Books on ethical issues with global relevance and contextual perspectives. Each volume includes contributions from at least two continents and with two editors, often one from the global South and one from the global North.

Recent Submissions

  • AI governance ethics : artificial intelligence with shared values and rules

    Stückelberger, Christoph; Rocamora, María Merchán; DUGGAL, PAVAN; Singh, Divya (Globethics Publications, 2024-10-08)
    Artificial Intelligence influences already almost all sectors of society, from production, consumption and recycling of products to education and media, from agriculture to military. The search for AI governance from voluntary standards to international convention and standards is fast and urgent. This book unites contributions of authors from all continents. It also offers a representative collection of official recommendations and guidelines on AI governance from national governments, continental entities like EU and AU to UN-organisations.
  • Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 : teaching, research and training. Vol. 3, Europe

    Robinson, Bryan; Enderle, Georges (Globethics PublicationsInternational Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE), 2024-09-18)
    The Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 (GSBE) incorporates the full 36 country or regional reports that were collated over three years of investigation by 94 reporters. The sheer volume of content required the publication of three volumes. This third volume is collated as follows: Volume 3: Short introduction to the Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 and the European country reports. Compared to Africa and Asia (presented in volume 1 and 2), Europe is a relatively small and homogenous continent. But their submitted reports may surprise by their huge variety. They are written in English, the “lingua franca” of business while many of them were carried out in the respective languages, e.g., in Spanish, Italian, German, Estonian and Hungarian. The differences range from business ethics activities being closely guided by international standards such as the PRME (“Principles for Responsible Management Education”) in Ireland and recent Directives of the European Union in Denmark to priorities of struggling with “non-financial disclosure and accounting” in Italy and to “post-war reconstruction” and “moral leadership of the business elite” in Ukraine. It is obvious that the socio-political and cultural context of the country (i.e., the systemic or macro-conditions) shape to a large extent the decision-making and acting of business enterprises and educational organizations as well as individuals at the meso- and micro-levels, respectively. The European reports are presented in this volume and include Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany-Austria-Switzerland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Ukraine.
  • Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 : teaching, research and training. Vol. 2, Asia, Australia, Russia and America

    Robinson, Bryan; Enderle, Georges (Globethics PublicationsInternational Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE), 2024-08-29)
    The Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 (GSBE) incorporates the full 36 country or regional reports that were collated over three years of investigation by 94 reporters. The sheer volume of content required the publication of three volumes. This second volume is collated as follows: Volume 2: Short introduction to the Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 and the reports from Asia, Australia, Russia, South and North America. While volume 1 and volume 3 present the country reports from one continent, that is, from Africa and Europe, respectively, in contrast, this volume 2 contains 13 reports from five continents and includes seven from the ten most populous countries on Earth (Worldometers 2024): India (1,428,627,663), China (1,425,671,352), United States 339,996,563), Indonesia(277,534,122), Brazil (216,422,446), Russia (144,444,359) and Mexico (128,455,567). Adding the most populous country in volume 1, that is, Nigeria with 223,804,632 people, the GSBE book includes a total of 4,184,976,704 people or ca. 52% of the world population (8,118,835,999). Given this enormous population, the reports in this volume can only provide some tiny, but not insignificant insights of the huge diversity of challenges and opportunities in the field of business ethics. The reports are presented in this volume and include Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Australia, Russia, Latin America, Brazil, United States, and Mexico.
  • Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 : teaching, research and training. Vol. 1, Introduction and Africa

    Robinson, Bryan; Enderle, Georges (Globethics PublicationsInternational Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE), 2024-08-05)
    The Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 (GSBE) incorporates the full 36 country or regional reports that were collated over three years of investigation by 94 reporters. The sheer volume of content required the publication of three volumes. This first volume is collated as follows: Volume 1: Introduction to the Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 and the African country reports. This introduction provides a useful context and understanding with which to read the various countries’ reports: the historic reports that informed and guided the current GSBE; the process followed in crafting the GSBE content and the process embarked upon; the various themes that formed the framework of our data; data collection; the various methodological considerations and methodologies selected and sample sizes; data analysis; and presentation of the results. Extracts of the survey and various translations are also provided. The African reports are presented in this volume and include Angola, Burundi, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda.
  • How to build digital trust? : Swiss Digital Trust Whitepaper

    Zahn, Nicolas; Paeffgen, Niniane (Globethics Publications, 2023)
    Trust is a key ethical value and virtue in all human interactions. Trust is also a key requirement and a key challenge in the digital world. In September 2019, the first Swiss Global Digital Summit took place in Geneva, Switzerland, to provide a platform to promote in-depth discus-sions on “Ethics and Fairness in the Age of Digital Transformation” and aiming at building digital trust in the digital world. As a result, the Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI) was launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2020. It is supported by over two dozen high-ranking personalities and institutions from academic, private and pub-lic sector. In 2021, the Swiss “Digital Trust Label” was launched. The following whitepaper analyses the needs of building trust in the digital world. The editors/Christoph Stückelberger.
  • European Union : the new Digital Services Act (DSA)

    European Commission (Globethics Publications, 2023)
  • Artificial intelligence in education

    Holmes, Wayne; Bialik, Maya; Fadel, Charles (Globethics Publications, 2023)
  • Metaverse : chances and challenges in my generation Z

    Duggal, Saakshar (Globethics Publications, 2023)
  • African Union data policy framework

    African Union (Globethics Publications, 2023)
    The African Union, representing its 55 member states from the whole African continent, endorsed its “African Union Data Policy Framework” by the AU Executive Council during its 40th Ordinary Session on 2-3 February (Ref EX.CL/Dec.1144/XL) and published in February 2022. The below excerpt are Executive Summary (pp VI-X) and the recommendations and actions of chapter V (18-64). (The editor Christoph Stückelberger).
  • Ethical dilemmas of artificial intelligence systems

    Ageev, Alexander (Globethics Publications, 2023)
  • Data storage ethics : security and responsibility at all levels

    Bach, Gilles (Globethics Publications, 2023)
  • International humanitarian law and cyber operations during armed conflicts : position paper

    International Committee of the Red Cross (Globethics Publications, 2023)
  • Quantum technologies : next arms race China-USA

    Sander, Matthias (Globethics Publications, 2023)
  • The Cyber Security Transparency Centre in Brussels

    Hugenschmidt, Christoph (Globethics Publications, 2023)

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