Policy Series
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Collection of policy briefs and reports, institutional statements, and other forms of policy engagement documents about ethics, especially in relation to the priority areas of Globethics : higher education, environmental justice, digital and emerging technologies, and peace and responsible governance. The series is meant for anyone interested in policymaking and ethical leadership, and aims to provide the readers with understanding of and engagement with current policy discussions and advocacy initiatives in the mentioned fields.
Recent Submissions
Navigating the future of higher education with AI : 2024 ICDE Leadership Summit policy dialogue reportThis policy report is the outcome of the ICDE leadership Summit hosted by Globethics in Geneva, from 5 to 7 June 2024, in partnership with UNESCO ICHEI, under the title: Ethical Leadership in the Age of AI: Rethinking Futures of Education. Throughout the three days, 126 participants and 60 speakers from 35 countries contributed to enriching the reflection, from theoretical and practical perspectives, about the future of higher education in the fourth industrial revolution era. The report aims at capturing the outcomes from the presentations and discussions and presents them under five titles: 1) Ethical Implications of AI in Higher Education, 2) A Culture of Innovation, 3) Equitable Leadership, 4) Social Justice, and 5) Future Praxis. Hence, the report aims to be “an accessible tool to shine a light on some of the key challenges and opportunities that are before us,” ensuring a critical engagement with AI in educational spaces, that fosters accessibility, equity, and quality.
Inclusive AI for a better future : policy dialogue reportThis Policy Dialogue Report is aimed at fostering multistakeholder, multidisciplinary, inclusive, and cross-regional dialogue on recent advancements in AI ethics policies and practices. It addresses the gap of independent space to bring together around this topic a) all sectors encompassing public, private and civil society organizations, b) diverse world regions and cultures, and c) multiple disciplines of not only technology and economics but also social sciences and humanities, in addition to warranting meaningful intergenerational participation and gender-sensitive leadership.
Indigenous statements for environmental justice : 2008-2023Environmental justice has always been on the agenda of Globethics. In 2014, the organisation decided to amplify religious voices in the sphere, advocating for a global and fair solution, by publishing the book: "Religions for Climate Justice: International Interfaith Statements 2008-2014". In 2023, Globethics became more actively engaged in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN-FCCC) and the annual Conference of Parties (COP28) in Dubai, by organising a session entitled: "Listen to those who listen to the earth. A plea for an urgent ethical blue framework by indigenous populations and world religions." Moreover, Globethics is glad to support the ethical leadership of societal actors, especially indigenous and faith-based actors, by offering to policymakers and the global audience at COP28 and beyond, three open-access volumes including a selection of key messages and statements issued by a) interfaith initiatives, b) indigenous communities, and c) religious actors. In facing the climate crisis, which has become a life and future crisis, all voices are needed. A special attention to indigenous and religious voices is due, since they represent in many cases the voiceless yet most impacted populations, and are heirs of ethical and spiritual wisdom, able to reframe the issue beyond economic and political agendas.
Interfaith statements for environmental justice 2008-2023Environmental justice has always been on the agenda of Globethics. In 2014, the organisation decided to amplify religious voices in the sphere, advocating for a global and fair solution, by publishing the book: "Religions for Climate Justice: International Interfaith Statements 2008-2014". In 2023, Globethics became more actively engaged in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UN-FCCC) and the annual Conference of Parties (COP28) in Dubai, by organising a session entitled: "Listen to those who listen to the earth. A plea for an urgent ethical blue framework by indigenous populations and world religions." Moreover, Globethics is glad to support the ethical leadership of societal actors, especially indigenous and faith-based actors, by offering to policymakers and the global audience at COP28 and beyond, three open-access volumes including a selection of key messages and statements issued by a) interfaith initiatives, b) indigenous communities, and c) religious actors. In facing the climate crisis, which has become a life and future crisis, all voices are needed. A special attention to indigenous and religious voices is due, since they represent in many cases the voiceless yet most impacted populations, and are heirs of ethical and spiritual wisdom, able to reframe the issue beyond economic and political agendas.
أخلاقيّات المياه = Water ethics : principles and guidelinesيرى بعضهم أنّ ما من أهميّةٍ تذكر للآفاق الأخلاقيّة المتصلة بإدارة المياه أو أنّ لا قيمة مضافة لها. بيد أنّ هذا النّص، في تناوله لأخلاقيّات الماء، يدافعُ عن الأطروحة المضادة، ذلك أنّه يستحضرُ القيم والمبادئ الأخلاقية بغية التأثير في القضايا المتّصلة بالمياه وتقديم الحلول الّتي تزيدُ من فرص الأطراف المعنيّة في تحقيق نتائج إيجابيّة. وما من شكّ في أنّ الاعتبارات الأخلاقيّة تلعبُ دوراً هامّا، في طريقة إدارة المياه المتاحة وقيمتها السوقية، على سبيل المثال، بوصفهما مسألتان تتعلقان بالأخلاقيّات الاقتصادية والوصول العادل إلى المياه، أو في ما يتعلقّ بالابتكارات التقنية المتصلة باستخراج المياه ومعالجتها وتزويدها بوصفها جزءاً لا يتجزّأ من أخلاقيّات الابتكار أو في إدارة نزاعات المياه بوصفها مسألة ضرورية لأخلاقيّات السلام أو في تنظيم المياه وإدارتها بوصفها مسألة تتطلّب توفّر أخلاقيّات سياسية أو في طريقة التعاطي مع التقاليد والمعتقدات الدينية، وهو تعاطٍ لا يمكنُ، بأيّ حالٍ من الأحوال، أن يغفل الأخلاقيّات الدينية.
水伦理:原则与准则 = Water ethics : principles and guidelines对于众多政策制定者、城市管理者、水务专家、技术人员或者 活动家而言,水管理的伦理视角并不重要,或者说没有任何附 加价值。两方阵营的一场争论似乎僵持不下,一方主要强调所 有人的用水权,而另一方认为不能超越现实的经济情况。某种 资源的可持续利用,在开采、分配和回收利用方面面临越来越 大的压力,这些方面虽然说不上是一个技术官僚问题,但却像 是一个技术性问题。 本合著著作提出了不同的观点。用水以及资源的可持续利用的 许多问题取决于开诚布公的谈判,解决冲突和关税结构,同时 扩大水的交付和公平管理水的稀缺问题。在所有这些过程之 中,伦理价值至关重要。
Ethics in higher education : a key driver to recovery in a world living with COVID-19This short discussion paper on Ethics in Higher Education as a Key Driver for Recovery in a World Living with COVID-19 is the result of a year-long consultation with contributions from experts and practitioners in the field. The higher education sector as a whole has been and continues to be challenged to adapt and to ensure that institutions and students are not only able to survive but to continue and to thrive. Ethics in higher education is at the heart of that dynamic process, serving to identify and address inequalities with ethics as the foundation of the effort to find solutions and to continue to envision a world in which responsible leadership with integrity is the norm. The Globethics.net Board of Foundation endorses this discussion paper and invites readers to engage with the critical issues, questions and recommendations made.
Etica del agua : principios y directricesMuchos pensarán que los aspectos éticos de la gestión del agua carecen de importancia o que no aportan valor agregado alguno. Este texto sobre la ética del agua sostiene lo contrario: pone sobre el tapete valores y principios éticos para dilucidar cuestiones actuales acerca del agua a fin de proporcionar soluciones que incrementen las posibilidades de obtener resultados positivos para todas las partes involucradas. Las consideraciones éticas entran en juego a la hora de, por ejemplo, gestionar la disponibilidad del agua y su valor de mercado –en cuanto cuestión de ética económica y de acceso con equidad–; asimismo, la innovación técnica en relación con la extracción, tratamiento y distribución del agua supone una ética de la innovación; la gestión de los conflictos del agua es clave para una ética de la paz; la regulación y la gestión del agua requiere de una ética política y, por último, el tratamiento de la cuestión de las tradiciones y las creencias religiosas en torno del agua es inconcebible sin una ética religiosa.El texto, elaborado por un grupo internacional de expertos y aprobado por el Consejo de Administración de la Fundación Globethics.net, muestra cómo los valores éticos pueden facilitar el tratamiento de los asuntos y los conflictos relacionados con el agua de una manera efectiva, sostenible e inclusiva. En ese sentido, la presente publicación es una contribución al logro del sexto de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas: “Garantizar la disponibilidad de agua y su gestión sostenible y el saneamiento para todos”.
Ethique de l’eau : principes et lignes directricesCertains sont d’avis que des perspectives éthiques concernant la gestion de l’eau n’ont aucune importance ou n’apportent aucune valeur ajoutée. Ce texte sur l’éthique de l’eau prétend le contraire ; il convoque les valeurs et les principes éthiques de sorte à influer sur les questions relatives à l’eau et à y apporter des solutions qui améliorent les chances de résultats positifs pour tous les concernés. Les considérations éthiques entrent en jeu, par exemple, dans la manière de gérer l’eau à disposition et sa valeur marchande, comme une question d’éthique économique et d’accès équitable ; les innovations techniques relatives à l’extraction, au traitement ou à l’approvisionnement de l’eau relèvent d’une éthique de l’innovation ; la gestion de conflits relatifs à l’eau est essentielle à l’éthique de la paix ; la régulation et la gestion de l’eau requièrent une éthique politique ; et la manière de traiter des traditions religieuses et des croyances ne peut se faire sans une éthique de la religion. Le texte, élaboré par un groupe international d’experts et approuvé par le conseil de fondation de Globethics.net montre comment les valeurs éthiques peuvent faciliter le traitement de questions et la gestion de conflits relatifs à l’eau d’une manière qui soit efficace, durable et inclusive. De la sorte ce texte se veut une contribution à la mise en œuvre de l’objectif 6 des objectifs de développement durable des Nations unies, visant à garantir l’accès de tous à l’eau et à l’assainissement et assurer une gestion durable des ressources en eau.
Water ethics : principles and guidelinesSome would say that ethical perspectives on water management are not important or that they do not bring any added value. This text on water ethics claims the opposite; it brings ethical values and principles to bear on current water issues to provide solutions that improve the chances of positive outcomes for all concerned. Ethical concerns come into play in, for example, managing the availability of water and its market value, as a question of economic ethics and of fair access; technical innovation in relation to extraction, treatment and delivery of water includes innovation ethics; managing water conflicts is key for peace ethics; regulating and managing water needs political ethics; and dealing with religious traditions and beliefs about water cannot be done without religious ethics. The text, authored by an international group of experts and approved by the Globethics.net Board of Foundation, shows how ethical values can facilitate the handling of issues and conflicts related to water in an effective, sustainable and inclusive manner. As such the text is a contribution to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Globethics.net Principles on Equality and Inequality for a Sustainable EconomyThe Global Ethics Forum (GEF) Conference 2014 in Bangalore (India) called for more Equality in an Unequal World. The conference participants elaborated and endorsed in plenary sessions and eleven workgroups the following declaration on Principles on Equality and Inequality for a Sustainable Economy proposed by the Globethics.net.
Religions for Climate JusticeReligions and Faith communities on all continents are engaged for life and Climate Justice since many years. The common threat of humanity leads to clear interfaith calls to politicians to act more courageously. Christian Churches and other religions have been actively engaged in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the yearly Conference of Parties (COP) negotiations since the late 80’s. In this publication, nine international and interfaith statements from 2008 to September 2014 are collected, among others for the UN Climate Summit and the preconference “Religions for the Earth” in September 2014 in New York. May the statements inspire and encourage believers from all faith as well as politicians and professionals from all sectors of society and on all continents. Let us stand up against resignation and fatalism. Let us act together for human and non-human life on this planet, inspired and encouraged by faith and hope.
Globethics.net Principles on Sharing Values across Cultures and Religions‘Walking in the other’s shoes’, ‘Creating a safe zone for the dialogue’, ‘Keeping each other accountable’; these are only three of the 25 principles for a fair dialogue on values introduced by Globethics.net in the present publication. Niched between the two poles of global and contextual ethics, and based on a set of generally recognized values, each of the principles offers a practical rule for a successful dialogue between people of different cultures and religions, with the aim of respecting diversity without justifying contextual injustice. Essentially, what is under scrutiny is the transformative potential of dialogue, which calls for certain personal postures of participants as well as organisational requirements including group dynamic (page 4). - [A draft of this text was adopted at the Globethics.net International Conference that took place from 25 to 29 January 2009 in Nairobi. It was drafted and revised by Dr. Shanta Premawardhana, Director, Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation at the World Council of Churches, and by Prof. Dr. Christoph Stückelberger, Founder and Executive Director, Globethics.net, and Professor of Ethics at the University of Basel. Volume 4 of the Globethics.net Series: Sharing Values. A Hermeneutics for Global Ethics presents other documents related to the Conference including the present Principles and individual articles to take the reflection further. ]
Globethics.net Regeln für den Werte-Dialog zwischen Kulturen und Religionen„In den Fussstapfen des andern gehen“, „einen sicheren Raum schaffen“, „Rechenschaft gegenseitig einfordern“ dies sind drei der 25 Regeln für einen fairen Wertedialog die in der vorliegenden Publikation von Globethics.net präsentiert werden. Die Regeln, welche die globale und kontextabhängige Ethik respektieren, basieren auf allgemein anerkannten Werten und bieten praktische Instrumente an um, einen erfolgreichen Dialog zwischen Menschen verschiedener Religionen und Kulturen durchzuführen und dies mit dem Ziel Vielfalt zu respektieren ohne damit kontextuelle Ungerechtigkeiten zu rechtfertigen. Die Publikation setzt sich vor allem mit dem transformierenden Potential von Dialogen auseinander, welche eine gewisse persönliche Haltung der Teilnehmer sowie auch organisationelle Voraussetzungen, einschliesslich Gruppendynamik, verlangt.
Principios de Globethics.net Compartiendo Valores entre Culturas y Religiones‘Ponerse en los zapatos del otro’, ‘Crear una zona de seguridad’, ‘Mantener la responsabilidad de cada uno’; estos son sólo tres de los 25 principios introducidos en la presente publicación de Globethics.net para un diálogo justo sobre valores. Ubicados entre la ética global y la contextual, y basados en valores generalmente reconocidos, cada uno de los principios ofrece una regla práctica para un diálogo fructífero entre personas de diferentes culturas y religiones, con el objetivo de respetar la diversidad sin justificar la injusticia contextual. En esencia, lo que está bajo escrutinio es el potencial transformador del diálogo, que demanda ciertas posturas personales de parte de los participantes, tanto como requisitos organizacionales tal la dinámica de grupo.
全球伦理网 共享跨文化与 宗教的价值原则在一个不同知识体系携手并进的时代,为避免误解和冲突,找到解决足以影响整个世界的紧迫问题的共同方法,有效共享价值原则极为重要。全球伦理网于2009 年举行了第三届国际会议,其主题为如何最佳地共享跨文化与宗教价值原则。与会者就当前的价值观问题,提出了进行真正变革性对话的方法论原则。这些原则将有 望激励该领域的机构与专业人士,促进全球范围内宗教间和跨文化伦理学的辩论。 [In a time where different knowledge systems progress in close contact, sharing values effectively is crucial in order to steer clear of misunderstanding and conflict, and find common solutions to the most pressing issues affecting populations worldwide. Globethics.net, held its Third International Conference in 2009 on how to best share values across cultures and religions. Participants laid out the present methodological Principles for a truly transformative dialogue on values. These principles will hopefully inspire institutions and professionals in the field, as well as contribute to the global debate on interreligious and intercultural ethics.]
Ethics in the Information Society: the Nine 'P's"The global ethics network Globethics.net calls in this discussion paper for value-based decisions and actions for the development of information, communication and knowledge. It is based on seven core values: equity, freedom, care and compassion, participation, sharing, sustainability and responsibility. These values are exemplified on nine core topics of the information and knowledge society, the "Nine P's": principles, participation, people, profession, privacy, piracy, protection, power and policy. The Globethics.net Board of Foundation discussed and acknowledged the issue paper on 5 May 2013. Globethics.net invites all interested and concerned persons and institutions to discuss it and send their feedback and proposals for improvements to the Executive Director Christoph Stückelberger: stueckelberger@globethics.net. Website: www.globethics.net".
Principes de Globethics.net pour le dialogue sur les valeurs entre cultures et religions‘Se mettre à la place d’autrui’, ‘Etablir une zone de sécurité’, ‘Res-pecter ses engagements’; ce sont là trois des 25 principes pour un dia-logue équitable sur les valeurs introduits par Globethics.net dans le présent document. Niché entre éthique globale et éthique contextuelle, et fondé sur des valeurs largement reconnues, chacun de ces principes offre une règle pratique pour un dialogue fructueux entre personnes de di-verses cultures et religions, tout en respectant la diverité sans justifier les injustices contextuelles. Au fond, ce qui est soumis l’examen est le potentiel transfomateur du dialogue, qui appelle à certaines postures personnelles ainsi qu’organisationelles, y compris de dynamique de groupe. (page 4). - [Une première version du présent texte a été adoptée à l’issue de la Conférence Internationale de Globethics.net, tenue à Nairobi du 25 au 29 janvier 2009. Elle a été rédigée et révisée par le Dr. Shanta Premawardhana, Directeur du programme « Coopération et dialogue interreligieux » au Conseil oecuménique des Eglises, et par le Prof. Dr. Christoph Stueckelberger, Fondateur et Directeur de Globethics.net et professeur d’éthique à l’Université de Bâle. Le Volume 4 de la collection Globethics.net Series: Sharing Values. A Hermeneutics for Global Ethics, propose d’autres textes liés à la conférence, y compris les présents Principes ainsi qu’un nombre d’articles individuels qui poursuivent la réflexion.]
Ethics in politics : why it matters more than ever and how it can make a difference : a declarationThis declaration was developed by the Globethics.net online workgroup “Ethics in Politics”, especially by Ambassador Dr. Benoit Girardin, Switzerland, with Ambassador Prof. Osvaldo Agatiello, Argentina, and Prof. Sangeeta Sharma, India. The Globethics.net Board of Foundation acknowledged the declaration on 23 October 2010.