Women's empowerment in post disaster reconstruction: Perspectives on policies and frameworks
Sri Lanka
Management. Industrial management
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There has been an increase in the occurrence of natural disasters and their impact has aroused the interest of many stakeholders to incorporate different strategies on disaster management. Although disasters may end many opportunities and lives, the lives of survivors do not cease in the disaster affected areas. The impact of natural disasters and the consequent partial reconstruction efforts have specifically presented many challenges to women. In this context, the main research investigates the empowerment of women during post disaster reconstruction particularly in Sri Lanka. Among the factors that influence women's empowerment, existing policies and frameworks is one of the important factors that can play a major role within the post disaster reconstruction in Sri Lanka. Hence, in order to gain an understanding of the existing framework of women's empowerment, this study investigates the national and international policies and frameworks that exist within the post disaster context in Sri Lanka. The study found that even though polices are gender neutral, they are not gender sensitive. In addition, it was found that having a single policy or framework for the whole country is unlikely to be a success, therefore, any frameworks should have room to be adopted to the local situation. Santruka Stichiniu nelaimiu padaugejo, taigi del ju poveikio daug interesu grupiu susidomejo, kaip nelaimems valdyti pasitelkti ivairias strategijas. Nors nelaimes atima daug galimybiu ir gyvybiu, išlikusieji tebegyvena nelaimes nuniokotose teritorijose. Del stichiniu nelaimiu poveikio ir po ju vykstant daliniams atstatymo darbams, ypač daug sunkumu kyla moterims. Atsižvelgiant i tai, pagrindiniame tyrime nagrinejamas didesniu teisiu suteikimas moterims vykstant atstatymo po nelaimiu darbams, ypač Šri Lankoje. Be kitu veiksniu, kurie daro itaka suteikiant didesnes teises moterims, svarbi yra politika ir gaires, o ju reikšme Šri Lankoje atstatant nelaimes nuniokotas vietoves gali būti didžiule. Taigi siekiant suprasti esamas didesniu teisiu suteikimo moterims gaires, šiame tyrime nagrinejama nacionaline ir tarptautine politika bei gaires, Šri Lankoje taikomos darbu po nelaimiu kontekste. Tyrime nustatyta, kad net jei politika pirmenybes neteikia ne vienai lyčiai, i lytims svarbius klausimus ji neatsižvelgia. Be to, nustatyta, kad visoje šalyje taikant viena politika arba gaires vargu ar galima tiketis sekmes. Taigi visose gairese reikia numatyti galimybiu jas priderinti prie vietines situacijos. First Published Online: 10 Feb 2011Date