心理氣候、心理賦能與工作努力、角色內績效以及離職傾向關係之研究-以金融產業為例;With the samples from the finance industry, this study investigates the relationships between organizational climate, employees’ psychological empowerment, work effort, in-role performance, and their intention to leave.
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[[abstract]]每個團體都有其獨特的氣候,氣候可在短期間形成,同時具有相當穩定的特性。氣候一旦形成,個體會根據自身對工作環境的知覺而改變他們的心理認知,這種氛圍會影響個體所從事的每一件工作。當個體感受到組織的正向氛圍時,便會體認到個人工作對於組織的重要性,進而增強其內在的工作動機,願意投注更多的心力於工作業務上,創造更高的工作績效。 本研究以22家金融產業之221位業務員工為研究對象,透過階層迴歸分析以瞭解心理氣候、心理賦能、工作努力、角色內績效以及離職傾向等構面之間的關係。研究結果證實心理氣候對員工的心理賦能有正向的影響;員工的心理賦能對其工作努力與角色內績效有正向的影響,對離職傾向則有負向的影響。在中介效果方面,員工的心理賦能僅對於其心理氣候與工作努力具有部分的中介影響效果。最後依據本研究的結果,對管理實務與未來研究者提出建議,以供企業界與學術界之卓參。 ;Abstract With the samples from the finance industry, this study investigates the relationships between organizational climate, employees’ psychological empowerment, work effort, in-role performance, and their intention to leave. It is found that employees’ perception of organizational climate has a positive effect on their psychological empowerment. It is also verified that employees’ psychological empowerment has a positive effect on their work effort and in-role performance, and a negative effect on their intention to leave. The mediating effect of psychological empowerment on the relationships between organizational climate and employees’ work effort is partly confirmed. Suggestions and recommendations for future research and managerial practice are then discussed.Date