Methodist and Wesleyan Studies
The Methodist and Wesleyan Studies collection provides access to resources on Methodist and Wesleyan theology and studies as a resource for teaching, learning and research. The Methodist and Wesleyan Studies Collection is a joint project of the GlobeTheoLib and the Methodist e-Academy with the support of the World Methodist Council to develop an online library of Methodist studies resources that will be available to scholars and students free of charge throughout the world.
تقديمات حديثة
Methodist Fresh Expressions: Listening to Leaders of Specific Rural Initiatives in EnglandAbstractThis paper is based on a series of interviews with leaders of Methodist fresh expressions of church in rural locations, two in the north-east and two in the south-west of England. The lead Methodist ministers and others involved in the initiatives were interviewed about their experience of fresh expressions of church in their particular rural location. The aim of the interviews was to listen carefully to the lead ministers and the others involved to ascertain the key recurrent themes. Analyses of the interview data revealed four major themes: knowing your community, beginnings, growing, and developing, and working ecumenically. The key issues facing those setting up fresh expressions of church in rural areas are then discussed. The paper ends with plans already in hand for future research in this field.
Religion in Ashworthy 1958–2011AbstractIn A West Country Village: Ashworthy W. M. Williams described the religious life of rural West Devon in the late 1950s. This research updates that study. Data on various indices of Anglican and Methodist involvement show the disappearance of communal conformity, but also increased commitment from the smaller core of committed members. The changed status of the clergy and of the churches is discussed as is their continuing public roles. In a cautionary note, the paper argues that public respect for the secondary functions of the churches should not be mistaken for some widespread ‘believing without belonging’.
John Wesley's Journal"Writing for Blackwood's Magazine less than eighty years following the death of John Wesley, the novelist Margaret Oliphant (1828-1897)' in one of her "Historical Sketches of the Reign of George 11," identified the life of the founder and leader of British Methodism as "no life at all in the ordinary sense of the word, but only a mere string of preachings. His journals are like the notebooks of a physician-a curious, monotonous, wonderful narrative." Certainly, throughout the fifty-five years of that "wonderful narrative," from 14 October 1735 through 24 October 1790, Wesley did preach to congregations; and he did ride to and through hundreds of towns, villages, and cities in Britain, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. He inculcated religion; he conversed with practically everyone whom he met; he sympathized with, harangued against, and prayed for and with backsliders; and he read volumes of poetry, history, theology-even a bit of fiction. He also wrote sermons, tracts, dictionaries, grammars, biographies, and hymns"
Methodism and the Origins of Biblical Archaeology"Methodism and biblical archaeology have a closely entwined history that previously has not been fully addressed in the literature of either discipline.1 The close relationship between the discipline and the Church may be attributed to the childhood of William Foxwell Albright (1891-1971), a son of Methodist missionaries, who became the father of biblical archaeology in America.2 While there is little debate about the significance of Albright’s scholarship and that of his students who continued his work as part of the “Albright School,” there is little awareness of the profound impact Methodism had on his personal life. This article seeks to remedy this situation by attempting to understand Albright’s childhood experiences that molded him into the adult scholar he would later become. It addresses not the scholarship, but the person behind the scholarship, specifically focusing on one single incident in his life that he himself portrayed as being the first step in his journey toward becoming the father of biblical archaeology"
The Current Tendencies of the Wesleyan-Holiness Movement and the Growth of Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity"Where is the Wesleyan-Holiness movement going? Since John Wesley produced the standard of Christian perfection in the eighteenth century, the movement has expanded globally, with the WesleyanHoliness groups discussing many issues of sanctification theories. The most remarkable phenomenon in the twentieth century is the Pentecostal revival, which is rapidly extending to the whole world. It is nearly half a billion strong world-wide, and has been, and continues to be, the fastest growing Christian segment in the world. It has made inroads, not only in third-world regions like Africa and Latin America, but it also continues to attract huge followings in the western world."
Non-Wesleyan Pentecostalism"The nineteenth-century Holiness movement was composed of two major sub-groupings. One is the cluster of denominations and associations that flow directly out of the Wesleyan revival. In various ways they are the descendants of Methodism. When the term “Holiness movement” is used, this is the first thing that comes to the minds of most people. However, in addition to the Wesleyan tradition, there was a significant quest for holiness of life among earnest believers who were not part of Methodist-related Christianity. This wing of the holiness quest is often considered to be part of the larger Holiness movement, but it differed significantly in its understanding of sanctification. Unlike the Wesleyans who wished to recover his teaching on a second crisis experience of eradication of inbred sin, “higher life” advocates adopted views that were largely built on the Reformed teaching of positional holiness."
Metodistas de Brasil se comprometen con la reforma de la nación y de la iglesia [Brazil's Methodist committed to reform of the nation and the church]"La Iglesia Metodista del Brasil, basada en el mandato dejado por su fundador, John Wesley, de “reformar la nación, de modo particular la Iglesia, de esparcir la santidad bíblica sobre toda la tierra”, presentó, un documento a la Asamblea Legislativa paulista en el cual refuerza su compro - miso con la nación bra - sileña."
Theological Education in World ChristianityThis publication is about a new „World Report on Theological Education in the 21st century“ which is intended for circulation and discussion in regional associations of theological schools, in ecumenical theological teachers conferences, in boards of theological colleges and in church leadership circles interested in the future of theological education. The world study report was developed as part of the Edinburgh 2010 study process which brought together an international study group on theological education (group 6 of the 2010 mission study themes). It included representatives from institutions of theological education from major churches represented in the Edinburgh 2001 process (Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Reformed, Lutheran, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal). The group worked between November 2008 and August 2009 to produce this extended version of a world study on theological education. ETE office is publishing this report in cooperation with the World Conference of Associations of Theological Institutions (WOCATI) which is one of WCC’s important partners working on issues of theological education on global scale.
Methodism and Aggressive ChristianityThis study examines the reaction of the Methodist Episcopal Church through its Detroit Annual Conference (comprising the Eastern half of the state of Michigan and the entire Upper Peninsula) to the American occupation of the Philippines following the conclusion of the Spanish-American War in 1898. The ME Church, like its sibling Protestant Churches, championed the US occupation that opened up the island to the spread of Protestant evangelism. Protestant missionaries were viewed as spiritual warriors combating Catholicism, complementing the American soldiers battling the Filipino insurgency. The emphasis on missionary expansion fused with American imperialism to form a potent combination of “Bible and gun.” A theology of aggression emerged to sanction American foreign policy as seen in DAC sermons, newspapers, and prayers.
Porquê PregamosEste livro é um dos dois volumes sobre a Pregação no Contexto Africano. Para ambos os pregadores e os novatos experientes, incluindo os alunos em seminários, escolas bíblicas e universidades, este primeiro volume explora Por que pregamos e os princípios da pregação contextual na África. Nhiwatiwa demonstra que a pregação contextual serve como a forma mais adequada de comunicar o evangelho na África podem se conectar e engajar as mentes das pessoas de forma eficaz. Leia esses volumes para ver por que a pregação é um aspecto urgente de ministério que pode abrir novos horizontes e dar nova perspectiva para o futuro.
Evangelização e Crescimento Da Igreja No Contexto AfricanoNeste momento em que a igreja está experimentando um crescimento tremendo nos membros e no número de denominações, tais perguntas como "o que", "por quê" e "como" da evangelização precisam ser abordadas. Este recurso dá respostas e orientação quanto a estas e outras questões importantes. Temos diante de nós o recurso, livro escrito por líderes africanos, que são campeões em matéria de crescimento da evangelização e da igreja na África. As idéias e sugestões que apresentam diante de nós vêm de suas experiências pessoais. Esperamos que este texto vai ser um recurso valioso para continuar a treinar pessoas nos ministérios de evangelização e crescimento da igreja.
Travailler côte à côteLe ministère de l'évangélisation atteint son meilleur niveau lorsque l'église locale s’en approprie, grâce à l’expérience vécue par les membres de cette église locale. Dans l'église locale, les chrétiens apprennent à discerner la voix du Bon Berger, et quand ils reconnaissent la voix du Bon Berger, ils s’éloignent facilement des faux prophètes, des faux guérisseurs spirituels et des autres voix étranges. Les églises locales africaines deviennent les meilleures arènes permettant aux convertis de s’engager à suivre Jésus-Christ, à être encadrés dans leur marche vers la maturité chrétienne lorsque le pasteur travaille côte à côte avec les membres de la congrégation. Les laïcs s’inspirent, ainsi, des pasteurs au sujet de l'évangélisation.
Un pèlerinage africain sur l’évangélismeSérie sur le ministère africain
Avançons en harmonie : un aperçu actualisé de l’organisation et administration de l’Eglise Méthodiste Unie en AfriqueAfin d’apprécier pleinement le système politique de l’Eglise Méthodiste Unie, les Méthodistes unis doivent travailler ensemble, avec harmonie en utilisant les mêmes procédures de gestion d'église. Dans ce livre, le Révérend Bondo met à la disposition de l'Église en Afrique des informations pertinentes relatives au Livre de Discipline 2008 de l'Église Méthodiste Unie, afin qu'elle avance en harmonie avec le système politique de l'Église Méthodiste Unie dans le monde entier.
Everything belongs to God : Christian stewardshipThis book invites you to study some of the kingdom principles involved in Christian stewardship—conversion, commitment, involvement, motivation, potential, faithfulness, and sacrifice. Test these principles in your life. Make them part of your world. You will reap the benefits of good stewardship. This is a discussion and study guide, arranged in a way that will encourage you to be involved, to think for yourself, to interact with others, and to evaluate your level of stewardship in your local church and community. Lessons in this book will help you to appreciate that Christian stewardship involves every facet of life—money, talents, gifts, time, concern, influence, creation, health, and even possessions. The seven lessons clarify that God owns all we have. We are merely stewards (managers) of God’s possessions. Everything we possess has been lent to us by God. God, the Owner, expects us to use our possessions wisely as good stewards.
Movendo-se em harmonia : uma constituição actualizada para a igreja metodista unida em ÁfricaA fim de apreciar plenamente o bem da política da igreja metodista unida, o povo chamado metodista unido precisam de trabalhar juntos, movendo-se em harmonia, e usando os mesmos processos da igreja. Neste livro, Rev. Bondo fornece as informações mais relevantes e atualizadas do Livro da Disciplina de 2008 para a Igreja Metodista Africana, para que ele possa juntar-se e movendo-se em harmonia com a política da Igreja metodista em todo o mundo.
O Tempo é Agora: Preparando candidatos para o Baptismo e Confirmação na Igreja Metodista UnidaCom este guia sobre o batismo e confirmação na Igreja Metodista Unida, Rev. Dr. Gift Machinga fornece um recurso essencial para a Igreja na África. O livro é pretendido para motivar os pastores a considerar o Ministério da Educação e orientar pastores e membros leigos na preparação de suas pessoas para o batismo e confirmação.
Pourquoi nous prêchons : la prédication dans le contexte africainCe livre fait partie des deux volumes portant sur la prédication dans le contexte africain. Ce premier volume, consacré aux prédicateurs chevronnés et débutants, y compris les étudiants des écoles de théologie et des universités, explore les motivations et les principes de la prédication contextuelle en Afrique. Les deux volumes sont étroitement associés. Nhiwatiwa y démontre que la prédication contextuelle est la meilleure manière de communiquer l’évangile en Afrique. Elle permet au public africain de s’y retrouver plus facilement. Lisez ces volumes pour savoir pourquoi la prédication est un aspect primordial du ministère capable d’ouvrir de nouveaux horizons et d’apporter des perspectives nouvelles pour l'avenir.