• DAILY PALO ALTO TIMES. SATURDAY, OCT. o, i SSL. ireene BOARDING *11 Wa*sale* aViast. Sunday at m Churches .The Patterson -. W. f^tt*seua J da*. PaHsseel* Aaaanae. ***s..e*ee*ee*as*».es**«*e ..... Rooms and Board at MAM Wavsete* fa. PSsMB* BsMX lost Caret*. Bee, phmma 49M3L. * l- ir*i I'hurrtt or chn.i. Srivrjtut I - "' "Hope": evening ssrntcm, ft. KftswUEX, aeMHtt. ij Corner Waverlet .traat Sad Valvar et'Hion* bv the paBlor Marie*) -'alt; aveaae. Servlcce Bondsr at 11 "T>'c Dtrlse Klfht of M.rr." Roth a. at.; *ui.iect. "Are Bla, Tliaill sad | prostataa: Morale* — Voluntary. Weal* Rest*' Header School at Var**a tVwWtteals" t (loaned i; sa- *:»• a. si. Weekly taaUasasUl '»•*'- S*artat; ntertorr. "Ar* meeting Wed*..*.*/ r-.nln*; at | Mart* ( Both-Oou sod i aolo. sa. eVlcek. Reeeiar nam* open dally 1«ctee. Mlaa Hays**: pootled*. "Tt* from 1 to & and TiaO le J p. tn.j Knights" (Volkman,. KvenlB*;— rui.li. ■ rordlally invited. Volantery. *'fAshl7" (roasum); ... raised quartet. -Saviour Brattla* as lr.II.rl.i4 Churrh —Cornet Chan • ■ Kvenlni fleasstng'' t Hubbard I; of- alns eveeoe and Oevpar atreet. fertery. "'Med He lion' i rtrtiuraanril: riarasce fttwd. mlelstar IS a. la.. I able. 'fYttesla*; tba Bar- (BMSte br 8»nd.» School. II .. sa.. saeralaa! Dedley naek. reeeatty deceeeed). terrlee: sermoa by th* BilBt.trr.Mr J*w*rs; poatlade. "Mseetoeo" seblaet "Ta* Relatlea of Rellgioa loi <**-*•)- tbe Facts ol Uta.** ——. Methodist Episcopal Church — All Saint* Charch—Corner Haw. Meyf.*ld—«*ylt**ter J. Back. p*»- llion avenue and Waverley.straM. ,or- ,0 *• "*•• Sunday Bchoot: T. B. Bervlr*. Bandar. Octobar IBth. | B>ett,, tupertatendent 11 a. tn.. e*g*t**BBth Hands* after Trinity < morning esrtlre. .eb]*ct of eersnon. >i:. . rn Sunday fVhaol: 11 a. at., j "KWlowlst Jess*." 0:45 p. n... nteralas prayer aad sermon: prees*. ] feworth Leasee. 7:4k p. as.. eer- Shleld*. 81 |j«uW*.*>*» ** '-* Paatar. "God's Perfect MM At hi: J.\<'i.s:iv will reopen bar alnd.-rs-aitee clat* Auswst la. ISPS At hoaiB free 1 is I r a it 1611 BrrsBt street Ape*alBta>**t by talephoa*. MIL KIM PATIOS.4.1.. Mlsa Ruth iBST.haiB.cnndsela hss .1st* for Hill. beginners st »4t Bcott street. Children taay eater *j| aay tltaa. Tb. work eavsrs ta* primary trad a*. At hems Tbar**Uy* Telephaa* tTK. ELITE MARKET ~£ -^ t w. lor. Elocution and Physical Culture Lessons MISS K.IV JOSEPHINE HYAN Or.doatf (Ireely School of Uon and Drataatle Art, Mass. Recaption hours, 1 te I, hi aider, sir F.msrsoa atreet. Addraa* Cupertino. CI. rttee* r. ats Pad it* sow a**. Rama aad Bstsass. rish, try asd Delicacies. wstr At* ; 1 rr**- J «k. rouv I hospital. 8sa l^acisca: 7:3* p. m..ICreetl***." evwalBS prayer, wtlh addreea bv(a**rmir*- I'rofeasor A. T, Hurra* A cardial welcome will The Mariposa ■M 1'alvcew.ly Ave. UpaUtlvs. r*t Ifa-slar Sstue-c* at rrts******. 4T MRH. H. ft. rALMsTB. >Mll\THl,Y ItBI-ORT OF «%_*^_* "' ll!' *. i, rA,JO A,;TO HCIHanUt PretbyterlaB Charrh -— nrner J Forest .tenor bad Waverley atreet. Walter Hay*, paster. *:4S Sabbath tVhool ll a. as.. r>re*chlBe service: tubjact of kw^raoa. "H«a'-|.4th has jest tatsedeBl J. t Atralae*. HORWEQE The Jolly Baker has a a*w sandwich tnarhla* that A. W. MILLS SOS I sJvcrwn*; Ave. Pstast. tttc*. bread aay thick* paeka tt neatly, without the asperate alloaa. ts*. aad haadllBf •*. ItSI.) Hotel St. Rose •mrnm K. ihski.ns. Prep. nnflKfi awtaflM WOW OTftel Tk* report of the Palo Alio pub- I lie schools, month eedins fteptember Mts Itetted ST B*P*r- PUi ESTATB AKD nraK'SAJfCa. In* * I^rtrlds* aad Golos Mad." | laieeaeai J; C. Tempi-tor. Tsar* UPHOlaTTSRlKQ AMD s-BaPAIsWrB '"""' ""' ,hlrt nf ■ **'Tt** of *"' *"** l*° holld»J» ■"4 "'sbtesn bbb oo "The Tratedy of Saul." schooldays. Tbe statistics for c-h lfi p. r*., ChrtsUsn .Endeavor. -<■*"»' follow: 10 p. n... avmlas *ervlce; sabteat Hlib aohool—Days stlendaac-, serruoB. "The fn.-rniiiroml.lnc MtT**| day* abaetire. Ift.R; tardt. Ood." Ths** will be spsclal maole heaa. S7l averturr number belong- by the choir. All or* cordially Is- ■ •»*■ "*• sv**a«e alieadanc*. SIS: *-tted. Per real attftadaar*, *■: aora cu , |r*lat«i. UT: stria aaraU**]. *S; to-; fntvevslu Ch.pel- (ttantord .0**. t*l earolnaeBt, l!»: eat*f*d • Iras*I verslty D. Charles r.ardner. chap-; 0,B*r schools, bays J-V' Slrls II:! North- 7:44 a. St.. 1144 laid 1! B. m.. mnrnlnr N>T»lce, | >*« *Ch*ol, boys I, girl. S. 1:4.*. and 4:14 ».to.; Saaday*. 7:44 ,.rr.rhar Rev. Mr. Oarflner. tsutJ-' Arams-ar achpol—Days sltend-f Jeet or sarmon. "The Tr«e Oaslas]»"**. -.ell.: tor* ahaatvr*, U.vrJ of Public Worship" Quartet, "fledl UMIbubs, 4: avrrsae number be- Is a Spirit'' (lie.netti ; loojlns. 10.: ■*»**«. alt and. net, , II0S: per cast ef atieodaace, SI;, Christian -Church- Ctwner »1or-;*-»r* earolled. 11^; flrls earoltej. sac* tuect and Lyttos avweee..»«: total *arotl*»e*t. lit; eatered Chariea U Deal, pastor. t:4. o, m , "»» <*l-er school, ho** It, glrtol Bible School. ll a. a*. raorolns': left.school, boys I. ffrla I. service with sennoB by the paatar: j Homer school -Days alteadaBes. tnor*. "The Angsl bv-j 1.104.ll dsya sbeetic*., 17: i.rdl- Alur." *:J0 p. to., Carlstlan! »•*-. --. *«"ra*e Bumber nelonr- SBndeavor. 7:10 p. a*., evenlrgt se'-, ln«,( 1|4: areraae alleadance. 111. per cast of atteedaacw. 04 | *■**> Booth—7:41. 10:10 aa* —1-~| : 1:3* a. St., I «l sad 0:11 » So.. i Ssadars. 7:41 aad io:»t a. tn. ! Frost SUaterd UaUeraltj—0:U. | ll a. st. I sad 0 §. bl: laslai* ! 4:1* aad 10 a. ss. H.I. To Nonb -'. 11. 1:01 a a. at., l.ll asd 0:01 *, ».: 10:30 a. a... 7:34 p. a. Ta South —7:11 a. as- lt:10, tlltlsublect asd <:01 p. as.:, ftaadaya. 7:10 asd I0:t0a. at. Tt, ataaferd rjalrafalty—T:U sad tl:04 *. at., 1:4* p. at . tsalasi ~" w,",> **,rm<"1 bJ" *Ke> paat,Ai "14 and is-44 a at ■ Invastlaaltos Thai Counts.' 0)0 YCABS- rolled. Of: slrls earolled. t%\ *\ ■ terod fro*, other -ecboola. boy* llr-.nl flrlt I aWf The followtna Is * list of isttsrt remalalns Ib ths postofnee at Palo Alto. Co).. lor th. period eadtrts; October 0. 1*01. If wot called for before October St, 1000, taay will b* teat io the dead letter offle*. Daasavtte. Besckley, Mr., Crofiya, Mr. aad Mrs. Thoreau. DeWItt Paly. Inst. Asas. I'otsor. Mrs 11 1). Oerbar, Hr, Cha* Hamilton. Miss Kdyihe (3). n-rdmsn. Mrs. 414 Hamilton Ijscaeta, — LsCoaat. Mr. Chariea. I.yan. Mr*. M. Parker. Mr. UK Robert*. Mrs. II. BoMbrook. Mis*. fl Hntherford, « StroBi. Mr. fttilph- Thetcher. Mr*. Melville. . ujltfoBf, Oeort* W. ' roiaurs. Bt*. Mr. 1. Oay, Mj/. O. W. Ktraer.. Mr Iw*r*qae,* Had.me, Mi-tlulgan. Mr. JaPM*. y Narrlto. ioee 'da'Coal's. Wasltsrwakas, Mr. T. Watllawshut. Mr. J.'roet. Wilson. Y. W, C. H DOBBttL. Poeisasetsr. (Iw* ,-..** Iroa. Kaw Casta* VAkUiit TftAUK auucrrsi) ; Patents ft. LODKB 4SS H.ww-n,-r Ht. Pttt.nc MiX. Job Printr*jn at the Times "Rs**** ***** IsriwawTlw Is*ti mum. ******** a.****. I Sckifliklirtilcaii. ss*»aBa«saaia4 w*k>*.>. lawrawt *.. t sue alt.'it.7t£t,***!*■** t I5-~ib. ! Please Note What I Say There Is ti" better coaatry taaa Ihe Kant. Clara Valley, bat lasd valaes hr* so liis.lt obp of moderate mean* .snoot aSord to buy s.nd aspect lo mskc a Hvlas therefrom; so I say bay where land Is ebeaper. much nor* productive; ctiraato eacel- teat, cood scaools. aearaaas to market, -aad where yo* eae .make atoaey every day of tha year. Fall informatloa of JOHN F. BYXBEE Baptist Charch—Comer street aad Hamilton avenue Hearyl Lett*** sehaol—Dors' sttendancs. Wilson latti*. paator. *:4B /s.'ss., 1.7«0.l.: days abs*mes, Sl.»: urdl-: Bible/ School. II a. St.. moralBX 111? avers** Btteadanr*. 1*7; r*ar .wTorahlp: sut.le.-i of wnsot. '-rhe'sa**, 0:-averse* aamber beloairtas. . Kspanalve Powar of the christian "»t or aUeadabca. 01: bora an-1 KeliK.on.1- 0;l* p. m- Tooni Ps-v!rotted. Ill: flrls-earolled. 114: le*t Iwara meetlaa.. 7:10 p. a., ev«itns. acaool. boy* l. girl* a. ' .service; aabyset of sermon. "Th- a*taiauary —Days' atleadanoe. tl. Cbristlaa Sabbath la Modern Life" **l: day* ah—act. 34).I: tardives*. s .ontinu.tion of tha serle* of t*r 41. *var*jj« number -beloaalB*. tit* Tea CoBBmaadmea'v.i T01: sveros* altoadaao*. 74a**, per All are cordtallr lavllrd to ibeaelcest ofv atteadsoc*, 07; boy* *n. aarvlcea. , rolled. 414: |trl*. earolled. 301; to- .X i tat *sro]ltt*Bt. 70B: enrolled fron . Consresatloaal ChorcD CorB«r|o4>*r schools, boy* 17, slrls 31: left Hamilton tvmu- and' Wavaflayj asassst. boy* l". slrls IS, , street. Clifford Maowden. r*-*tor./lt 'Of ihe 14 teavini the hlsh erbool Is. m.. asoratss Mrvlre: sahtect of 1 rsasoeed. f frees 0*1*14* could seraiOB. "The Maa That Ood listed " not psy lalttoa. 1 to rare for hoaee i: i" p. as.. Saaday fvhool «:lf..dutle. aad 2 unknown In ihe nth 'p m .-Chrlstlaa ■Endeavor. I^IO'er eahools s moved away. 1 rerasad P n . nvanlna servlc** sabtact' of m b* properly sraded aad I waa too fir.on. "MaklBS Friend." v.mni Attar S Ion*, hot sweep across arid wastes, dotted here and there *ati" Irrisatlon bsata, w* enlered Idaho. Following the wlsdlns Snake rlpar, she great scheme of reclamation unfolded Itoeir before our eye* sad Ihe deserted MSPprutb land of few years ago waa aow glow lag with ripened gran. Th* 4S**t notlceshls faetare sf adtanr.rn.nt In the west, tt> BSy mind, t* Ihe growth of trees. II Is s delight to see waving boughs dot- ting what waa once a.wasle prairie. sad oae wonders why people don't spend every spars minute plaaUag PRor-tssroNAU ^ * £ W. CH/VRLl-S FREDERICK SCHNEIDER \TTOXNdYS-AT LAW Stmaiw. ii.in.ta**, Palo AJto, C*l. t NMIAN I. MALC6U I . ATTO-Uts,t AT LAW X' . KOTABT I111U0 l mm NatioesJ Beak atuuV* * l'ala Alts. Otaot phoae 41IK; • rseMcac* phone tllK ■ tt.t.*»*»*eeete..ii tt.ssi DKNTI8TB Geo. Bhkuky Little DEiVTIST 04Bce, MadbcsvTbcan BeaVla**,. Harry C Reynolds .DxtlTnST Palo Aha Hours 4 as itoiyl 1*0*05 DB. THOuV, r. BAlwlaXaTft ■arrmnr te Dr. Mtlwtyt* Basra • to it a m. sad 1 te - p. m. Udyard burtdts«. DVTTaOPATIf WR- H, C rUBUPB Ontdaote Asasrtrea awst Orteopathy. IBS talvctwlty Airmmo. rttooe I'alo Alto Tt. leaser boar* * a. at, to ft p. sa. Miss Gertrudd N. Brown VOICE an.TTJRJ! C*seu-aas*atw*a*B h***j»*d dtt Cm—par At. Betvr t'tJtssweV A**. Trsa-ftcr of Platto < Vallancc Arnott 4M aeaeea 4k. . Tarss* ft! a taaai**, Ittoee SSTJf. ♦s>«**«»ss'*««.»..*s*ei MJ» DAGM3UI BlssXswstfl after having «a died stl sammer It, the east, has returned sad haa her Medio at «40 Waverley ttreet. where the will be glad to se* anr that wtsn . to .lady volt* or ptaao. 101 Ij't'.. ,.vi , T'.lo Alt*. llethodl.t Kplacopat Church —~\ Will Certter Hamilton a*ea*e aad Web-; Frank ftrlscoll. ciiier la the UH *«cr strsat. Carl SI. Warner, pastor nrlag d**parim«at or Prater A Co . *-43 a. at., sejoday eehool. II a m . has'reatgaed his tanaltlon aad will : morn lac aervtce. < *' p. m.. Re- eegtga in baslB*** for hlataalf. Mr. "worth fates**. 7:30 p. m-. evealng Drlecoll has many friends her* who service. Theme for the morning, will, wish him sn abundant aace*** th* vaht* of acrs*t* *Bd aa atlrac- ■ tlTcr.aa. to coaatry 111* that nothing elee e*B furnish '.rowing tr***' hate a fatorabl* ed*et on rllmatki * conditions, and those "planted 'n 'i this locality hare already proved ail benefit beyond calcalatloo. "Trees, v a-r-nilr-men of tbe farm, mofe trvsa." ■ — National Magarlne | The MissesH.&C.Lewis IN*.Tltl-rrmiiM l!f DAXGIKO Btadlo 4 ill Forest Avaaae. ritone BOOK. I'alo AKo. Taft aad the world Tofts yoa: Debs and yo* Debs alette. Life. Th* childrea. ef coarse, trill mm- with; stasd from *ay rUlm.nt aa aata***- latervlew witli 1 Brooklyn Siandard-t'nii Bspiafa ■Sal : t ■ ■ « Bolfing Hardware Company FOR CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE w *■ Five Patterns Johnston's Semi-Porcelain, • the best English Ware. -• i A nice line of open stock Haviland China, % and Fancy Novelties. aIdentifier