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圣-桑( Camille Saint-Saens)是一位属于浪漫时期的法国作曲家,同时也是著名的钢琴及管风琴演奏家,一生之中写了诸多作品。歌剧《参孙与达丽拉》,根据圣经旧约故事改编,是他所有歌剧作品中最著名的一部,也是为数不多的由女中音担任女主角的歌剧之一,在西方可谓家喻户晓。 《春天来到人间》和《我心花怒放》是歌剧中女主角达丽拉的两首非常迷人的咏叹调,它们生动流畅的旋律、独特的音乐风格、引人入胜的戏剧情节以及较高难度的演唱技巧,常常成为许多女中音歌唱家们音乐会上演唱的保留曲目。本文不仅对这两首咏叹调进行了音乐分析,同时结合女中音的特点,从角色、语言、声音三个方面对如何演唱及表现进行了论述。 笔者研究发现国内对《参孙与达丽拉》这部歌剧的研究课题并不多,对剧中女主角咏叹调的研究更是少见。笔者本人是女中音声部,对此角色的演唱有切身的体会,具备对剧中女中音部分曲目进行分析研究的能力,因此,本文通过对《参孙与达丽拉》这部歌剧中女主角达丽拉的两首咏叹调的分析研究,提出自己的一些见解。Cammille Saint-Saens is a French pianist and pipe organ performer of the Romantic Period, and also a productive composer. Of all his operas, Samson et Dalila, which is adapted from a story of the Old Testament, is the most famous one. It’s also of the few operas that starred by mezzo-soprano, which is rather uncommon. Printemps qui commence and Mon Coeur s’ouvre a ta voix, the two charming arias of the heroine Dalila, are often kept by many mezzo-soprano singers as their repertoires of the concerts, because of their vivid and coherent melody, unique music style, enchanting story and the rather high-degree difficulty in singing. In this paper, not only the musical analysis, but also the discussions on how to sing and perform from the aspects of role, language and voice, according to the characteristic of mezzo-soprano, are made to the two arias. As is known, the research on Samson et Dalila in China is inadequate, and as far as the arias of the heroine in this opera is concerned, the rarer. As the author is a mezzo-soprano, who has not only the very experience of performing this role but also the ability to analyse the mezzo-soprano part of the opera, some views are brought forward in this paper, based on the analysis and research on the two arias of the heroine Dalila in Samson et Dalila.