DAILY PALO ALTO TIMES. WEDNESDAY, SEIT. 15. 1909 I Save Money v On Our Saturday Specials OacoI Tea. lb - .tto English Breakfast Tm. ■'A, pars CoIm. f> lha for..Sl Comb Robot .. .* ' Am. Borax ttoap. I ban. .tto i pkg*. SUrcb *Dry Onions, lb. le Pink Beeae, 1 tb* Interesting Services at Revival fleeting Sallows b Rhodes SAWTA e-a-Uh Phone 73 PAXdO AI.TO l.l.ni.l.i.lsl Hiil.Ml - PIKIVK*. AK um imiTTa ttttt "\\ it **ov *,i\(.s ihnwrLV. The verdict of Ibuee llBteoing to Evangelist Holmes at the Christian Church II "better and tieltrr. seemsd to think bU Irat srl'rfs s were most excellent, bet last night th* r 11 bui was rearbed. If waa not Ibat be aald so many new (tinge* oar neighbor. that made tbe sermoa so Intereattac but by aew arraBgement. new em phasls and br apt Illustrations tb. things ws bsve heard empbaslied from childhood aa "Quail fleet Ion* for Service" became far inoro vjie! than we had co-aldsi ■ d Ibem to be. Ur. HolmM U able to make tha ordinary things of InisrMl. and for thai reason meat be class.*, wltk ths leading men la hU Use of work I "A"bile tbe Blieadaace aeeme aatall te 'him. yet tbe cburrb people are delighted aad roll or hope. Then. loo. tb* people who beard hint oa Monday night ware bark agaii [fee more last algbt. aad this will soon give him a crowded boaei j Thoee who attended tbe morning service- ware very load la tliel ' praise, and this murning Mr. Holme, I began a study of tbe personality and [work of the Holy Bplrlt that prom tlsea to be very latersellog Indeed. ; The morning aervtreg will be he! . .at lt o'clock on Tuesdays. Wedn_* dsj-t. Tbaradays aad Prldays. thai p t*. If tber* I* BBftVleai interest to ; demand there, aad there sea aaa aa ; question bat thai there will be. t BUICC MODEL te '**** *** **** *** anrwoaced for all -._, a- a-,, _.-_ .«. IMS weak. Tbe subject tonight wtll COne II MO See It he The Divine Name." .nd Mr jST^NPORD AUTO AND, MANUFACTURING CO.:"•*»•■ p******n to show by diroet Sll AI *€A ~r*-_~*~~T. quotation of acrlpturo that *. , name of th* church ramn rrom Ood, . ,„ ■ , i - "^ ' , , _ ***** *°* ******* *****- _____ _-—.___., s«. *** ***•**■ *****r the direction of ******* TOt, TOLL CS Mim Wito0B ,a p,_,lBg m apiaw-td wbat raa waat la the way af re- faatar* of the meeting Th*-** _lr* we will to glad te/fla the work : few women that paaasse the ability as promptly tad csrefolly as paMl-! " • ****** *** ***** m Uto Wttaoi ,,lp | haa revealed It. aad ibi*. coupled with bar pleasing perao_alltr. makes work of creat valae. Her rap*ill> dtuppearlng, {and It Is expected that by tonight soon so .. eaa Ss yoa _,.. w)|1 ^ ^^ uk(. M th# ^ ***' work. She has a full, rich oonti-II- B. 1*I.Fllil.Kit. j -olce, aod flngs "with Iba spirit and TOI High fit Pboae MIX "** ond"»lrt«n**ln« " Any one can see that her whole heart la In her i 1 work. All are warned that the aer- , vlees begin nn time -T:Jt i evening. Do not be laie -mn will i miss Bomrt-lsg lr yoa do t AMP *.l I I HHOWt THAT MARS IS HOT IMI UUTKO Ssn Fraadec-o, Sept. IS— la^tbe absdow of lbs great l.Uk telescope, asdrr whlcb lbs body of tha beneficent rounder of the observatory U -rn--**. ia 'alone.* director W. W. Campbell yesterday threw down ibe. gauge of balUe to tbe aatronomora of the world to sot forth a scrap'of possible evidence tbst lite planet Mars Is Inhabited. The director bowled over all tb* pet theories that bsve been cherished for many yesrs hy noted sin dents of tbs stars aad defied thoet wise men lo prose b* was not altogether right la tearing tews all Iba beautiful brpotbesea ta regard The theories he bowls over a-e ■^ Urge Tbat wal«r vapor eiUls Quantities on ths plan, i That tbr famous easels or Sehlp- arelll are man'a handiwork. That tbere are clouds abore Mart, That tbe polar cape prove the existence of water oo ih* plaaot. Doctor Campbell came lo hU epoch -tnak Ing co_cl-B_Ma M the resell* of hU mpedltloa to Moan* Whitney tast moath. and after serea days of tbe closest etady of tbs pho- tograpb. of tb* spec-tram af planet obtain*-*- on the wrMW-eappe' pttki of tha narras. Hs tads tbst Ibe sp-Tire of ibe in'.-,n and Uai ar* exactly alike We uaderauod oar baata -tight). aad It -oa leara It la as, we | will see-rou get entire Mt Ufsciion Com* bm •eeeeeeeeee NOW THAT , • The'!S?rth'Pole it discovered, our furniture expert dta- covefg' that wa havs furniture made rrom the same wood at tj-e 1-ng-eought and much dreamed of pole. See (or youf*«.-__ ■'"' CURRY of PALO ALTO 334 University Avenue seeeaeeee-ee An Antiseptic LOTION BOTTLKD COMFORT Ft HI /USUI lt>S. JAM, l-Itl.rkl.r-. I'llHKI.V HKAT. HKAT RASH. CMArnio. hives, odor or ran. nrnuTnirf. **..* n-s a m-m in.. i'lit h t -_ AT OUCH. rtJT CAN t*TAT OCT IH THK SIT* AU* DAT Tara raa motor, drive, nd*. ww*t. swim, sell, fish. golf, b-awt or ean-p wtthent die™nif.n-t a *d without foar of tbe slight—t te. Jarr to yoar wkta or cotnalrg ea, WKCK'H BOIUTM > WITCHAXKI, CREAM rrmnvra *-vt-ry trace nf Kami in» and Us effrrts In a few momrnu. I***attlv*-ty prrremta Tan and P-erklea. tilree Instant and rut ire relief mini l*rr**hly Heal, Heat Hash. Chafing. Hive*.. Insert tilt-.. nt. Takes away all odor of 1Vv-.pl ret inn and keeps the akin soft, tool, clear and ta ctinil.lt- eo-Htloa. RaprcUllr l**c-twm*-_lid f>r babies, children aad It-nee wittt del lest e _-n.li It- .kin*. VTMCK'H (HK-M 1* sh-elBl-piy hanwlcw. doc-m*t bwrw or .mart; WeJlh.-r grro.y. .Hrky mot ol.. ; Obrea't .tela: Is enprrt-rcictl sst-1 leave, no odor whatever. ' It*_ dHfrrewt frees evee-rtblwc.. try It. \i.hl*_ riee will gtve •arh romplete *_tWs_.f*_. _, iWEINGARTNER _ CO. Colma Newt Items Mr. r,ec*rgr C Loce ha* re-lorned |Itotn her visit at Lircrmnrr ! Mickey Grlftn left \V*,1nf*u_y for this visit in Indian.!, la lie tr*>nr nr- .ersl w*cc|-t, | Mr.. Schcutini left Sund-y for i ' nn.ntht' visit with her porentB st tMotlesta | Mike and Walter Fatter. *< B-lir- im-tr, arc spending p Few weefet nt j&tnta Ro»*. Mr*. Frankt and her *wc«_ Utile baby spent S-tndar with her i_.tc.li. Mr. snd Mrs. It. f,e,fn. - . The Bactcs' degrrr team will (ire a ixstid _»U at Cobns Hall, Septtm- bcr II Ailmi-.ttin to rcnia; Udiea tr**.y Cffrast Circle, No. u V. A. O. IX, arc making extensive irraitgcmcni* for a era-*- half at Colma Hall oa Ihe evening of Ociobcr .* Angela Selmt, the Vi.t.. Ornnde mere lis nl, i* making arrangc-tcHtt for the erection of a two-.lory business building to be .xcnptrtl hv ***** j The picnic st Tanloran M..*-.!**,. I UQdrr the supervhkwi of Father | Cooper, wat a grand snrce** tn rvery | particuUr. I Mrs. George C. Luce has sold her property in Colma and will leave In la few days for Llvermore, her pros-. pectivc hoiae. , Chester Pratt, Harvey Ward. Paul \Vi.ot*ey and Marie Kabcr madi trip to Ml Ta-nalpai*. walking from Mill Valley i" * li- i.-timil of t|.r South San Francisco News Items ludac J. J. ("Jsck") Martin, soa of Hr. and Mr. \\" J. Mania, hss gone to Palo Mi... where be will take a two .cars' C-wt-se al 5unfor*| uaittruty McSweeney has again poetic tn.t of Bar! Rotcrs. charge*! with resisting an officer, to the .-"tti of thi* month 1.-HI1-. P.. Hammond and Mrs. HU. la Raab of ihi* city were married this wee-, and left for Santa Crux, where they arc spending their honey* loon. Tho*. R B-nncrman, of Saa Fran* aco. aad a property owaer in this city. Bras a visitor here last Saturday aftcr-no-oo ■_ S. Ge-vtramrBt Meal la.peetor Krllogg. wbo has been in this dty daring the aa*l two years Inspecting ntt-t at Ihe packing hoase. has changed hi* field * of work. Last Monday, with hit wife, he departed tor l*o* Angetcs, where they will re* i.if in the fntoM. \ r.mmilttce from ihe city boan! if ini.tr---' contlsltng of T-uitess Mwanls and llickcy, held a ottftt-* ncc with Vice-preside nl l.cr->y I'.ttiff. of the Soath San Frasci.co I-a ml and Improvtmcat Compaay Sainrd-r nt-ontittg in the matter of perfecting - »__n for lb* local rice- Hit- tars to go over a i-.rti' n .•! tke belt line rstlway to Ihe Fatler pUal Hough atsBred the committee that the matter arnulrf he altcmted lo imrrlialely A jt.int m-ctlag of the Men * and omen'*' clab* of thU city will be Id in the tint future for tha purpose of making smngetnsnls lo have Arbor Day here s. me time in Deter mil. The state ft-restr— ba- mn wtU (urst.h sn unlimited nem- 'f appreprUie trees to aa** lo- c .'tt> m the state free of all cost provided they are planted and taken car* o_ Tbe planting of sevrral kundred additional trees In this < it> II br s •p'rmlit' Impeovemeiit. tnd tvary citi/en here shnnld Join in the movement and plant and lsk* care of some of tham. THK PACIFIC MiiNril... ol Porlland. Or*_ Is a haantifiiih iUii.imt.-d monthly magafiae. If are 'Iftterested la dalr>lag. fniltratslng. poultry ral*lag, or waat io know about Irrigated lands iim- laad*. or free povernmeat land open lo homestead entry. Ibe Cadtc Monthly will give raw fall lafc-rms- llon. The j.rir— I* tt ".•• a -war. yaw wilt Bead :*■ e-au In ■tamps, three lale Imum will bs* smt gou ao that to* may h-*corWe ao- qnalnted wltb II. Brad ihe follow- ttog splendid offer*. Offer No. I— MeClurea Magaiine. Woman's Home Companion aad to* Pa_Sc* Monthly, resting tl-St. wlli be sent at a special rate ef t' "•■ Offer No. !_—.MeClurea *tlas,axlua. R*_ew of Reiiewa end the Paclflc Monthlr. coating IS.no. will to sent ror I - ■"'• IHfer Nn. S-lltiu.sn l.tft. Ideal Homes aad Ihe Pacific Monthly win ft- se_t for tt Ot- Order by somber aad send yout ocd-r. a -to—pealed by pos*.al mao*y order for thenmoeut, to Thr Parifl-c Monthtv. Portland. Ore. First National Bank WANTED TOCB BAKKi-a BVt_IB_> , at th* ' I m-r VATl.ix.ll. W* tt. tkoreeibl, ^.Ip^d la aeerr perti- olar Capital - Surplus - - SJO.000 - SS,400 Jeaa DBdleU. Vtee-PI u C. S. Jord*«. CMkdar. DntKTOSI kt. A. Beeku c. k audi Jek. Dadfteld C. E Jordan c. L Salt. 11. W Stmkla. Dr R I. Wllbar ,: Business Cards Collar* and Cults. Domestic Finish Stanford l.nundry One. I_nit_.a __eet and N*aal atrnuc Iclc,,!,..., f-MK Quality Grocers La Peire _ Son Pbowe Pal* AMs 9*. Pore POod Products New White Sage HONEY from San Benito Mountains I 5c per Comb. -EK IH'll WIXIM'W l.tit't.AV SHAMPOOING SHAUPOOINO. Mankwrlng. Scalp TreaiBMat and I-rial Massage. Comp]«_lon Packs a Bpecialiy. All kinds of hair work given prompt attention Mrs. C. Ualcolm Wade, rooms 7 aad I, Madls-jn-Tboll* block. Phoa* tUX. J PAleO AI.TO KIJK-T-UC-iL | ffOMI ' KVKRYTIU-(Cl EI-ia-TIUCAX * SJS Inlversliy avenue. **-_*- * phoae «I»T. Pbo-spt st- X teatioa ts rapala wark. Call X e_d Inspect oar stack. Watkins & Murray • Si-SBi bi'ierwa 8tree_ Oe_eewt Rl ck.ml thing II.i-te- -'wrhig ftwaare Tire Arts -« a ■perl-It-., r 11 ■ - m . o t . i OOv-aKN*r-KTr IN -l'i:tTKt> * KEI-TlIOK--ATKt> ICKATS AT T-fl Stanford Meat Co. BBB I -th-r.l, \tr_-* uEXJCAcias. i-iM/L-rmv Fret n flth e re ry r ri d ay HAVE YOU IvlOVFD^ Yes, Palo Alto Transfer Co. VtOVKU ill: A.D THSY IU wO AGRKKAMI.P. A*tD IliilMMS t.ATrfttl THAT I nu a-ooa- .K..1, THKH TO VO. oilicr S2S ALMA STREET I'itune 90 WHITE STAR LAUNDRY j Ttte onlr hand-work Jspan r*e l_uni!_>. In rveey re-i*>r.t f1v-_l- tlaa. svnch g_sra*\lt*-*d. Oar •ptrtre-l* a. Inw a* any-me, Tna caw •Iwsy. rthd •* at all tomttom a atreet. Pale Alia. * t I*---.-** aaax. . Lewi* Sawjer. a prominent tto*- tractor and builder ol Sin Frm.-i_-.. hat purchased kit * on Kailrt-id -ren oe, upon which he will erect 1* fnt home ' Out of retpect to Mr and Mr* Tt..... Spcllman. owing IO their rr- Crnt l.errsvrntcnl. the mcettnR*. **| titte Originsl Wlii.i elnb, of which jlhe-r are charte. member*, arc pott ((■onctl- tntlrtinitcly The oicmhrn sincerely S-mtpstbit* with the uric!' when Wa Ttng Kaeg Is not com- , tltick-n parents Chi* notice will be Ing IO Ibe fatted tttatr-a be is ee ! given when the west meeting **il! : tnralag to China. - nosloa Traa- uken place. 'arrtpt. MachlneMadc BREAD • AT\ Stanford Home_Bak«ry JOMI- NICOL. Proprletor JI5 lii-er-jn Ak. Pllt Alto In thr opinio*- of tbr- :as*•*>-_ tbt'-je Is-really no **r--i-_B wit) those BStleosl lawmakjra wbo are soon to i,la,it Hawaii should be In a hurry to' get flack.— Birmingham News. -j CEO. H.BFNT1EY Cotttrsrtitr for I All old snd new work, tn- Sld* or outside. EstlmstM given. Residence «."'. ll-mer aveaae Phone *■•''.. AlaeasUaa for ae-*: baat ha_H in < . all . Metratx ra—rvawa Im ...:. f.le.1 Bl, .1-.111 tty tad ' «.... *i .. ... I. « la m|M __ Jtt W-. I- IK Ua.lt. M.I., mm* . C->el . <>> Bt _-.l ..~t. Mar. sat il — Ptmmm «■>■ uses— hoars after 7 p. nt, J * JAI'AKIME HOt*R_C___ANlNr_ * X 11 IM PA N Y TOGO t Bto Drraal Mr-***- t /:. _ S-**-**tg|a _^"**i__-_i:__* "1^'s- r*m: t*t a—tSi VI mil s. Ia mtmotmEim ■m^?*3*>&^,Identifier