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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"> <title>anete52</title> </head> <body> O artigo apresenta os principais aspectos tratados no livro Les Pauvres [1907], de Georg Simmel, sobre os pobres e apobreza. O autor parte das rela&ccedil;&otilde;es intersubjetivas da obriga&ccedil;&atilde;o da<br> d&aacute;diva, no ato de dar/receber, avan&ccedil;ando em proposi&ccedil;&otilde;es te&oacute;ricas mais amplas, como: as rela&ccedil;&otilde;es entre a &eacute;tica, a moral e a sociedade; a articula&ccedil;&atilde;o entre o particular e o geral com base na posi&ccedil;&atilde;o<br> de depend&ecirc;ncia dos pobres frente &agrave; coletividade; a passagem da no&ccedil;&atilde;o abstrata da pobreza &agrave;s formas regulat&oacute;rias da assist&ecirc;ncia e sua objetiva&ccedil;&atilde;o social na forma de institui&ccedil;&otilde;es p&uacute;blicas e/ou<br> privadas da assist&ecirc;ncia. Ao final o autor estabelece algumas conex&otilde;es entre a an&aacute;lise de Simmel e a perspectiva contempor&acirc;nea da teoria da d&aacute;diva em rela&ccedil;&atilde;o<br> &agrave; prote&ccedil;&atilde;o social, especialmente sobre a renda m&iacute;nima de cidadania. Ao analisar a situa&ccedil;&atilde;o da pobreza, Simmel encaminha, no plano te&oacute;rico e anal&iacute;tico, uma fecunda an&aacute;lise sobre a estrutura&ccedil;&atilde;o social.<br> <br> PALAVRAS-CHAVE: teoria social, Georg Simmel, pobreza, teoria da d&aacute;diva, cidadania.<br> <br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">GEORG SIMMEL AND THE &ldquo;SOCIOLOGY OF POVERTY&rdquo;</span><br> Anete B. L. Ivo<br> <br> The article presents the main aspects treated in the book Les Pauvres [1907], by Georg Simmel, on the poor and poverty. The author starts from the intersubjective relations of the obligation<br> of giving, in the action of giving/receiving, advancing in ampler theoretical propositions, such as: the relations between ethics, morals and society; the articulation between the particular and<br> the general, based in the dependence position of the poor regarding the collectivity; the passage from the abstract notion of poverty to the regulatory forms of the assistance and its social<br> objectivation in the form of public and/or private institutions of assistance. At the end the author establishes some connections between Simmel&rsquo;s analysis and the contemporary perspective of<br> theory of giving in relation to social protection, especially on the minimum citizenship income. When analyzing the situation of poverty, Simmel directs, in the theoretical and analytical plan, a<br> fertile analysis about social structuring.<br> <br> KEYWORDS: social theory, Georg Simmel, poverty, theory of the giving, citizenship.<br> <br> <br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">GEORG SIMMEL ET LA &ldquo;SOCIOLOGIE DE LA PAUVRET&Eacute;&rdquo;</span><br> Anete B. L. Ivo<br> <br> L&rsquo;article pr&eacute;sente les principaux aspects abord&eacute;s dans le livre Les Pauvres [1907], de Georg Simmel, concernant les pauvres et la pauvret&eacute;. L&rsquo;auteur part des relations intersubjectives de<br> l&rsquo;obligation des dons dans l&rsquo;acte de donner et de recevoir et avance des propositions th&eacute;oriques amples telles que : les relations entre l&rsquo;&eacute;thique, la morale et la soci&eacute;t&eacute;, l&rsquo;articulation entre<br> le particulier et le g&eacute;n&eacute;ral sur la base d&rsquo;une position de d&eacute;pendance des pauvres face &agrave; la collectivit&eacute; ; le passage de la notion abstraite de pauvret&eacute; aux formes r&eacute;gulatrices de l&rsquo;assistance et de<br> son objectivation sociale sous forme d&rsquo;institutions publiques et/ou priv&eacute;es de l&rsquo;assistance. Pour finir, l&rsquo;auteur &eacute;tablit des liens entre l&rsquo;analyse de Simmel et la perspective contemporaine de la th&eacute;orie<br> des dons par rapport &agrave; la protection sociale, tout sp&eacute;cialement en ce qui concerne le revenu minimum de la citoyennet&eacute;. En analysant la situation de la pauvret&eacute;, Simmel m&egrave;ne, autant<br> sur le plan th&eacute;orique que sur le plan analytique, une analyse f&eacute;conde de la structuration sociale.<br> <br> MOTS-CL&Eacute;S: th&eacute;orie sociale, Georg Simmel, pauvret&eacute;, th&eacute;orie du don, citoyennet&eacute;.<br> <br> <span style="font-size: 10pt; color: black;">Publica&ccedil;&atilde;o Online do Caderno CRH: </span><u><span style="font-size: 10pt; color: rgb(0, 0, 204);"><a href=""></a></span></u> </body> </html>Date
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