A comparative study to determine the perspective of missionary children on re-entry prior to re-entering the United States for college and to draw some conclusions to aid the development of re-entry programs for missionary children
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This thesis designed to determine the perspective of MKs on reentry before entering/re-entering the United states for college by using a four part survey questionnaire given to 400 seniors in MK high schools around the world. Analysis of the 239 valid surveys was done to determine the differences in MKs' perspective based on age, sex, continent, number of years lived on the mission field, location, number of different countries lived in, and projected re-entry attendance. Varimax factor rotation for multivariable factors was done to determine what items clustered together to account for variances in the responses before multiple pairwise comparisons were done. A comparison test was done to see if the re-entry perspectives of MKs differed significantly from a previous study, to see if the same factors accounted for variances in responses and to compare the recommendations for re-entry programs.Date