Zagrożenie korupcją w świetle doświadczeń państwa rosyjskiego – rozważania kryminologiczne i prawne
Online Access
Dr hab. Katarzyna Laskowska, prof. UwB, Uniwersytet w BiałymstokuThe paper entitled „The threat of corruption in the light of Russian experience – criminological and legal reflections” presents the sources and indications of corruption as well as legal reaction against that phenomenon. There is no criminological definition of corruption in Russian criminology, however there is legal one in the Anti–Corruption Act of 2008. The paper shows the scale and extend of that phenomenon among public officials of the legislative, executive and judicial branches, their connections with organized crime and the existence of peculiar price list of corrupted services. That phenomenon is depicted as something which wrecks both Russian country and society. There are presented some legal considerations regarding penal, civil law and administrative measures aimed at reducing the scale of the phenomenon. It is remarked pessimistically that although there is a broad definition of corruption in legal system, preventing and fighting the phenomenon is very difficult for the reason that there are many deficiencies in prosecuting it and it has been deep-rooted in society’s conscious.
Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, z. 6, 2009, s. 181-195