Atua??o da comiss?o de ?tica p?blica no contexto da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, no per?odo de 2008 a 2014
Silva, Eufrosina Ribeiro LopesContributor(s)
Rodrigues, Cl?udio EduardoPaccola, Rivaldo Alfredo
Narciso, Luciana Gusm?o de Souza
Paccola, Rivaldo Alfredo
Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM)
Rodrigues, Cl?udio Eduardo
?tica profissional
C?digo de ?tica profissiona
Comiss?o de ?tica p?blica
Professional ethics
Professional ethics code
Public ethic commission
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 Previous issue date: 2015
Um dos argumentos para a promo??o da ?tica nas organiza??es ? a necessidade de coibir e evitar pr?ticas de desvios ?ticos recorrentes nos ?rg?os p?blicos. Para tanto, o governo federal determinou a constitui??o das Comiss?es de ?tica, nos seus ?rg?os e institui??es, para contribuir com a plena vig?ncia do C?digo de ?tica do Servidor. Partindo do princ?pio de que a consci?ncia ?tica ? aprendida pelo ser humano, a ?tica na administra??o p?blica deve ser desenvolvida junto aos agentes p?blicos, de forma que possam conhecer e compreender o regramento ?tico pr?prio, educando-se para a pr?tica dos valores nele contidos. Diante disso, entende-se que a Comiss?o de ?tica deve executar suas fun??es para a observ?ncia do C?digo de ?tica, com a finalidade primeira de educar os agentes p?blicos, favorecendo a promo??o da ?tica. Entretanto, questiona-se se a Comiss?o de ?tica (CE) da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) exerce sua fun??o educativa institu?da. Nesse sentido, o problema se desdobra nas seguintes perguntas norteadoras: Existe um plano de trabalho da CE? Quais s?o as atividades descritas nesse plano, que contemplam a fun??o educativa da comiss?o? Quais as principais atividades desenvolvidas concretamente pela CE, para efetivar sua fun??o educativa? Existem produ??es da CE para desenvolver sua fun??o educativa? A CE busca realizar parcerias com setores internos? Desse modo, o presente trabalho analisou a atua??o da CE no contexto da UFVJM, na perspectiva educativa, pautada nas normativas e nos Decretos que orientam sua constitui??o e funcionamento. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, com objetivo explorat?rio, valendo-se de pesquisas bibliogr?fica, documental e de campo. Analisaram-se as atividades desenvolvidas pela CE, no per?odo de 2008 a 2014, sob a perspectiva de suas a??es educativas, bem como, identificar quais s?o as principais dificuldades enfrentadas pela CE, para exercer suas fun??es. Tamb?m foram analisados os documentos n?o sigilosos e feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas com servidores, membros que atuam ou atuaram na CE. Mediante os resultados obtidos, foi poss?vel concluir que sobressaem as a??es de natureza investigativa, uma vez que, em sua maioria, pautou-se na apura??o de desvios ?ticos. Constatou-se que parte da comiss?o n?o recebeu capacita??o para exercer suas fun??es, sendo a falta de recurso da institui??o a justificativa para tal. Outro fator importante diz respeito ? forma??o dos integrantes da CE, pois, os entrevistados apontam como grande dificuldade, n?o ter uma forma??o que favore?a o desenvolvimento das atividades. Faz-se necess?rio apontar que para a composi??o da CE, seus membros julgam essencial a participa??o dos mesmos na indica??o dos pr?ximos indiv?duos a ocuparem as fun??es; haja vista que, no ?mbito da UFVJM, foi poss?vel identificar que, diversas vezes, essa decis?o n?o coube tamb?m ? CE, visto que as portarias de designa??o foram expedidas sem consulta pr?via ao CE ou ao novo integrante. Diante dos resultados obtidos, entende-se que existe necessidade de implanta??o de a??es educativas para a comunidade acad?mica e maior capacita??o dos membros da CE, a fim de que sejam fomentadas tanto a ?tica p?blica, como a ?tica profissional no ?mbito da UFVJM.
Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Gest?o de Institui??es Educacionais, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2015.
One of the arguments for ethics promotion in organizations is the need to restrain and avoid practices of appellant ethical deviations in public agencies. For this, the Federal Government has determined the constitution of Ethics Commissions, in its organizations and institutions, to cooperate with the full validity of the Laborer Ethics Code. Considering that ethic conscience is learned by the humans, ethics in public administration must be developed with the public agents, so that they may know and understand the self-ethical ruling, educating them to practice values within it. Considering that, we understand that the Ethics Commission (EC) must execute its functions to the Ethics Code observance, with the primordial purpose in educate the public agents favoring the ethic promotion. However, we ask if the Ethics Commission of the Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri Federal University (UFVJM) wield its instituted educative function. In this way, the problem unfolds in the following guiding questions: Is there a work plan from the Ethics Commission? What are the activities described in this plan that include the educative function of the Commission? What are the main productions developed by the EC to wield its educative function? Are there CE?s productions to develop this educative function? Does the EC try to accomplish partnerships with other instances? Thus, this study analyzed the EC actions, in UFVJM context, regarding the educative perspective, set in Normative and Enactments that guide its constitution and operation. This research refers to a qualitative approach, with exploratory aim, making use of bibliographical, documental and field searches. The activities developed by the EC were analyzed in the period of 2008 to 2014, under the perspective of their educative actions, as well as we looked for to identify what are the main difficulties faced by the EC to perform their functions. We also analyzed the non-confidential documents and interviewed the laborers through a non-structured interview, persons who compound and compounded the EC. The results permitted to conclude that the actions of investigative nature stand, since, mostly, it was based on the investigation of ethical misconduct. It was found that the committee did not receive training to perform their functions, and the lack of the institution's resources was the justification for it. Another important factor to be discussed concerns to the training of the EC members, the interviewed ones pointed out as a big difficulty not to have an education that favors the development of activities. It is necessary to point that for the EC composition, its members deem essential their participation in indicating the next individuals to occupy the functions; given that, under the UFVJM, we observed that, several times, that decision did not have the EC participation, since the ordinances designation were issued without prior consultation to the EC or to the new member. Given the results, We understand that there is the necessity of implementing educational activities for the academic community and increased training of EC members in order to be promoted both public ethics and the professional ethics within the UFVJM.
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersionIdentifier, Eufrosina Ribeiro Lopes. Atua??o da comiss?o de ?tica p?blica no contexto da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, no per?odo de 2008 a 2014. 2015. 78 p. Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) - Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Gest?o de Institui??es Educacionais, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina, 2015.