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旧金山唐人街是美国最早、最大的唐人街。本文以旧金山唐人街为例,论述了1850-1882年间美国华人的主要文化活动。<br>绪论部分,阐述了选题缘由、国内外研究概况和研究方法。<br>第一章,首先考察了华人移民加利福尼亚的过程及动因。珠江三角洲地区的活力和开放产生了很大的推力,而加州发现黄金的消息传来产生了一种移民的拉力。其次,论述了旧金山唐人街的形成与发展。分两方面分析了其原因:一,西部各州排华浪潮高涨使华人退缩到唐人街,二,华人自愿性地选择集聚唐人街。<br>第二章,详细地论述了旧金山唐人街早期华人的主要文化活动。分五大类:传统宗教与基督教、传统教育与教会学校、看戏、华文报纸和中国传统习俗。得出结论华人顽强坚持中国传统文化。<br>第三章,从两个角度分析了文化活动的社会背景。美国社会的排华,其中分三方面:一,州和市政府制定法令在就业和教育方面排斥华人;二,种族主义论调主导的西部社会舆论歧视华人;三,社会各种力量存在不同程度的排华倾向。另外一个角度是华人社会自身文化选择:华人会馆的组织作用和满清官员的导向作用。<br>综观全文,得出结论:因为中西文化没有平等的对话交流机会,早期华人无法融入到白人主流社会。<br>The San Francisco’s Chinatown is the biggest one in the U.S.A. and it was founded earliest there. This article ,using San Francisco’s Chinatown as an example, discusses principal cultural activities of American Chinese from 1850 to 1882. The preface expounds the cause to choose this subject 、general conditions of research at home and abroad and the ways to study in this article. <br> The first chapter explores how Chinese immigrants moved to San Francisco and the reason behind their action. The opening-up and vitality of the Pearl River Delta Region gave them great push and the information of discovering gold in California produced pulling force. Then the article outlines the formation and development of Chinatown in San Francisco. Their reason is analyzed in two perspectives. Firstly, the tide of anti-Chinese in some west states made these Chinese retreat to Chinatown. Secondly, some Chinese chose to live in Chinatown of their own accord. <br> The second chapter elaborates on the main activities of Chinese which can be divided into five kinds: activities of traditional religion and Christian; activities of traditional education and missionary school; going-theater; reading Chinese newspaper; the Chinese tradition. Then comes the author’s conclusion that the Chinese there stick to Chinese traditional culture. The third chapter analyzes the social background of these activities from two perspectives. Firstly, the anti-Chinese in the U.S.A. can be distinguished in three ways: 1) The governments from states and metropolises set up acts to repel Chinese in job-hunting and education; 2)The public opinions guided by the racism ideas discriminated against Chinese; 3)Almost all the forces from the society were inclined to discriminate against Chinese. The second one is the cultural choice of Chinese which included the organizational function of Chinese HuiGuan and the guiding function of officials of Qing Dynasty.<br> Finally, it is summed up that the Chinese immigrants of U.S.A. in early period could not melt into the society dominated by the whites due to lack of equal communicational opportunities for cultures from China and western countries.<br>