Using of Lab Animals as a Conceptual Model in to a Program of Non-formal Education
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Оne of the most important questions in research ethics is the use of animals in research. It is very important to learn many aspects of laboratory animals' situations. The total number of animals used in 2013 in the EU amounted to 12.2 million. Mice, rats and rabbits represent 77.5% of the total number of animals used. Bulgaria has a modern legal framework for the protection of laboratory animals. The purpose of this study was to present a conceptual model of a program of non-formal education at students studying biology “The use of animals in research” - specific problems such as requirements and recommendations for health monitoring of experimental animals; experiments with them for scientific research or in instruction, disease diagnosis, development of medicine or chemical products or for other comparable purposes; permission for using; issues and documents, as well as International standards. The program was implemented in cooperation with the National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases - Sofia. Student’s participation in activities using the methodology of non-formal education, gave a direct opportunity for practical application of knowledge and skills in the field of formal education at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"Date