Synchronizing a textual view with the primary geometric view in the dynamic geometry environment Cabri-II
Bellynck, ValérieContributor(s)
Laboratoire Leibniz (Leibniz - IMAG) ; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) - Université Joseph Fourier (UJF) - Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG)Université Joseph-Fourier - Grenoble I
Laborde Jean-Marie
Learning microworldDynamic geometry
Programmation for no-programmers
Formal geometry language
Synchronized and reactive textual view
Ubiquity of the objects
Micromonde d'apprentissage
Géométrie dynamique
Programmation pour non-programmeurs
Langage de géométrie formelle
Vue textuelle synchronisée et réactive
Ubiquité des objets
[INFO.INFO-HC] Computer Science [cs]/Human-Computer Interaction [cs.HC]
[MATH] Mathematics [math]
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Cabri-géomètre is a program which allows users to explore geometric diagrams through direct manipulation of the geometric objects. This software immerses the user in an intelligent microworld, thus providing a learning environment for geometry. Users can construct geometrical diagrams, explore the full range of animations and deformations of the construction, create new tools by using macro-constructions, and specialize their environment for certain tasks. If they desire, they can integrate their own tools as well. The software offers some facilities for programming by demonstration, but users must often manipulate the logical structure of the constructed program to debug and master it. The program's presentation format takes into account both the particularities of the dynamic geometry domain and the diversity of users' needs. In our prototyping work, we have specified and implemented a textual view of the figure construction program, but we have left open the possibilty of completing this view with a graph. User profiles have been taken into account in defining the form of this text, since the formalization of a programming language underlying the directly accessible visual constructions should not constrain the user; rather, he or she should intuitively/unconsciously absorb the language permitting communication between human and machine. These requirements led us to integrate into Cabri-II a textual view of geometrical figures, equivalent to the graphical view and just as dynamic as the figures (in the sense that the program is built dynamically at the time the figures are constructed). The "ubiquity" of the objects in the synchronous views permits users to implicitly learn the Cabri programming language. The "dynamic quality" of the geometry in the figure is translated into the "formal quality" of the induced language, and the manipulations of the interface are transcribed into animations of the text. Our approach, then, is to start with visual programming and then to move toward more explicit textual programming. This approach is new, and poses specific interesting problems. Practical systems based upon it could be completed fairly quickly, and these could then be profitably applied in other similar environments.Cabri-géomètre est un logiciel qui permet l'exploration de figures géométriques par manipulation directe des objets géométriques qui les constituent. Ce logiciel plonge l'utilisateur dans un micromonde intelligent et constitue ainsi un environnement d'apprentissage pour la géométrie. Les utilisateurs peuvent construire des figures géométriques, explorer le champ des animations et déformations de la construction, élaborer de nouveaux outils avec des macro-constructions, et spécialiser leur environnement pour des tâches spécifiques en y intégrant éventuellement leurs outils personnels. Le logiciel offre des possibilités de programmation par démonstration, mais les utilisateurs ont souvent besoin de manipuler la structure logique du programme construit pour le mettre au point et le maîtriser. Le choix d'une forme particulière pour présenter ce programme tient compte des spécificités du domaine de la géométrie dynamique et de la diversité des utilisateurs. Dans notre travail de prototypage, nous avons spécifié et implémenté un support textuel, mais laissé ouverte la possibilité de le compléter par un graphe. Le profil des utilisateurs a été pris en compte pour définir la forme de ce texte : en effet, la formalisation d'un langage de programmation sous-jacent aux constructions visuelles directes ne doit pas constituer une contrainte, et la familiarisation avec ce langage (moyen de communication entre l'utilisateur et le logiciel) doit se faire de façon inconsciente. Ces exigences ont abouti à l'intégration dans Cabri-II d'une vue textuelle des figures, équivalente à la vue graphique, dynamique autant que la figure (dans ce sens que le programme se construit en même temps que la figure), et où l'ubiquité des objets dans les vues synchrones permet un apprentissage implicite du langage de Cabri-programmation. La "qualité dynamique" de la géométrie dans la figure est traduite par la "qualité formelle" du langage induit, et les manipulations de l'interface sont transcrites en des animations du texte. La démarche consistant à partir d'une programmation visuelle pour l'expliciter en une programmation textuelle est nouvelle, pose des problèmes spécifiques intéressants, et pourrait assez rapidement être complétée, puis être appliquée avec profit à d'autres environnements analogues.
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Η διδασκαλία της γεωμετρίαςKourkoulias, Georgios; Καρκούλιας, Γεώργιος (National and Kapodistrian University of AthensΕθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (ΕΚΠΑ), 2014)THE TEACHING OF GEOMETRY. The aim of the present research is to investigate the problems encountered in the transition of Practical to Theoretical Geometry, the views and disposition of the teachers towards it, the necessity for its teaching and the best way for its approach.The advancement of the Geometric thought is presented with well-documented analysis from the stone age down to our days. The presence of Geometry in the practical and scientific life is underlined. The overall reversal of thought with the appearance of the Greek Philosophy and Science is studied. Achievements of the representatives of various Philosophical Schools along with the work of certain notable commentators are discussed.A brief review is made of Geometry from Middle-Ages down to Modern Times.We present the efforts to prove the V postulation, the non euclιdιan geometries and certain research fields of the two last centuries, with impact on foundation, the teaching approach or the mode of mathematics presentation.At the same time the political and social conditions are touched allusively.The evolution of Geometry teaching is examined using the French Revolution as point of reference. A special mention is made to Greece up to 1821. The contents of school geometry is built on the basis of two significant French books on "Elements of Geometry" by Alexis Clairaut, and by Andrien Legendre. The latter was used as a school textbook for more than a century. The study of school mathematics textbooks in the 20th century is separated into before and after the momentous introduction of New Mathematics.The pedagogical value of Geometry is investigated, also "when" and "how" it should be taught.A short historical cut-back to the pedagogical concepts on Geometry is made and data on the modern pedagogical approaches are given, like problem solving, modeling, construction mathematics, the Van Hiele levels, the Alan Hoffer theory and teaching with the aid of computers.The field research, (53 questions) and the statistical methodology (descriptive analysis, crosstabulation, hierarchical cluster) are quoted.The data analysis shows that the mathematicians of the sample are divided in four categories on the basis of their respective stance on Geometry teaching.The basic conclusions of the research include:•Geometry assists the cognitive representation of abstract concepts and the mental development of children, advances their critical thought. It should be taught as an independent subject and never be substituted by others.•Modern pedagogical approaches, cultivation of positive emotional stance, alternative ways of pupils’ appraisal, historical data, intersubjective approach, everyday life applications and the use of technology information assist the teaching of Geometry.•Teaching of Geometry at junior high schools has to be practical and be complemented with certain theoretical principles.•The training of the teachers of mathematics is essential and necessary. Thoughts are presented on Geometry with proposals for more productive teaching, the drafting of a new curriculum and issues of future research orientations.
Η διδασκαλία της γεωμετρίαςKourkoulias, Georgios; Καρκούλιας, Γεώργιος (National and Kapodistrian University of AthensΕθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών (ΕΚΠΑ), 2014)THE TEACHING OF GEOMETRYThe aim of the present research is to investigate the problems encountered in the transition of Practical to Theoretical Geometry, the views and disposition of the teachers towards it, the necessity for its teaching and the best way for its approach.The advancement of the Geometric thought is presented with well-documented analysis from the stone age down to our days. The presence of Geometry in the practical and scientific life is underlined. The overall reversal of thought with the appearance of the Greek Philosophy and Science is studied. Achievements of the representatives of various Philosophical Schools along with the work of certain notable commentators are discussed.A brief review is made of Geometry from Middle-Ages down to Modern Times.We present the efforts to prove the V postulation, the non euclιdιan geometries and certain research fields of the two last centuries, with impact on foundation, the teaching approach or the mode of mathematics presentation.At the same time the political and social conditions are touched allusively.The evolution of Geometry teaching is examined using the French Revolution as point of reference. A special mention is made to Greece up to 1821. The contents of school geometry is built on the basis of two significant French books on "Elements of Geometry" by Alexis Clairaut, and by Andrien Legendre. The latter was used as a school textbook for more than a century. The study of school mathematics textbooks in the 20th century is separated into before and after the momentous introduction of New Mathematics.The pedagogical value of Geometry is investigated, also "when" and "how" it should be taught.A short historical cut-back to the pedagogical concepts on Geometry is made and data on the modern pedagogical approaches are given, like problem solving, modeling, construction mathematics, the Van Hiele levels, the Alan Hoffer theory and teaching with the aid of computers.The field research, (53 questions) and the statistical methodology (descriptive analysis, crosstabulation, hierarchical cluster) are quoted.The data analysis shows that the mathematicians of the sample are divided in four categories on the basis of their respective stance on Geometry teaching.The basic conclusions of the research include:•Geometry assists the cognitive representation of abstract concepts and the mental development of children, advances their critical thought. It should be taught as an independent subject and never be substituted by others.•Modern pedagogical approaches, cultivation of positive emotional stance, alternative ways of pupils’ appraisal, historical data, intersubjective approach, everyday life applications and the use of technology information assist the teaching of Geometry.•Teaching of Geometry at junior high schools has to be practical and be complemented with certain theoretical principles.•The training of the teachers of mathematics is essential and necessary. Thoughts are presented on Geometry with proposals for more productive teaching, the drafting of a new curriculum and issues of future research orientations.
Secondary School Students’ Meaning and Learning of Circle GeometryChapman, Olive; Winchester, Ian; McLoughlin, John Grant; Oladosu, Lydia Oyewumi (Graduate StudiesUniversity of CalgaryCalgary, 2014-09-05)The purpose of this study is to understand and gain insight into the types of meanings secondary school students hold in learning circle geometry, the role these meanings play in students’ learning of circle geometry concepts, the role of formal instruction in shaping and reshaping these meanings, and the implications for teaching geometry. Meanings, framed in a constructivist perspective, are interpreted as the students’ ways of making sense of the concepts learned and the formal instruction is interpreted as the instruction that students experience in their regular classrooms on topics of circle geometry based on the curriculum and teaching approaches used by the teacher. 
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 Findings indicate that the students held several pre-instruction meanings that were influenced mainly by their real-world experiences and prior learning of school geometry. Many of these meanings did not reflect the mathematical meanings of the concepts or support problem solving involving contextual circle geometry problems. While the formal instruction resulted in positive changes in these meanings, for the most part the post-instruction meanings were focused on definitions of the concepts and applications to contextual circle geometry problems in an instrumental way. The findings suggest that students’ pre-instruction meanings provide a basis for their learning of new concepts and could impact this learning both positively and negatively, so it is important for teachers to consider and unpack the students’ initial meanings when introducing new concepts. The study contributes to our understanding of these meanings and how they should be dealt with in teaching and learning of geometry and mathematics teacher education, with implications for further research.