Theology and ecumenism
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Religions and Christianity in Today's China [Vol. 14 2024 No. 3]China-Zentrum e.V., 2024
Religions and Christianity in Today's China [Vol. 14 2024 No. 4]China-Zentrum e.V., 2024
Die Zehn Gebote : ein chinesischer Katechismus des LebensDer Katechismus wird oft als Lehre von altmodischen Glaubenssätzen oder als autoritäre Liste dessen, was uns religiöse Führer zu glauben zwingen, wahrgenommen. Dieser Katechismus ist ein Überlebenspaket mit der Nahrung namens 'Glaube'. Er ist frisches Wasser aus der Quelle für den täglichen Lebensweg und zur Orientierung bei der Entscheidungsfindung. Diese vier Bände chinesischer Katechismen übertragen die klassischen Kerntexte des christlichen Glaubens in das heutige Leben: das Glaubensbekenntnis (Bd. 1), das Vaterunser (Bd. 2), die Zehn Gebote (Bd. 3) und die Liturgie als Feier des Lebens (Bd. 4). Der Autor You Bin aus Peking bietet es aus chinesischer Sicht als Beitrag zur interkulturellen Theologie an. Es ist ein Geschenk an die Weltchristenheit und die Menschheit. Es ist kein lutherischer, reformierter, katholischer oder anglikanischer Katechismus sondern ein post-konfessionelles Fenster zum Leben. In diesem Band 3 werden die Zehn Gebote vor einem chinesischen Hintergrund und mit chinesischer Weisheit interpretiert.
Christian professional formation at Uganda Christian University : a reflectionChristian Professional Formation has been the hallmark of Uganda Christian University. Established by the Church of Uganda in 1997, the University has championed an explicitly Christian-based form of education. It has thereby distinguished itself as a University whose model of professional formation seeks to balance professional and Christian character formation. At its establishment, the University drew on the rich dual heritage of the Christian education, on the one hand, and on the American tradition of higher education, on the other. From these it furthered the motif of integration of faith in learning and service. The book tells the story of Uganda Christian University against the backdrop of the Church of Uganda’s use of education as mission. By so doing it shows how the founding fathers have taken the two traditions to enable the Church of Uganda to faithfully uphold its calling to education as mission. It draws on the tradition of virtue ethics, sociology of education and Christian worldview studies.
Öko-theologische Ansätze zur Überwindung des 'herrschaftsbezogenen Anthropozentrismus' in der ökumenischen Bewegung : ein erster kurzer ÜberblickThe essay is providing an account of beginnings of eco-theological reflexions within the global ecumenical movement, mainly related to selected two out of several periods, mainly an early period of the 1960ies and a last period after the first decade of this century. It describes how the ecumenical discourse has reacted to major challenges presented by an essay from Lynn White from late sixties which was accusing Christianity to be the main culprit of environmental destruction. The essay culminates in identifying five major types of eco-theological discourses in the past two decades and identifies four major challenges at the end in which ecotheological work needs to move forward.
Religious communities and ecological sustainability in Southern Africa and beyondClimate change and environmental degradation are threatening livelihoods in many parts of the world. To develop pathways into a sustainable future and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, fundamental socioecological transformations are needed. This process requires not only appropriate policies as well as scientific knowledge, but necessitates radical paradigm shifts and changed mindsets and behaviour. Religious communities are crucial stakeholders for achieving these paradigm shifts: religion shapes social imaginaries and people’s values, and religious communities have the ability to act as agents of socio-ecological transformation. This volume seeks to elucidate the role of religious communities for ecological sustainability with a focus on Southern Africa. The book provides resources for scholars and students of religion and ecological sustainability, religious communities and faith-based organizations as well as policymakers, practitioners and NGOs in the field of sustainable development. It thereby seeks to facilitate knowledge exchange and to spark further engagement on religion and ecological sustainability in Southern Africa and beyond.
News update on religion and church in China October 13 - December 4, 2023Chinese Christian Studies Forum in 2023: “Featuring Prospects of Sinicized Christianity” / Katharina Feith. - Bitter Winter reports on a letter to parents from a middle school in Yushu (Qinghai): Parents must educate children not to believe in any religion / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - Nearly 300 overseas Zhengyi Daoists receive ordination by “conferring of registers” / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - Official Panchen Lama ordains monks at Tashi Lhunpo Monastery for the first time / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - “2023 Conference on the Interpretation of the Teachings of Tibetan Buddhism” in Beijing / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - PRC State Council releases Tibet White Paper “CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements” / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - Sixth Tone: Wenshu Monastery in Chengdu promotes vegetarianism for visitors / Katharina Feith. - Joint declaration of the two rival incarnations of the Karmapa on the reincarnation of the Shamarpa / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - Human Rights Watch publishes report on “Politics of Mosque Consolidation” in Ningxia and Gansu. - Pastor Wu Wei- - President of the China Christian Council, attends the World Assembly of the United Bible Societies in the Netherlands / Katharina Feith. - 5th Minzu Dialogue Forum of United Bible Societies and Minzu University of China / Katharina Feith. - Visits by representatives of the United Bible Societies China Partnership to China / Katharina Feith. - Pastor Wu Wei meets representatives of the Russian Evangelical Alliance / Katharina Feith. - Preacher Chang Hao remains in custody / Katharina Feith. - Book with testimonies of Chinese LGBTQ Catholics presented to Pope Francis / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - Dating event for single young Catholics in Hangzhou / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - Commission for Liturgy, Sacred Music and Sacred Art visits churches in Hunan and Jiangxi - regarding uniform breviary and hymn book / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - “First Conference on the Sinicization of Shanghai Catholicism: History and Perspectives” / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - Forum “Talking about the Dao by the Sea” in Shanghai on Catholicism / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - 83 adult catechumens are baptized and confirmed in Shanghai Cathedral / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - On his blog, Cardinal Joseph Zen asks the brothers in the underground not to carry out illegitimate episcopal ordinations / Katharina Wenzel-Teuber. - Hong Kong Muslims outraged by the hoisting of the Chinese national flag at a mosque in Kowloon / Katharina Feith. - Cardinal Chow SJ in Hong Kong: Mass of thanksgiving after the elevation to the rank of cardinal / Katharina Feith. - Hong Kong government: Appeal from 10 Catholic bishops for Jimmy Lai is “contempt of court” / Katharina Feith. - Beijing Bishop Li Shan visits Hong Kong / Katharina Feith. - Third International Conference for Chinese Permanent Deacons in Hong Kong / Katharina Feith. - Third Symposium of Holy Spirit Study Centre and official Catholic bodies of the PRC / Katharina Feith. - 80 years of diplomatic relations between the Republic of China and the Holy See / Katharina Feith.
Öko-theologische Ansätze zur Überwindung des despotischen Anthropozentrismus in der ökumenischen BewegungThe essay is providing an account of beginnings of eco-theological reflexions within the global ecumenical movement, mainly related to selected two out of several periods, mainly an early period of the 1960ies and a last period after the first decade of this century. It describes how the ecumenical discourse has reacted to a major challenges presented by an essay from Lynn White from late 60is which was accusing Christianity to be the main culprit of environmental destruction. The essay culminates in identifying five major types of eco-theological discourses in the past two decades and identifies four major challenges at the end in which eco-theological work needs to move forward.
The Church of Central Africa Presbyterian 1924-2024 : a centenary assessment"I strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in issues of church unity, justice, liberation, biblical transformation, dignity, hope, joy, resilience, peace, prayer and reconciliation. The best Malawian scholars have drawn from their academic expertise and personal experience to give the reader a thick picture of the journey of unity among the Synods of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This publication is a must-have for all who have the unity of the CCAP at heart." Prof. Isabel Apawo Phiri, Former Deputy General Secretary, World Council of Churches and Vice Chancellor, University of Blantyre Synod.