The research potential of educational theory : on the specific characteristics of the issues of education, educational philosophy and theory
Leś, TomaszKeywords
filozofia edukacjipedagogika ogólna
philosophy of education
educational theory
normative ethics
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In this article, I present the argument that educational theory has specific character, which distinguishes it from most scientific disciplines. It requires the application of not only strictly scientific methods, which essentially consist of descriptions and explanations, but also normative ones, which indicate how it is related to philosophy and ethics. Its essential connections with philosophy and ethics cause that clear and final thesis (e.g. about educational aims) are actually impossible to claim, but from the other hand, it is the only discipline (excluding normative ethics) which, according to its definition, tries to answer practical-moral questions.The crucial elements of this analysis are (1) the presentation of the justification of a thesis on the specific character of educational theory, which will be accomplished with the concept of "research potential", formulated for its purposes, and (2) showing the consequences of this particular characteristic of the discipline being discussed.Date
artykuł w czasopiśmieIdentifier Philosophy and Theory, T. 49, nr 14, s. 1428-1440