Nowadays there is no recognize coffee shop franchise that is not well positioned due to its marketing plan or better known as marketing strategy. A great example of this is Starbucks coffee, which has become one of the most powerful franchises in the world and its empire is due to several factors such as its internal strategies, which have a direct influence in motivation, sense of belonging and empowerment of its employees. The present paper analyzed the main strategies of Endomarketing in this industry and carried out a study in the chains of cafeterias of the city of Samborondon, Ecuador; applying the mystery shopper methodology they were identified the main factors that have been recognized in the Endomarketing strategy of these cafeterias, obtaining as result a high and moderate business philosophy approach and analyzing the most identifiable Endomarketing approaches observed. CITACIÓN: Sempértegui Seminario, C., & Bravo Mendoza, D. (2018). Endomarketing strategies in the coffee shops industry. Podium, 34, 21-34. doi:10.31095/podium.2018.34.2ENLACE DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31095/podium.2018.34.2Date
text (article)Identifier
(Revista) ISSN 1390-5473
(Revista) ISSN 2588-0969