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Nowadays a large organisation requires a solid and efficient system for managing the learning process of internal organisation in a lifelong learning perspective. The Italian Army decided to boost the lifelong learning concept for military personnel in a modern and digital way by using the elearning environment. This decision was based on the long experience of the Education and Training Command and School of Applied Military Studies (COMFOR-SA) Virtual Learning Centre (VLC) and its cooperation with the University of Turin in the field of e-learning. This cooperation allows to adopt innovative teaching and learning methods and enhance the internationalization program of the Bachelor and Master Degree in Strategic Sciences attended by Officers and civilian students. In order to reach the entire potential target audience, composed of all categories, such as Officers, NCOs and Volunteers, and to maximise the use of e-learning for different didactic purposes, a full spectrum lifelong e-learning project was developed. Initially, the focus was based on the development of a special Hub composed of the Portal for Self-Paced Courses in combination with the Portal of Knowledge and the Support Portal. Then, the User's E-portfolio and the Language Portal were added. The Hub expanded its area of competence and additional portals were created. All e-learning resources and activities were properly reorganised and structured in a full spectrum new concept for a more effective e-learning experience for all military education and training purposes. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the structure of the project in terms of contents, design and solutions adopted.Date