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本文旨在以漳州窑系为中心探讨明末清初福建与东南亚的陶瓷贸易。文章从考察漳州窑系的生产、流通、分配、消费整个过程出发,结合明末清初中国与东南亚的历史背景,尤其是西方殖民者东来之后福建陶瓷外销东南亚以及经由东南亚外销世界各地进行综合考察,并对漳州窑系的外销方式、漳州窑系对东南亚的影响等方面作了初步探讨。<BR>全文分为五章:<BR>第一章 简要回顾福建古代陶瓷外销史以及漳州窑的发现与研究现状,并提出了初步展望,最后提出本文的选题依据以及资料来源。<BR>第二章 从文献与考古两个角度对明末以前福建与东南亚的陶瓷贸易进行简要回顾,以此说明明末清初漳州窑系陶瓷对东南亚的外销并非骤然兴起,而是有其深厚的历史传统。<BR>第三章 从生产、流通、分配、消费等方面对明末清初福建漳州窑系与东南亚的陶瓷贸易进行综合研究。通过对西方文献的解读总结了陶瓷外销的三种方式,并重点探讨了西方殖民者东来对福建漳州窑系与东南亚陶瓷贸易的影响。<BR>第四章 从饮食、宗教、婚丧风俗等方面探讨福建陶瓷对东南亚产生的重大影响。<BR>第五章 对全文进行归纳总结,指出论文存在的不足并提出展望。The paper aims to discuss the ceramic trade between Fujian province and Southeast Asia by the center of Zhangzhou kilns in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty.The author explores the manufacturing、circulating、distributing and consuming of Zhangzhou kiln porcelain from Fujian to Southeast Asia, and the export method of the ceramic trade,the influence by the trade.The full paper comprises five chapters:<BR> ChapterⅠoffers a brief review of the research on Fujian export pottery and porcelain.And then a brief review of the excavation and research on Zhangzhou Kiln porcelain.After that ,the author shows the necessity of this study.<BR> ChapterⅡ discusses the ceramic trade between Fujian and Southeast Asia before the late Ming Dynasty according to the archaeological discoveries and historical chronicles.<BR> ChapterⅢ takes a compositive research on the ceramic trade between Fujian and Southeast Asia by the center of Zhangzhou Kilns,including manufacturing,circulating,distributing and consuming.<BR> ChapterⅣ discusses the influence of Fujian porcelain on Southeast Asia,and an intercourse between Fujian and Southeast Asia.<BR> ChapterⅤ is the summary of the paper.After that the author points out the deficiency of this paper and puts forward some further studies on this topic which could be done in the future.