THE DAILY "PALO ALTO TIMES THE FAIR Choice Fruits and Vegetables Staple and Fancy Groceries Crockery and Glassware Household Goods Garden Hose Poultry Supplies, Etc. I THE FAIR »• Phone Main 73 Palo Alto C0S1 OF CITY HALL FIGUREDAT $25,090 KSTIMATK PRESENTED BY AROB- ITKCT I1KANSON H i \Ki i.l S i;i n.KlM. COMMITTEE. Committee IihIic iil< il as to Futarc l'lans as Only tlO.OOO Is Available for tlie I*roJect. The City hall commltteo of the Town Board was considerably startled Tburadny evening when Architect C. E. Branson, the* city building Inspector, reported that bis estimate of thc cost of . erecting a building mirli as Is contemplated in tbe plan tho committee bos been considering In 125,000. The committee will have only tllT.OOO of available cash lor the onterpriso when the bondn have been dolivered to the purchasers and there Is absolutely no method «hereby the balsnoo can bo secured at this Ume. The committee adjourned without inking amy definite action, but l seems to be tbe opinion of the com mtttee members that the present plans should bo retained so far practical nnd only tbe centor part of the structure be erected at'thls time, the wings to be added when funds aw available. Tho • proposition cheapen tho structure so as to bring the cost within the present appro* prlutlon met with little favor. was the general opinion thnt a $10,- 000 building could not be con- strutted so as to be a credit to tho city. The architect's estimate was sub stuntlally the same, whether rein- •cd concrete, artificial atone brick veneer was usod. TIRED, BURNING FEET Most people have them this month, especially after an outing and a long tramp. Get some of our Abbie'sMhyrol Foot Ease It works like a charm and makes your feet feel cool, light and easy. Next time use it freely before you go for a long walk. 25c EAGLE DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS PALO ALTO. CALIFORNIA For State SuiH'rliitcndrnt. From St. Holena Star, June 22, 1906- MIhs Kate Ames, for two terms Superintendent of Schools In Napa nty. has decided to enter tho race [or the Republican nomination for State Superintendent, and has authorized tho Star to announce the fact. This decision was reached by MIhh Ames after consultation with many of the leading educators of the State, who encouraged her to ok the nomination for State Superintendent, promising her cordial support. Miss Ames has bad a most xitcceBsful career In educational work. Before beginning teaching she was a student in the San Jose Normal school. For a number of years sho wns a teacher ln tho Napn school department, a position she filled with entire satisfaction. In 1 mm she wns nominated by thc Republicans of Napa county for Superintendent of Schools nnd was elected by a large majority over her Democratic opponent. Aftor serving ono term Miss Ames wont to Stanford University and took a complete course ln educational work and graduated la May, 1902. In the fall of that year she was again nominated for county • superintendent and was elected without opposition, the Democrats not nominating a candidate for that position. Miss Ames was secretary of tho Northorn Teachers' Association for several years and was one of tho vice-presidents ' of the State Teachers' Association in 1904. Sho la a member of the Council of Education, which Is tbe tdrisory board of tbe State Teachers' Association, and at present is chairman of Its commltteo on State teachers' reading courses. She Is alto a member of the State Legislative committee appointed jointly by tho State Teachers' Association and tho Council of Education. • Board of Trade Meeting. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Palo Alto Board of Trade will be bold next Monday night, July 9th, at Jordan's Hall. President Black will announce the standing committees for the year and various matters of business will be considered. CHOICH NOTICES. MojiIo Park Presbyterian Church, Dr. Steen, pastor. Morning subject, "Christian Citizenship"; evening topic, "Jdurnoylng In Blblo Land," tho third In series. „ At the Christian Church next Sunday morning at 11, C. E. Dougherty will preach. In tho evening at S the pastor Cbas. L. Beal. will proach on tho subject: "A'Mnn Misled by His Conscience." All other services at the usual hours exeept the Endeavor prayer meeting, which will bo omitted and a union mooting bold at the Presbyterian Church. We ire still al the old stand supplying CBirv-mers at tbe old rates with oil aod Gasolene. Dw't forget It. ALLEN OIL CO. 6X0 High St. Telephone Main 17 PALO ALTO, OAJL Feeding m Revolution. As a rale the sentiment of this coon try, aa shown by the press, favors con servatlve methods for men wbo, what' ever the namo given them, seek to chance the face of thlugs In Russia This la tbe most noticeable because of tbe natural impatience of tbe American people wltb every form of political oppression and social Injustice. It Is certain that we do not understand thr condition* In Russia ns we do those of other countries, nnd modesty demands that we take care not to about/With tbe wrong crowd. Had Gorky come here to give a solier account "of tbe faith I that la within" him aud tbe revolutionists ror whom be speaks, we would have listened eagerly and perhaps have backed up armed rolxtlllon against tbe powers that he In St Petersburg. But the fact la that tbe government of Bo* sin hilt shown Itself capable of flctiiliiK a foreign war and keeping order at home among swarms of discontented and mongrel masses, and as things go lixlny lite American pul>l|e Maud* by the systom wblcb does things. If tbe Russian people were all In tbe plight of some of those races ruled by the sultan of Turkey und tbe revolu tiou ln danger of a setback after being naif won, the -American people would bo the first to push It along, as was done In tho case of Cube. Russia In In tbe process of political transformation. Her people and ber rubra know and recognise It. and there are partli working blindly, not wholly convluced that tbe way they have espoused Is the right one or that tbe way of thc opposition Is wrong. The best minds of Russia havo spoken on the crisis within the past two years, and not a note of despair worth serious ntteutlon lias been bonrd. The burden of every great speech baa been that Russia Is not ready for radical changes. Surely the' men on the spot must know, nnd If conditions are Intolerable must know that too. Americana are as little acquainted with tho state or affairs in Russia iu they are with tbe dominions of tbe sultan.' When stories of Jewish in.u-.i- cres, "Moody Sundays" nnd Cossack whips are cabled over lu-ro tbe first Impulse Is to say tliat the government tolerating these monstrosities In tlie twentieth century ought to be wiped out as n relic of barbarism. Russia's commerce, her big cities, ber Institutions end her progress In spite of autocratic rule nre lost eight of. It could probably be demonstrated that, considering her vast extent, her mixed races, her distance from the centers of culture. RiHHln's progress gcuorully In the nineteenth century was fully equal to that of the other great nations t Ktirono. However thnt may lw, Russia is now too great, too mngtililcent and too promising to be glveu orer to fire aud sword, to civil war and anarchy. Her example of persistence under difficulties, even If she staggers on for another generation, U too good to be lost. Witte surely Is not tbe one man In all Russia for whom Roosevelt's description, "u Bplendld fellow," woold prove s fit. Such men do not grow np lu unpeopled deserts. Ills mind has played upon others und other minds upon bis. Splendid fellows are made by rubbing up against other splendid fellows, nnd the history of fifty years of Llltcrnl agitation nnd forward march under tbe shadow of the autocracy, from the emancipation of tbe serfs In 18(11 to the assembling of the douma In lOOS, la proof that Bosnia has no lack of "tbe men to make a state." Revolutions are more Interesting to look at and to think about then mere* transformations, but tbe secret of all lasting change Ilea In tbe words of Euripides, "Slowly but surely withal moves the might of the gods." Ants No More Trouble Get a Bottle of WEINOARTNER'S Ant Exterminator American oil Is sold for much lees than any other ln China, and tbe boycott on American products Is evaded by the merchant "borrowing" the boycotted article from tho Importers end "loaning" It to tbe consumer. This wsy of covering a transaction would be smart ln a life Insurance official. and use •according to the directions and you will soon get rid of this troublesome little pest. Positively guaranteed. PRICE 25 CENTS Wcingartncr & Co. DRUGGISTS 201 University Ave*, Palo Alto Fuller <& Co. GROCERS 158 UNIVERSITY AVE. Phone Main 51 The Oak Bakery A. 6. THOMPSON. Prop'r Orders lor all kinds of pastry promptly Hied aad delivered. Wagon deliveries to all parts of Palo Alto and SUofori. University. 210 Homer Avenue Phone Black 307. H. 8. RlTOBIM Coal Wood Hay Grain Bell-Ritchie* Oo. Tradk MsPUta Designs CostwiaHTS Ac. . a ssats> u»d ewwusiss mm anieklr «aKSrt*sf nr optntoo fras wb*W u mt.nii'in l» iwnt>«Mi- j.mxiLiil*, Comnsnteav (l^oiiiflrtlTr,mnrt.i.i!«l. MOT BOOS oc FaUMtt a.nt f r*av I (I Jeai mmmtCf tor —SttrfpsjUlSWM. I'nt.nu uksa tBtooata ttamn a to. tssstvs rp*r*ai mMitt, wNltgM CtagaTlBiaS Scientific American. A Vm-'i..(!!*!» !!l'i«ir,,Te 1 w**klr. tonal "llr- rulallon of any Kl.nUQe kiOriuJ. Tma,Oi T.*.-: Mar ojcntH*. IL 8oM fcTiJl S—•■dtslw. MUNN & Co."'—™-New York ItfrXICt, OflkM, «B T BU. WMhlDKIOM. D.C. An electric wire deflected tbe bomb thrown st King Alfonso snd bis bride and saved their Ilvsa. That means that whon royalty takes the sir In "parlous times" It will be the thing to have a wire bomb net toted share and around their precious beads. It really looks sometimes as though Miss Democracy was going to be In a plight which that overworked chestnut from tho "Beggar's Opera" weald exactly express, put In this fashion: How happy could 1 be with sIUmt Were t'otlior dear Dime avayt Hereafter when royalty of the eontb- srn European states perform In public it will be tbe thing to post up placards snnoundnc "No bocvusste" and omit flowers." Duels Jim IIUI's son-has tavsotad tor plutocratic sports tbe gams of nmntng down Jack rabbits with sntomobUss. The jack's loss rosy be bttmanity's piss. If bomb throwers wooM tbemselrsa (o blowing up the castles lo Spain their arguments woold be yast as effective and not nearly so wt Phone Main «7 aotir.-wnsni foipecUd -Jj>itrir«rsi#d MEATS —*TVS- Stanford Meat Market P.altry STANFORD Meat Company V Proprietor* mat* am iwo e**:«-6*fi**o.fl. a*r RUBBER TIRES No* h :h. Urn* to Bare robber llrw put oe reur rig tor ■prtas end ,umreer. W, Bare tee lateet taprene maeUaerr end expert vertnaea In eaarao ot tail eepartanat. Btaotaaltalac aad keree. eaoeros la proxpUr etteaded Vandervoort & Co.Identifier