women’s self-efficacy
subjective career success
objective career success
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[[abstract]]在職場上女性不僅面對著外在因素(如歧視、性騷擾),亦包含了內在因素(如女性較少將成功歸因於自己的能力)。因此,即使女性在許多績效表現上比男性優異,現今女性在領導性質與高層團隊中的比例仍是遠不及男性。面對女性的職場處境,少有文獻研究何種人力資源管理措施能有效激勵、強化女性的內在力量,進而克服職場上所面對的外在與內在的障礙,追求女性主觀與客觀的職涯成功。 本研究探討賦權是否有效促進女性自我效能,女性自我效能的提升在賦權與女性主觀職涯成功、客觀職涯成功(晉升、薪資)上是否存在中介效果。因此本研究將職場女性作為研究對象,採方便抽樣的方式,回收之有效問卷共計224份。 研究方法為信度分析、相關分析與階層迴歸分析。研究結果指出,(1)賦權對女性主觀職涯成功呈正向顯著關係、對女性客觀職涯成功呈負向顯著關係;(2)賦權對女性自我效能呈正向顯著關係;(3)女性自我效能對賦權與女性主觀職涯成功、女性客觀職涯成功不具中介效果。 ;In the career, women face not only the external factors(ex: discrimination, sexual harassment), but internal factors(ex: not attribute their success to their ability). Therefore, even if women’s performance is better than men’s, but nowadays the ratios of women on high level position are lower than men. In this situation, few thesis focus on what human resource practice could motivate and enhance women’s internal power, and overcome the obstacle from the career, to promote women’s career success. This study research whether empowerment could increase the women’s self-efficacy, and whether women’s self-efficacy is as a mediator between empowerment, women’s subjective career success, and women’s objective career success. Therefore, working women are the main subject in this study, and there are 224 questionnaires returned effectively. The study methods are consistency analysis, relationship analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicated: 1. Empowerment and women’s subjective career success are positive significant relationship. Empowerment and women’s objective career success are negative significant relationship. 2. Empowerment and women’s self-efficacy are positive significant relationship. 3. Women’s self-efficacy is not a mediator between empowerment and women’s subjective career success, and objective career success.Date