探討不同前置因素對員工品牌行為之影響-以品牌認同為中介變項; The effects of different antecedents and employees' brand behavior-employees' brand identification as mediator
Service Brand
Employee’s brand identification
Employee’s brand behavior
Brand-oriented transformational leadership
Structural empowerment
Psychological empowerment
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[[abstract]]服務業在現今產業的發展中扮演非常重要的地位,而直接面對顧客的服務人員,其行為表現與服務內容便直接關係到企業給予顧客的印象以及再次消費的意願。另一方面,近年的研究開始指出員工本身對品牌所抱持的態度是影響其行為表現的重要因素,而員工與組織之間具有良好的心理契約,才能在服務過程中良好的傳遞品牌形象給消費者。因此,本研究整合了轉型領導、架構性及心理性賦權、品牌認同與品牌行為的文獻,建立一個系統性的品牌傳遞架構以探討何種機制影響員工品牌認同以及品牌行為。許多學者均強調分層以處理個體與組織層次資料間具有巢套的結構特性,故本研究以階層線性模型(HLM)驗證,結果證實在本研究所調查的服務業當中,組織層次的轉型領導及賦權機制,以及個人層次心理的賦權知覺,都經由個人層次員工品牌認同感的中介機制,對於塑造個人層次的員工品牌行為具有正面的跨層次效果。 The development of the Services industries plays a very important role in today’s world industries. For customer-facing staff, their behavior and services directly related to customers ‘ impressions. On the other hand, recent studies indicate that employees’ attitute for the brand is an important factor to affect their branding behavior, and the psychological fit between employees and organizations is also important in the process to deliver a good brand image to consumers. Therefore, this study combines literatures in transformational leadership, structure and psychological empowerment, brand identity and brand behavior, establish a systematic framework to study what kind of mechanisms affecting employees’ own brand identification and brand behavior. Many researchers have suggested that one should differentiate organization data to individual and organizational levels, thus this study used hierarchical linear models (HLM) to explain the relationships within variables. The results revealed that employees’ brand identification mediated: 1. Organizational level brand-oriented transformational leadership and employees’ brand behavior. 2. Organizational level structural empowerment and employees’ brand behavior. 3. Individual level psychological empowerment perception and employees’ brand behavior.Date
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