Ethics in Higher Education
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Ethics in Higher Education Collection aims to help students, teachers and higher education administrators to stay well informed on ethical issues affecting university life, and to understand how to advocate for the respective interests of all interested parties, at the institutional, state, regional and international levels.From the empirical point of view the collection on ethics in education includes documents that explain what the newest forms of innovative education are, why didactic method is as important as the delivery of a good curriculum, and this collection could even give concrete insights on how to support by means of institutional efforts students to aspire to and plan for education.The main aim of the collection is to transcend the empirical layer of education in order to provide a careful normative description and ethical incentives for good education. But what does good education mean? Is it mastering of technology, developing disinterested knowledge, apply practical knowledge in context, or self-understanding and virtue? Inspired by the wisdom collected since early Antiquity to the current contexts, Globethics Library should help to manifest the highest level of academic integrity and reminds us that simply dealing with others honestly and fairly are universal values.
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Informe diagnóstico sobre la situación de la gestión ética en las IES de El Salvador2024El presente informe se enmarca en el proyecto “INTEGRACIÓN DE LA ÉTICA EN EL SISTEMA NACIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR DE El SALVADOR”, que es fruto del un acuerdo entre la Dirección Nacional de Educación Superior de El Salvador (DNES), Globethics (GE), la Universidad Salvadoreña Alberto Masferrer (USAM) y la Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador (UEES).
Education alternative et non formelle au NigerÀ l’instar des autres pays de l’Afrique-subsaharienne, le Niger est confronté à la tâche de scolariser l’ensemble des enfants et des jeunes en leur offrant des opportunités pertinentes d’apprentissage. Toutefois, le modèle scolaire nigérien montre des signes d’essoufflement et est actuellement incapable de relever ce défi. D’où la nécessité d’autres pistes d’éducation et de formation. Au lieu d’un choix par défaut de la formation scolaire, nous avons avec l’éducation alternative et non-formelle une opportunité de repenser l’éducation dans une perspective africaine et culturellement appropriée. Ce livre réunit les textes d’auteurs qui exposent les potentialités de ce modèle d’éducation, au moyen de différents concepts clefs ainsi que leurs fondements théoriques et pratiques. Résultat d’un travail collectif mené par des chercheurs de plusieurs horizons, le projet est soutenu par Fondazione Vittorino Chizzolini (Italy), L’École normale supérieure (ENS, Niger) et l’Université de Genève (UNIGE, Suisse).
Navigating the future of higher education with AI : 2024 ICDE Leadership Summit policy dialogue reportThis policy report is the outcome of the ICDE leadership Summit hosted by Globethics in Geneva, from 5 to 7 June 2024, in partnership with UNESCO ICHEI, under the title: Ethical Leadership in the Age of AI: Rethinking Futures of Education. Throughout the three days, 126 participants and 60 speakers from 35 countries contributed to enriching the reflection, from theoretical and practical perspectives, about the future of higher education in the fourth industrial revolution era. The report aims at capturing the outcomes from the presentations and discussions and presents them under five titles: 1) Ethical Implications of AI in Higher Education, 2) A Culture of Innovation, 3) Equitable Leadership, 4) Social Justice, and 5) Future Praxis. Hence, the report aims to be “an accessible tool to shine a light on some of the key challenges and opportunities that are before us,” ensuring a critical engagement with AI in educational spaces, that fosters accessibility, equity, and quality.
Educación para la convivencia: humanidades y experienciasVenezuelan education, although rightly oriented to work, was not inclined to moral reflection. The valuation, indisputably human power, was delegated to the Catholic Church which played a fundamental role in the generation, maintenance and development of educational institutions. Coexistence accentuates the relational and narrative character of human existence over what is exclusively substantial. Life is, life with others and, precisely for this reason, education must be directed towards recognition and understanding as pillars. The objective of the following article is to explore the importance of the humanities in Venezuelan education as an ideal space for the promotion of coexistence through a documentary methodology and from a philosophical-sociological perspective. It begins with a first reading of coexistence oriented towards objectivity. It refers to the epistemological character of education and its orientation to work. Next, coexistence is proposed in relation to otherness, neighbor and community interaction. Coexistence is approached as an ethical and undoubtedly interactive issue. Finally, the humanities are proposed as an ideal space for coexistence based on dialogue and interaction in the diversity that it implies.
Un ejemplo del uso de los álbumes ilustrados en Educación Primaria para abordar problemas sociales relevantes. El desarrollo sostenible a través de Los guardianes del BosqueEl objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) es explorar el desarrollo de competencias ciudadanas en el primer ciclo de Educación Primaria mediante el uso del álbum ilustrado Los Guardianes del Bosque. La motivación detrás de este estudio es fomentar en los estudiantes la comprensión de la sostenibilidad y el cuidado del medio ambiente desde una edad temprana. La propuesta didáctica se basa en la metodología del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP), la cual promueve el aprendizaje activo y significativo. A través de actividades como la lectura comprensiva del álbum, la creación de murales y maquetas con materiales reciclados, los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades de pensamiento crítico, trabajo en equipo y responsabilidad ambiental. Aunque la propuesta no se ha implementado, se anticipa que estas actividades contribuirían significativamente al desarrollo de actitudes responsables y a la adquisición de conocimientos sobre la conservación del medio ambiente. Los resultados potenciales sugieren que, aunque este material se usa poco frecuentemente puede influir en una mejora en la motivación y el compromiso de los estudiantes hacia la protección del entorno natural.
Pedagogy in Counselor Education: Insights from John DeweyThe literature addressing pedagogy in counselor education is sparse. In this paper, we propose using John Dewey’s philosophy of education to inform pedagogy in counseling programs. More specifically, we describe the pattern of inquiry, issues of mind-body continuity, the role of the teacher and student, the difference between educative and miseducative experiential activities, and problem based learning in the context of counselor education. These concepts are exemplified using a case illustration comparing a professor using a traditional model of teaching and a professor using a model of teaching informed by Dewey.
Оценка сформированности критического мышления студентов в процессе преподавания философииIntroduction. Developing critical thinking is one of the primary objectives of modern education. From the authors’ perspective, both the method and the content of the discipline, especially philosophy, have historically evolved through dialogue within the intellectual tradition of the era, which is valuable for fostering critical thinking. Aim. The study aimed to develop and test a methodology for assessing the role of philosophy in shaping critical thinking, considering its expertise, knowledge, and skills. Methodology and research methods. The development of critical thinking was assessed during the analysis of the philosophical text. Prior to the test, it is worth noting that the authors conducted an expert assessment of the text, which later served as a reference assessment, and developed a grading scale. Gradually, examples of typical student errors were added to the scale, facilitating further assessment. Results. Nearly all students were able to summarise the provided text by the end of the course, although with varying degrees of distortion. At the beginning of the course, approximately one-tenth of the students were unable to do it, indicating that the understanding and interpretation of a text was beyond their ability. The absence of dynamics in all three skills indicates that a student has not developed a critical thinking mindset if their results are low. Among the students, the weak and average ones exhibit the most significant overall improvement (16–20% of the class enhance their performance across all criteria). The test revealed tender points in the student’s critical thinking development: a feeble argument assessment skill and a poor understanding of the voice behind the text. Scientific novelty. The proposed assessment methodology enables the connection of texts to assess the development of critical thinking with philosophical objectivity. Practical significance. This work provides a convenient tool for monitoring critical thinking skills in each student. Measuring critical thinking skills through students’ written works may help track individual accomplishments of the learners and indicate areas of growth in the course taught.
Contemporary perspectives on the meaning of life. Educational reflections between radicalism and critical thinking.<p>The question of the meaning of life is not an optional or merely circumstantial question merely circumstantial. On the contrary, it is a typically human question; a typically inexcusable and recurring question about the why and what for of existence without forgetting, also, the how of existence. of existence. This timeless question in the history of the human being has aroused a certain amount of interest by various thinkers in recent decades (Landau, 2011; Metz, 2012; Kauppinen, 2012; Cooper, 2005).</p>
Narrative Research: You Did What with Technology? Exploring Student Narratives of Technology at a Research-Based University in the SouthwestThis qualitative study examined the impact of high school instructional technology on college students' academic strategies. It examined the historical and modern advancements of technology in education, uncovering significant milestones in technology integration within classrooms in the United States. Using a narrative inquiry approach grounded in John Dewey's philosophy of experience, it centered on the narratives of students in their second and third semesters of college. The study highlighted the gap in understanding students’ personal experiences with technology and emphasized the role their narratives play in shaping future technology integration strategies. The methodology involved utilizing digital surveys and online semi-structured interviews with participants from traditional public high schools or charter schools across the United States. Data analysis was facilitated by NVivo 14 and triangulation methods and included reflexive journaling. Findings indicated high school technology experiences greatly influence college resource utilization, with a shift towards more organized, professional learning strategies. Concerns about artificial intelligence and ethical considerations were noted.
Speech norms shaping adult-child discourse in Ghana: A critical pedagogy perspectiveThis study investigates the speech norms shaping adult-child discourse in Ghana, focusing on three tribes: Asante, Dagbani, and Akuapem Kyerepon. The study uncovers pervasive cultural conservatism, where challenging established norms is deemed unacceptable, especially in the context of child-elderly interactions. The study reveals a profound acquiescence effect, wherein children are compelled to accept statements from adults, even if they are aware of inaccuracies. Ageism also plays a significant role, as the culture discriminates against children, restricting their ability to contest and/or oppose the knowledge and opinions of the elderly. The implications of these speech norms on critical pedagogy in schools are explored. It was found that the rare practice of critical pedagogy significantly hindered the development of students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students found it quite challenging in question the validity of knowledge, expressing disagreement with teachers views, and initiating discussions due to deeply ingrained speech norms of the Ghanaian society. These findings underscore the need for a paradigm shift in Ghanaian education to foster critical thinking. This calls for the need for sensitization of teachers and educational policy essential for integrating critical pedagogy effectively.
Competência em informação na educação superior: Um plano de ação usando metodologias de sistemas softThe process of technological, sociocultural, and economic globalization has required universities to adapt to new technologies, as well as changes in the pedagogical projects of undergraduate courses, with the aim of stimulating information literacy, media literacy, independent learning, and social responsibility, aiming to guarantee the dimensions: technical, aesthetics, ethics, and politics in higher education. This research used the method called 'Soft Systems Methodology', as it focuses on problematic situations involving various actors around the standards and categories of information literacy. For each category of information literacy, a problem situation to be explored was defined and an action plan was established. The objective is to develop an information literacy program in higher education that develops skills to access, find, evaluate, appropriate and use information, as well as develops skills to handle new technologies. The specific objectives: 1) include proposals for student independent learning, in addition to curricular subjects; 2) propose actions to encourage the appropriate use of information while preserving memory; 3) present practices to exercise citizenship with participation in decisions and social transformations. The information literacy program in higher education presents a possible action plan with suggestions for desirable changes, which can stimulate independent learning, social responsibility, and media literacy, in the technical, aesthetic, ethical and political dimensions of information literacy in higher education context.
Gender inequalities and academic leadership in Nigeria, South Africa and the United Kingdom: A systematic literature review (2013–2023)This study provides the first systematic review of the literature on women's leadership in higher education in Nigeria, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. The primary aim of the review was to identify themes related to barriers and explore strategies suggested in the literature to overcome obstacles hindering women's academic leadership. The study undertook a systematic literature review of 37 articles published in the decade between 2013 and 2023 arising from an externally funded research project on gender equality. Three databases (ERIC, Scopus, Web of Science) were searched using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) protocol to select eligible articles. The findings revealed a predominance of qualitative studies in existing scholarship, with a specific focus on the lived experiences of women. Recurring barriers identified were gender bias and stereotyping, family-work conflicts, heavy workload and financial constraints, male-dominated leadership culture, the intersection of race and gender, and lack of role models. The literature proposes several measures to address the underrepresentation of women in academic leadership positions. These measures are classified into professional development and training, the policy agenda and organisational change, and support mechanisms and networking. The insights gained from this review aim to shed light on the barriers faced by women academics and the strategies proposed to overcome these challenges in the three target countries, providing higher education institutions with recommendations to address gender inequalities within their organisations.
Entre humanos y algoritmos: percepciones docentes sobre la exploración con IAG en la Enseñanza del Nivel SuperiorEste estudio explora las percepciones de la Inteligencia Artificial Generativa (IAG) entre docentes de educación superior, utilizando una metodología cualitativa para profundizar en las oportunidades y desafíos que presenta esta tecnología emergente. Los hallazgos destacan el potencial de la IAG para repensar las prácticas pedagógicas en la enseñanza superior, al tiempo que revelan inquietudes en torno a cuestiones éticas y de integridad académica. Asimismo, se enfatiza la importancia de la formación docente continua y la generación de espacios de reflexión colectiva para repensar las prácticas de enseñanza en la universidad. El estudio apunta a la necesidad de un abordaje situado y colaborativo, que reconozca tanto las oportunidades como las implicaciones complejas que conlleva la incorporación de herramientas de IAG en la educación superior contemporánea.
Impact of Teacher Support Systems on Advanced Placement Achievement OutcomesIn the realm of Advanced Placement (AP) education, a persistent achievement gap exists, with low-socioeconomic students consistently underperforming compared to their affluent peers. This disparity is particularly notable in AP English Language and Composition, where 93% of students fail to achieve a score of three or higher, the score for earning college credit. This study hypothesizes that this gap is partly due to inadequate support for AP teachers, particularly the lack of collaborative planning time. In most high schools, AP English Language and Composition teachers have no dedicated time for collaboration, instead focusing on other areas like End of Course subjects or Dual Credit courses. Using a mixed-method approach with an embedded experimental model, this study examines how providing these teachers with structured collaborative planning time affects their perceptions of support and, ultimately, their students' achievement outcomes. By addressing this systemic issue, the study seeks to enhance educational equity, empowering underserved students to fully benefit from AP opportunities.
Urban Middle School Students, Twenty-First Century Skills, and STEM-ICT Careers: Selected Findings from a Front-End AnalysisAs part of the design and development of an informal learning environment meant to increase urban middle school students’ interest in technology-focused STEM careers, and to support their twenty-first century skill development, researchers developed and administered the ICT/Twenty-First Century Skills Questionnaire. Both STEM-ICT professionals and middle school students completed the survey. STEM-ICT professionals indicated that problem solving, critical thinking and communication were the most valued and the most frequently used skills in their environments. Students underestimated the amount of critical thinking and systematic design, and overestimated the amount of coding and digital research that occurs in STEM-ICT workplaces. Among skills highly valued by ICT professionals, students reported significantly lower ability levels in problem solving, critical thinking, communication, use of technical systems and information literacy. The researchers discuss implications of this research on future curriculum and program design.
Examining the Relationships Between the Attitudes Towards Reading and Reading Habits, Metacognitive Awarenesses of Reading Strategies and Critical Thinking Tendencies of Pre-Service TeachersThe purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between the attitudes towards reading and reading habits, metacognitive awarenesses of reading strategies and critical thinking tendencies of pre-service teachers. Two hundred and six pre-service teachers who continue their education in various departments of Faculty of Education at Afyon Kocatepe University were the participants of the study. In this study, which employed predictive correlational research design, structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses about direct or indirect relationships between the attitudes towards reading and reading habits, metacognitive awarenesses of reading strategies and critical thinking tendencies. According to the findings of the study, the attitude towards reading had a positive and significant impact on attitude towards the reading habit and metacognitive awareness of reading strategies, and metacognitive awareness of reading strategies had a positive and significant impact on critical thinking tendency. On the other hand, given the attitude towards reading’s influence on critical thinking tendency, it was determined that the mediation role of the metacognitive awareness of reading strategies was meaningful. Given the attitude towards reading habit’s influence on critical thinking tendency, it was determined that the mediation role of the metacognitive awareness of reading strategies was meaningful.
Using a project-based learning approach to foster interest in STEM subjects and the development of critical thinking in a vocational school in the UAEStudents need help developing critical thinking skills, and in many education systems, improvements are needed to the curriculum to ensure this essential capability is nurtured. The distinctive characteristics of modern digital natives makes this need even greater. 
 Although STEM project-based learning (PBL) has demonstrated success in improving students’ proficiency in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, there is a lack of research on how effective STEM education is in developing critical thinking skills at the university level. 
 To help fill this gap, the present research incorporated a quasi-experimental design to determine how PBL education in STEM disciplines taught in the United Arab Emirates affects the development of critical thinking skills. We conducted a STEM semantics survey and administered a recognized critical thinking test to 150 11th grade students. We also interviewed four teachers and three eleventh-grade students. 
 The research found that PBL promotes critical thinking in STEM disciplines, by providing students with real-life experiences. By engaging in PBL, students were able to broaden their knowledge and satisfy their curiosity. Despite several limitations, including survey restrictions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the findings contribute to our understanding of critical thinking education in the UAE. Further, the research findings and the developed framework of key characteristics can be used by teachers and researchers to promote the implementation and design of PBL science education.
Atenei, Terza Missione e patrimonio storico e speciale delle biblioteche. Verso un modello di valutazioneLe Linee guida per la valutazione di Terza Missione/Impatto Sociale pubblicate da ANVUR nel novembre 2018 si focalizzano anche sulla gestione del patrimonio storico delle biblioteche di università e sulle attività di valorizzazione ad esso correlate. A motivo della propria unicità e originalità, il patrimonio storico e speciale - non solo le collezioni ma anche gli edifici che le ospitano - identifica la singola biblioteca e può rivelarsi utile per avvicinare anche i non esperti, per il fascino che esercita ed il valore storico-artistico, spesso unito all’interesse locale, che spesso lo contraddistingue. Per far fronte alla complessa articolazione dei progetti di valorizzazione e alla necessità di competenze diverse per realizzarli (storiche, bibliografiche, informatiche, di comunicazione e marketing, economico-gestionali, etc.), importante è la collaborazione sia all’interno dell’ateneo sia con partner esterni. Il settore può aprirsi ad ambiti d’azione ancora poco esplorati dalle biblioteche delle università (p.e. turismo culturale), contribuendo a rafforzare il ruolo di questi istituti nella società. A partire dai suggerimenti metodologici derivati dall’analisi di letteratura professionale, linee guida, reports e casi-studio, è stata elaborata una prima proposta di schema di valutazione delle attività di questo tipo svolte dalle biblioteche di università e riconducibili al quadro di Terza Missione/Impatto Sociale.