The Accreditation of Prior Eperiential Learning in The Italian University
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This paper is a reflection, on the basis of an empirical research conducted in Italy, on theoretical, methodological and systemic-organizational aspects linked to the accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL), acquired by adult learners or workers who decide to enroll within university at a later stage in their lives. The research hypothesis is that qualitative and narratives tools are suitable to appreciate adult experiential learning also in order to strengthen their participation in university.The overall aim is to describe the methodologies, the strategies and the operative processes to put the traditional Italian universities system into a lifelong learning perspective. The specific objectives aim at: a. acquisition of data on Italian university experiences related to APEL; b. design and develop of procedures and tools for the validation of experiences and professional competences of adults who enrol within graduate degree programs. The results show, against the phenomenon of an increasing adult participation, the low level of attention of the Italian universities on the topics covered by the research (13,4 % of the university faculties) and the very different organizational and managerial situations. The qualitative tools of accompanying and guidance in APEL procedures, such as the Bilan de Compétences and the Biographical Laboratory, are a key element to support transitions of individuals towards the university system. The qualitative methodologies, applied to adults, reinforce their capacity to reflection on their work paths and to development of a critical and proactive thinking on their life experience.Date