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The system of higher education inEurope nowadays is faced with a number of challenges regarding standards ofaccreditation and quality assessment, relations to other organizations andlabor market, expectations and demand of learners, university management, etc.The many-year reforms conducted in Bulgaria have led to some characteristics inhigher education system and the institutions felled in the trap of changes,thus being in a situation which imposes the need of urgent and adequate actionsin term of a purposeful national policy and an effective strategic managementat university level. Current paper makes discussions on the most topicalproblems of Bulgarian universities regarding provision of quality education andcompetitiveness on international markets. The results presented on the basis ofthe analyses of the main legislative and strategic documents on national levelsare complemented by the data provided by the Bulgarian University RankingSystem and the information provided by the National accreditation andevaluation agency. Prospects for future development of the system of highereducation in Bulgaria are outlined in the context of the accreditationprocedures, quality assurance and ranking systems, academic staff developmentand links to scientific research, economy and society. The conclusions andrecommendations made could be useful as an experience analyzed and a practicepresented, as well as a basis for further discussions and research.Date