Communications Council best practice guide social media Code of Conduct
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This Social Media Code of Conduct aims to provide specific guidance on best practice behaviour when working and operating within social media.The Code provides guidelines for social media undertaken for the purpose of personal or commercial use. The Code represents our current collective efforts to provide clear guidance in an evolving media channel. We welcome your feedback on the document to ensure we have comprehensive input from across the industry. The code has been prepared with thanks to Michele Havas of Tripod, Nic Chamberlain of 303Lowe and the Communications Council Digital Committee. In the past few years social media has become an important and integral part of the marketing communications industry. It is dynamic, fluid and increasingly powerful in its ability to capture community sentiment and shape the conversations we have with each other, about brands and beyond. With this comes a degree of ambiguity as to what constitutes ethical behaviour when participating in social media in a personal or commercial capacity. As a profession, we must continue to always uphold the high ethical standards we have established as part of the Communications Council Code of Ethics. Respect, integrity, transparency and honesty are at the heart of what we stand for and the key to our future success.Date