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Governments in New Caledonia are supporting ecotourism initiatives as the French state has mandated efforts to increase the income of Kanak people. As it is generally asserted that tourism development provides economic benefits, this article will examine whether tourism (both entrepreneurs and visitors) can treat indigenous cultures and their environment with dignity. It scrutinizes in particular the role of government policies in fostering such an outcome. Post-colonialism, as a theoretical framework, questions existing inequitable power relations and demands a rethinking of the construction of knowledge and accumulation of wealth. In New Caledonia, it took two major Accords for the Kanak to be able to participate in its economic development. Post-colonialism supports the indigenization of the production of destinations. The Kanak do not refute economic development; they want it within the Kanak concept of land use and on their customary lands. The article describes the various efforts of the Northern Province, within the policy framework of the territory of New Caledonia, to foster forms of tourism development that rely on the local market. The accent has been on supporting the development of potentialities before outside investors catch them and on empowering enterprising individuals. Unfortunately, at this stage tourism development in the Northern Province provides some income but has yet truly to elevate livelihoods.Date
Journal ArticleIdentifier'Hauteserre, A.-M. (2010). Government policies and Indigenous tourism in New Caledonia. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 15(3), 285-303.