Si prende in esame la favola esopica “Il corvo e la volpe”, attraverso i favolisti che l’hanno rielaborata, a partire da Fedro e continuando con Ademado di Chabannes, Maria di Francia, Odone di Cheriton, il “Roman de Renart”, l’ “Esopo toscano”, Gabriele Faerno, Emanuele Tesauro, Jean de La Fontaine e Lorenzo Pignotti. Essi conservano quasi tutti inalterata la morale; per distinguersi, tuttavia, operano lievi, ma significative, variazioni.This study starts with the examination of Aesop’s fable “The crow and the fox” and continues on with the later writers who took it up and reworked it: the first of them was Phaedrus, followed by Adémar de Chabannes, Marie de France, Odo of Cheriton, the author of the Roman de Renart, the “Toscan Aesop”, Gabriele Faerno, Emanuele Tesauro, Jean de La Fontaine and Lorenzo Pignotti. It will be showed that, while almost all these authors keep unchanged the moral, they introduce, nevertheless, little but significant changes in order to keep apart from the others.