İbn Rüşd'ün Aristo'nun Topikleri, Retoriki Ve Poetiki Üzerine Üç Kısa Şerhi
Online Access
This translation is only including Charles E. Butterworths preface, introduction and evaluations of the texts edited and translated by himself concerning Averroes Three Short Commentaries on Aristotles Topics, Rhetoric, and Poetics. These sections have been especially translated for two raisons. First, the examiner and the translator did his best to put out the most authentic text, while he was working to form these short commentaries Arabic texts by means of comparing their Judeo-Arabic versions. His effort is precious from that point of view: In fact, the fastidiousness that had been displayed by him and his valuable criticisms about these texts are an attribute that need to be taken as a model by everyone who doing an academic research. Indeed if it is taken into consideration the richness of the footnotes that were used in during this endeavour and the contribution that it provided the work, is easily understood that how we are in the right in our evaluations. Second, the examiner and the translator had made a comprehensive evaluation with the intention of these treatises could more easily understand. This evaluation throws light on the epistemological bases of Averroes opinions about the relations among the religion, politics and philosophy from the point of view of these short commentaries. Also, it is exceedingly deserves to be deliberated in point of indicating that it is done a grand injustice to Averroes because he has only seen by a group of scholars as a commentator on Aristotle, and thus he has not seen as a original thinker and philosopher. Once again, an important point is that he had put out the basic dynamics of the criticisms that Averroes directed to the dialectical theologians.Date