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[[abstract]]健康是一種人權,不容種族、宗教、政治信仰的不同或社經條件的不同而有所折扣,外籍勞工自來台灣工作的第一天起,就擁有與本國人相同的健保保障,其醫療利用情形為何,值得探討。 本研究藉由回溯性的次級資料分析,利用描述性統計及迴歸分析,瞭解外籍勞工在健保醫療利用上的情形並探討其影響因素。 結果得知年齡、投保金額愈高,門診就醫次數愈高,另男性、家庭幫傭者其門診就醫次數較低。年齡、投保金額愈高,其門診醫療費用愈高,另男性、藍領勞工、家庭幫傭者其門診醫療費用相對較低。年齡愈高,其住院醫療費用愈高,投保金額愈高,其住院醫療費用愈低,另家庭幫傭較白領勞工其住院醫療費用較低。建議衛生相關部門應扮演更積極的角色,針對不同族群的外籍勞工擬定健康照護政策,相信對於提昇其醫療品質必定有所助益。[[abstract]]The health is a kind of human rights it will not have any discount regardless of the different race religion belief and political situation or social & economical conditions At the beginning day when the foreign laborer stays in Taiwan who will own the same health insurance for safeguard as the native How to deal with their medical utilization it is quite worth to discuss more later on By means of this research which uses the recall secondary data analysis making use of the descriptive statistics and the simultaneous regression in order to understand that the foreign workers’ medical utilization and discuss its influencing factor From the result knowing that the age and insurance amount is the more higher the outpatient service number is the much more In opposition male and domestic helper the outpatient service number is the less lower The age and insurance amount are the more higher its outpatient service medical expenses will be cost the much more In addition male the blue collar worker and domestic helper their outpatient service medical expenses will be less lower The age is the more higher the hospital medical expense is the more higher The insurance amount is the more higher the hospital medical expense will be cost less lower By the way the domestic helper’s hospital medical expense is the less lower than the white collar wageworkers Suggesting that the hygienic department should play a much more positive role drawing up the health care policy to the different race’s foreign workers believing that it is much helpful to promote the medical quality in the future time