮灑空間。 本研究是藉由客家地區「北埔鄉社區總體營造」的案例,以「社區充權」的理論,來探討一個企業捐助型、而且是由外地進駐到客家地區的非營利組織―「財團法人金廣福文教基金會」在社區營造中的角色功能。 本研究採用質性研究方法,根據文獻分析、參與觀察、深度訪談和個案分析,獲得的結論如下: 一、金廣福文教基金會在「天時、地利、人和」的條件下,因緣際會的參與了北埔鄉社區總體營造,不僅是主導者,也是溝通者。 二、金廣福文教基金會以維修古蹟作為社區營造的示範,使北埔客家老聚落內的古蹟連成一個帶狀,成了北埔鄉發展客家文化產業,得天獨厚的優勢條件。 三、金廣福文教基金會創造了客家地區文化產業的新商機,使傳統客家產業復甦,讓「客家」成為許多人嚮往的地方。 四、金廣福文教基金會發揮凝聚社區居民共同意識的效益,達到社區充權、培力的目標。 五、金廣福文教基金會展現了獨特的社區營造操作模式,為企業捐助型非營利組織參與公民社會,協力政府推行公共政策樹立了良好的典範。 Total Community Empowering Policy has been promoted by Council for Cultural Affairs Executive Yuan in Taiwan from 1994 and this policy emphasis on the operation mode- from lower levels to upper levels. Community Empowering in many communities relies on the participation of non- profit organizations to show the great effect and to achieve the goal which is called community empowerment. Hence, Community Empowering offers an opportunity for non- profit organizations to show that they have the function of participating the social activities. Based on a Hakka case of Total Community Empowering in Peipu, this research uses the community empowerment theory to investigate the role and the function of the Ching Kwang Fu Culture and Education Foundation, which is a non-profit organization donated by an enterprise and led into Hakka area from other place. This paper adopts Qualitative Research Approach to conduct document analysis, interviews, participant observation and case study. The results are following: First, the Ching Kwang Fu Culture and Education Foundation participates in the Total Community Empowering in Peipu by chance, and it is not only the leader but also the communicator. Second, the Ching Kwang Fu Culture and Education Foundation maintains the historic sites to show as a model of the Community Empowering, makes a contribution that connecting the historic sites in Peipu. It is an important advantage for Peipu to develop the Hakka cultural industry. Third, the Ching Kwang Fu Culture and Education Foundation creates the new business opportunity of the Hakka cultural industry, it recovers the traditional Hakka industry and develops into a tourist spot and attracts many tourists to visit the Hakka area. Fourth, the Ching Kwang Fu Culture and Education Foundation brings beneficial result of embodies the consensus of community, it achieves the goal of community empowerment. Fifth, the Ching Kwang Fu Culture and Education Foundation shows a typical model of the Community Empowering, it sets up a good example that the enterprise donated non-profit organization participates in citizen society and helps the government pursue public policies.Date