Global Ecumenical Mission Studies
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This Globethics collection gathers interdisciplinary studies and research work from all continents, mainly on the history and theology of Christian missions, the mission of the Church, historical and contemporary theological, anthropological, (cross-) cultural, socio-political aspects, (inter-) religious and interdenominational perspectives and developments (trends) of missionary praxis and theory in local, regional and global contexts of Church history, the modern ecumenical movement and world Christianity.
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La crónica misionera protestante: aproximaciones historiográficas a un subgénero literarioAt the turn of the 20th century, as part of their settlement in Peru, Protestant missionaries developed a large production of texts focused mainly on the Andean world, which they described, analyzed, categorized, and evaluated, just like other Western explorers in the age of imperialism. In this note, I argue that this bibliographical corpus constitutes a specific literary subgenre: the missionary chronicle. From a historiographical perspective, the Protestant missionary chronicles are valuable sources for both the history of the Protestantism and the study of the Andean world from its interaction with missionaries amid the rise of Western imperialism.
Memoirs of E. A. Malov as an important educational resource in the field of "propaganda science"The article is devoted to the autobiographical texts by E.A. Malov, a missionary and a teacher of the Kazan Theological Academy during the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. This period of time was characterized by a massive apostasy in the Kazan province of Orthodox newly baptized and old-baptized "foreigners" to Islam or paganism, which largely predetermined the specifics of the academy scientific work and its professors. The texts are written in the form of a diary describing the reflections on the implementation of a missionary campaign among Muslims and Orthodox "foreigners" and the conversations with shakirds and mullahs of the Kazan province during the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. E.A. Malov's diaries are directly related to his missionary activity, in which he participated actively throughout his life. Unlike many autobiographical texts that belonged to the clergy of that period, the Kazan missionary's diaries do not reflect the facts from his personal, and family life. The author of the diaries formulated the principles of "missionary science", the methods of refuting paganism and the Islamic religion. The texts of the diaries show that E.A. Malov strove to establish clear disciplinary boundaries of "missionary science," based mainly on historical criticism of sources, requiring specialized training. it is concluded that this source can be considered as one of the valid educational references in the field of propaganda science.
Establishment of Adventist education in Chile: The Adventist Schoolof Púa and the Adventist School of Chillán (1906-1922)The history of the Adventist School of Pua and the Adventist School of Chillándate back to the early twentieth century in Chile. The first school was founded in 1902 with the establishment of the Adventist School of Santiago and in 1906 the Adventist School of Pua was founded, directed by Carlos Krieghoff, whose purpose was the formation of workers, evangelization of the native people of the sector and later to serve as the initiators of Adventist education in Chile.In 1922 the Church decided to transfer the school to the town of Chillán, due to its connectivity and closeness with the capital and with the objective of preparing workers for the Adventist work.
A identidade missioneira na área dos Sete Povos das Missões Jesuítico-GuaraniAccording to some studies, it is known that the Região Missioneira of Rio Grande do Sul, from determined period on, encouraged the population there was established to worship the missionary past and, somehow, feel belonging to the place, which once was a great history scene. From previous research subsidies that characterized the missionary identity, particularly its construction, this study addresses the phenomenon through a geographic bias, made possible by a geography humanist current and, all above cultural, the relationship between people and place appreciation. Facing a phenomenological approach, emphasizing the place people's perception, it became an identity analysis, emphasizing the people belonging relations to the region and its historical context, being a differentiator. In the present study, which valued the place perceptions, it was noticed above all, a missionary full of place, history and historical characters pride, valuing it day to day. Even induced to feel missionary, was realized a kind of nostalgia in the population, where the missionary feeling is evident with the other regions people contact, being very afforded when native moves away from its origins to live in another place. Direct contact with impregnated symbols landscape that remind the missionary past, induces the natives to feel part of a highlighted positive aspects history. Local counties use the historical question in the present, all highlighting the past, each in their own way, highlighting peculiarities that differentiate them, including at the regional context. Respect to residents, it´s noticed a very clear missionary rooting, but the motivation to such a feeling, even having similarities, always has some local counties differences, motivated, about everything, by the way they make use of historical context. The identity that exists in the Missões, stands out for its strong differences use, highlighting symbolic elements alluding to local history. Past legacies are greatly valued and present in the speech, but the identity and missionary belonging are closely linked to common sense. The experiences and the same place fixture time, denote certain people rooting, justifying the belonging feeling of a lifetime experience at that place portion.
Una voz desde Sudamérica: sociedad, etnografía y religión en la obra de John ArnottEn 1925 llegó al Chaco John Arnott (1907-1971), un joven anglicano de origen escocés que se enroló como misionero en la South American Missionary Society. Arnott pasó los siguientes diecisiete años de su vida en diversas estaciones anglicanas del Chaco argentino y boliviano, trabajando entre los wichís, los tobas, los pilagás y los guaraníes. No solo se dedicó al trabajo evangé- lico, sino que mostró una notable facilidad para aprender las lenguas indígenas y una inclinación a desarrollar un conocimiento etnográfico de esos grupos, plasmada en textos antropológicos y colecciones de cultura material, o bien en su papel como fuente de consulta continua para autoridades académicas, como Alfred Métraux, Jules Henry o Stig Rydén. Mediante el análisis de fuentes inéditas, proponemos que, lejos de forjarse en estos contactos académicos, la inclinación etnográfica de Arnott ya estaba latente en el mismo momento de su llegada a Sudamérica.
O Colégio Casa de Nossa Senhora em Santos-SP (1933-1947): os caminhos da educação primária e profissionalizanteUniversidade Católica de Santos - Católica de Santos
World War One in Africa: Implications on Christian MissionsThe First World War resulted in serious complexities that had to be surmounted by the missions. In all German territories in Africa that were turned into battle fields as well as in Allied possessions, missionaries suffered at the hands of Allied Forces. This article attempts an analysis of the treatment of the missions during and after the First World War in German possessions in Africa: Cameroon, Togoland, German East Africa and German South West Africa. Based on historical data, the study reveals that the experience of the First World War which destroyed the foundational work of German missions did have lasting implications on the Christian cause in Africa.RésuméÉvénement cataclysmique, la Première Guerre se révéla empreinte d’un caractère complexe que les missions chrétiennes durent surmonter. Au sein des territoires allemands transformés en champs de bataille, ces missionnaires pâtirent de l’emprise des Forces Alliées. Cet article se veut une analyse du traitement des missions pendant et après la Grande Guerre dans les possessions allemandes en Afrique : au Cameroun, au Togo, en Afrique Orientale allemande et au Sud-ouest Africain germanique. En s’appuyant sur des données historiques, l’étude révèle que l’expérience de la Première Guerre mondiale qui détruisit l’œuvre missionnaire fondatrice allemande ne put avoir des implications durables sur la cause chrétienne en Afrique.
Lost and found: The value of a little known bilingual dictionary towards the intellectualization of NdauThis article critically evaluates the ChiNdau–English and English–ChiNdau Vocabulary: With Grammatical Notes, a bilingual dictionary published in 1915 by the American Board Mission (Rhodesian Branch), with a view of determining its suitability for use as a point of departure for modern Ndau lexicography. More than a century after its publication, it remains the only diction-ary in the language. The language has been treated as a dialect of Shona for close to a century, until its emergence as one of the country's sixteen officially-recognized languages in the 2013 Constitu-tion of Zimbabwe. This landmark development requires practical work that can transform Ndau into a fully-fledged and intellectualized language. Lexicography is one of the key intellectual enter-prises that can contribute in this regard. It is therefore the contention of this article that the existing dictionary be considered as a vital point of reference for future lexicographic work in Ndau. An analysis of various aspects of the dictionary indicate that, notwithstanding some limitations, this dictionary indeed managed to set some standards that may be incorporated in current and future lexicographic works in this less documented language.Keywords: Dictionaries, Missionary Lexicography, Chindau, Chindau Vocabulary, Ndau, Ndau Lexicography, Ndau Orthography, Language Intellectualization, Marginalized Languages, Officially-Recognized Lan-Guages, Zimbabwean Lexicography
To “Stay in love" (Cf. Jn 15:9) To be mission: Authentic Christian Spirituality is an essential element for the missionary identity of the Church and of every Christian believerThe article proposes to present the mission as the most authentic fruit of a Christian spirituality. Starting from the current missiology reflection that presents the concept of Missio Dei, in which the source of the mission is recognized in God, and the mission, an attribute of divinity. In this divine overflow on creation and humanity, Jesus Christ is the culmination of God's mission. And it is from him that the Church and every believer becomes a collaborator of and in Missio Dei. Thus, for the faithful, it is from the encounter with Jesus Christ himself, which one decides to follow as his disciple, seeking to configure himself to him so that He himself may continue His mission. Through the missionary documents of the recent Pontifical Magisterium and some missionary documents of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, one discovers the importance of 'remaining in the love' of God, that is, in communion and fidelity to Him to be a missionary, whether donating life, praying for missions or contributing to them.
A construção política da categoria "infanticídio indígena" e o mapeamento de seus atores sociais no BrasilOrientadores: Artionka Manuela Goes Capiberibe, Íris Morais Araújo
Insubordinados, mas sempre devotos : poder local, acordos e conflitos no antigo Estado do Maranhão (1607-1653)Orientador: Silvia Hunold Lara
Sob outro olhar: a narrativa jesuítica sobre o hinduísmo e sua relação com a prática missionária no sul da Índia (Século XVII)Submitted by Boris Flegr ( on 2021-01-07T00:15:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Ana Paula.pdf: 1292154 bytes, checksum: d7c6e9b1d1316dd3233edc69eb402ffd (MD5)
Ewch, a dysgwch, J. Davis2 p.: 18 cm.
The first report of the Young Men's Missionary Society of South Carolina: read and accepted May 28, 1821Historical pamphlet collection
“For the salvation of the brazilian indian”: history, baptist missionarism and cultural de-characterization practices in the Tocantins River ValleyThe objective of this work is to investigate, from a historical perspective, the forms of evangelization and cultural de-characterization practices adopted by the Baptist missions with the traditional populations of the Tocantins River valley, from the travel reports of the North American missionary Lewis Mallen Bratcher published in “O Jornal Batista”, between the late 1920s and early 1930s. The reflections offered in this study start from theoretical and methodological notions originating from the History of Religions, supported by contributions from Sociology and Anthropology. This theoretical and methodological slide is due to the need to use the notions of "religion" and "civilization" in a historical-religious perspective, aligned with the propositions of the Italian school of History of Religions. The encounter between the Baptist missionaries and the traditional populations of the Tocantins River valley generated narratives characterized by the attempt to deconstruct and eradicate a symbolic system - of the indigenous cultures and practices found by the religious - in search of replacing it with another Christian and Protestant, the from which religious agents would condemn in their reports the beliefs and practices of those traditional populations.
O movimento missionário e educacional protestante na segunda metade do século XIX: para cada igreja uma escolaOs protestantes, que nas décadas finais do século XIX vieram ao Brasil, apresentavam-se e se desejavam como expoentes de uma força renovadora que não pretendia apenas o ajustamento de seus membros às condições político-sociais dominantes, mas, inclusive, aspiravam por transformações econômicas a exemplo do que vinha acontecendo no seu país de origem, alicerçando assim o poderio do capitalismo incipiente que se delineava desde os meados do século. Assumindo uma postura de progresso e desenvolvimento, aliada a um padrão de comportamento ético onde imperava a austeridade, defendiam a vocação secularizante entre Igreja e Estado, a educação liberal e democrática, e se opunham ao totalitarismo retrógrado defendido pelos católicos imbuídos de forte espírito elitista e tradicional. Era a idéia do destino manifesto de um povo que tinha a incumbência divina de levar a verdadeira fé aos gentios e idólatras que viviam nos quatro cantos do mundo. The missionary and educational protestant movement in the last half of the XIX Century: for each church one school Abstract The Protestants, who came to Brazil at the last decades of the 19th Century, presented themselves as and wished being exponents of a renovating strength which didn t just intend the adjustment of its members to the dominant political-social conditions but, besides, aspired for economic changes inspired in what had been happening in its origin country, supporting the might of the incipient capitalism that had been delineated since the mid-Century. Assuming a posture of progress and development, allied to an ethical behavior pattern where the austerity reigned, they defended the secularistic vocation between Church and State, the liberal and democratic education, and they were opposed to the retrograde totalitarianism defended by the Catholics emerged in strong elitist and traditional spirit. It was the idea of the manifested destiny of a people that had the divine incumbency of taking the true faith to the heathens and idolaters who lived in the four parts of the world.
Sem fronteiras: uma compreensão psicológica de missionários brasileiros protestantes em contextos tranculturaisCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Brasil-Canadá: ligações migratórias nos séculos XIX e XX.There are several historical links between Brazil and Canada, but they are not well known. In relation to migration, it is well known that there was a major flow of Europeans to the Americas during the time of the great transatlantic migrations. Yet, the flow within the Americas is not well known, as if there were no hemispheric stream within the transatlantic migration. This type of movement is mostly identified with the later part of the 20th century and in only one direction: South Americans moving to North America. As for Brazil and Canada, this connection is practically unknown. The reality is that there were significant migratory links between the two countries from the mid-19th century to the present day.