國中補救教學政策執行現況及改良途徑之探討─以桃園市為例;A Study of Remedial Instruction’s Implementation and Improvement in Taoyuan City
remedial instruction
public-private partnerships
information technology integration
cooperative learning
remote areas education
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[[abstract]]摘 要 補救教學是政府基於教育正義,針對學習低成就之弱勢學子,欲確保其基本學習能力所制定之政策。在十二年國民基本教育實施計畫中,補救教學為課程與教學面向中一項重要的子方案。本研究之目的在於:探討補救教學政策於國中教學現場之落實情形,觀察其成效與瓶頸所在,並依據文獻或訪談所得資料,構思未來改良途徑。本研究所採之研究方法,以對教育行政人員、教學人員、補救教學種子教師、學者專家共計16位受訪者之深度訪談,及桃園市內四所公立國中補救教學課堂之參與觀察為主,並輔以補救教學學生匿名問卷調查之描述統計。研究結果發現,目前多數學校確實能依〈補救教學實施方案〉規範內容加以落實,且對提升學生學習成效確有助益;但在補救教學師資遴用、教學方法之實驗創新、與校外機構之公私協力方面,及考量偏鄉學校特殊需求等,均有再提升之空間,此亦為其改良途徑所在。本研究爰針對教育行政機關、學校教育行政人員、教育人員及未來有志從事補救教學研究者,分別從師資培用、替代式補救教學、偏鄉特殊需求、與家長或社區團體溝通與合作、採用數位科技與分組合作學習等創新教學方法、增強原班教師與補救教學教師之溝通、擴大討論補救教學與適性揚才之關聯等方面,提供研究建議。 ;Abstract Remedial Instruction is based on the principles of Educational Justice. The policy is made by the government to ensure that those disadvantaged students with low learning achievement can be assisted to possess basic learning ability. In the current Twelve-Year Public Education Program, Remedial Instruction is an important sub-program in the aspect of curriculum and instruction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation case of Remedial Instruction in Taoyuan City junior high schools and to observe its effectiveness and weakness. Moreover, based on the information available either from literature references or interviews, the researcher intended to devise improved teaching approaches of Remedial Instruction. The research methods of this study were qualitative and quantitative, and the main research methods of this study were in-depth interviews and participant observation. There were a total of 16 interviewees, including government administrators, school administrators, teaching staff, experts and scholars. Four public junior high schools agreed to be observed. The secondary research methods of this study were anynomous questionnaires for students and descriptive statistics. According to the findings of this study, most schools managed to implement “Remedial Instruction Program”, and the program did help students in learning. However, the following aspects were needed to be improved:teacher training and recruitment, innovative teaching methods, the ”Public-Private Partnerships” between schools and community/company/ non-profit organizations , and the special needs of schools in remote areas. Therefore, this study suggested that government′s education administrators, school administrators, teaching staff, and researchers interested in the future of Remedial Instruction, can apply teacher training and employment, conduct in alternative remedial instruction style, think of special needs of remote schools, communication or cooperation with students’ parents or community groups, use innovative teaching methods such as“Group Cooperative Learning ”or “Digital Technology Aided Teaching”, enhance the original class teachers and remedial teaching teachers’ communication, and strengthen to discuss the links between "Remedial instruction" and "Adaptive Talent Development."Date