Etica e società in Wittgenstein. Una nota critica su Sparti (2000), a cura di, Wittgenstein politico
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In this paper I discuss Davide Sparti’s book Wittgenstein politico and I examine the possibility to read Wittgenstein’s later works from an ethical and political point of view. I defend the following thesis: we can understand the political interest of Wittgenstein’s philosophy only if we analyse its ethical value. I pay attention especially to the main themes presented in Sparti’s book, and I sketch an analysis of the relationship between Philosophische Untersuchungen’s ethical meaning and the ethical meaning of the whole wittgensteinian approach to philosophy. Moreover, I argue against the tendency currently shown by philosophy of politics to judge Wittgenstein’s thought a conservative one.Date
ArticoloIdentifier Mautarelli, "Etica e società in Wittgenstein. Una nota critica su Sparti (2000), a cura di, Wittgenstein politico", in: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics, III (2001) 2