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谈到黑色幽默小说,美国著名作家约瑟夫·海勒的《第二十二条军规》总是被评论家们作为经典而津津乐道。自其出版以来,各种评论纷至沓来,评论视角涉及小说的主题思想、艺术创作手法等诸多方面。对这部后现代主义小说,国内的评论也不少,主要集中在小说中的黑色幽默、荒诞性以及语言特色等方面。本论文在收集丰富资料的前提下,结合海勒的时代背景,对小说中的后现代主义叙事结构、戏仿、文字游戏及黑色幽默的“游戏性”进行深入的分析和探讨。这将对我们深入研究这部小说以及后现代主义小说的游戏性这一普遍特征,无疑都是有益的。 为了更全面地了解《第二十二条军规》并更完整的分析这部小说,论文的引文部分,首先对这部小说、作家生平以及对这部小说的相关评论做以简单介绍,然后从整体上探讨了后现代主义小说中的游戏性这一普遍特征。 第一章详细分析了小说中后现代主义松散、反复的叙事结构,并探讨了作家构建这种结构的游戏态度。 第二章分析了小说中的戏仿成份。作为后现代小说的主要特征之一,戏仿在作者的创作游戏中扮演了重要的角色。为了更好地论述海勒对戏仿的游戏态度,本章首先分析了作者对文学作品和文学人物的戏仿,然后分析了海勒在小说中从政治、宗教、心理学等方面对当代社会的戏仿。 第三章分析了小说中的文字游戏的艺术特点。首先探讨作者在创作过程中展现出的对文字的游戏态度,然后分析了小说人物在小说世界中游戏文字的态度。 第四章对小说中所表现出的黑色幽默和荒诞性作了分析。其中分别解析了海勒在对小说中人物和事件的叙述中所采用的“游戏性”表现手法。 最后的结语部分对以上各章节中所体现的“游戏性”进行了总结,并进一步分析了促成海勒在该小说创作中运用游戏风格的社会因素。Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 has always been regarded as a masterpiece whenever black humor is concerned. Since its publication in 1961, criticisms and reviews on this novel have covered a wide range of aspects, ranging from themes to narrative techniques. Criticisms in China mainly focus on the issues of black humor, absurdity and the language of this novel. I write this thesis, hoping to find out the postmodernist feature of “playfulness” revealed in this fiction from aspects of narrative structure, parody, word games and black humor, which will certainly contribute to a better research into this novel as well as a better understanding of playfulness as a general feature of postmodernist fiction. For the sake of a more complete understanding and a better analysis of Heller’s Catch-22, the introduction part gives a brief introduction of Heller’s biography, plot of Catch-22 and contemporary criticisms on this novel. In addition, this part also introduces relationships among postmodernism, black humor and playfulness. Chapter One focuses on the structure of this novel, especially on the playfulness displayed in the formless and repetitious structure. Chapter Two mainly deals with parody the author applies in this novel. As one of the main characteristics of postmodernism, parody plays an important role in the writer’s playful attitude. Parodies in this chapter fall into two catalogues: one is the parody of literary figures and works; the other, the parody of politics, religion and psychology of the contemporary society. Chapter Three devotes to the discussion of word games, which are further divided into word games played by the writer and those played by the characters in the fiction. Chapter Four covers black humor and absurdity in this novel. This chapter mainly discusses Heller’s playful handling of humor and analyzes the absurdity throughout this novel. Contemporary social background is also taken into account herein.Finally, in the conclusion part, besides a summary of the playfulness discussed in the previous chapters, social background of Heller’s playful attitude is further analyzed.