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Foreign direct investment brings host countries capital, productive facilities, and technology transfers as well as employment, new job skills, and management expertise. It is important to the Russian Federation, where incentives for competition are limited and incentives to becoming efficient are blunted by interregional barriers to trade, weak creditor rights, and administrative barriers to new entrants. The authors ague that the old policy paradigm of foreign direct investment (established before World War II and prevalent in the 1950s and 1960s) still governs Russia. In this paradigm there are only two reasons for foreign direct investment: access to inputs for production and access to markets for outputs. Such kinds of foreign direct investment, although beneficial, are often based on generating exports that exploit cheap labor or natural resources, or are aimed at penetrating protected local markets, not necessarily at world standards for price and quality. They contend that Russia should phase out high tariffs and non-tariff protection for the domestic market, most tax preferences for foreign investors (which don't increase foreign direct investment but do reduce fiscal revenues), and many restrictions on foreign investment. They recommend that Russia switch to a modern approach to foreign direct investment by: 1) Amending the newly enacted foreign direct investment law so that it will grant non-discriminatory "national treatment" to foreign investors for both right of establishment, and post-establishment operations, abolish conditions (such as local content restrictions) inconsistent with the World Trade Organization agreement on trade-related investment measures (TRIMs), and make investor-state dispute resolution mechanisms more efficient (giving foreign investors the chance to seek neutral binding international arbitration, for example). 2) Strengthening enforcement of property rights. 3) Simplifying registration procedures for foreign investors, to make them transparent and rules-based. 4) Extending guarantee schemes covering basic non-commercial risksDate
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Investment Law ReformWorld Bank Group (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2016-10-19)The chief purpose of this handbook is to
 provide government lawyers with a framework to evaluate the
 quality of a country's investment legislation (if it
 exists) and how the legislation relates to its investment
 policy and investment incentives. More specifically, it
 deals with creating new and reforming existing investment
 legislation in developing and transition economies in
 furtherance of the World Bank Group's (WBG's)
 mandate to promote private investment - domestic and foreign
 - in those economies. Handbook appendices contain drafting
 guidelines and checklist of issues that foreign direct
 investment (FDI) laws should include and that countries can
 use when drafting investment legislation. The report is
 structured as follows: chapter one defines key terms about
 investment law reform in an effort to clarify terminology
 and concepts and show how they are related. Chapter two
 examines how widespread investment codes are and explains
 their utility and limitations. Chapter three provides
 recommendations on the structure of investment legislation
 and the key provisions to be included such as definitions,
 investors' guarantees, incentives, framework for
 investment promotion, and transitional provisions. Chapter
 four discusses the fundamental issue of investor entry, in
 particular the conditions under which foreign investors can
 invest including sectoral restrictions, limitations on
 foreign ownership, authorization and screening, minimum
 investment, and performance requirements. Chapter five
 discusses key investor guarantees including fair and
 equitable treatment, national treatment, most-favored-nation
 (MFN) treatment, protection against expropriation,
 guaranteed convertibility and repatriation of profits, and
 settlement of disputes. Chapter six looks at the issue of
 investment incentives, (fiscal incentives in particular) and
 their effectiveness. Chapter seven summarizes key aspects of
 investment promotion to guide legal drafters, should
 policymakers want the investment code to set out the basic
 framework of investment promotion. Chapter eight presents
 the various phases of investment law reform projects, from
 the government's request for assistance with
 legislation to the delivery of a project plan. Chapter nine
 identifies some of the challenges in preparing an investment
 code and the support that governments may need until the law
 is promulgated. Chapter ten discusses the monitoring and
 evaluation (M and E) of investment law reforms, including
 the key indicators involved in a desk review and medium- and
 large-scale projects.
Africa's Silk Road : China and India's New Economic FrontierYe, Xiao; Isik, Gozde; Yoshino, Yutaka; Plaza, Sonia; Broadman, Harry G. (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2012-06-05)As illustrated in Africa's Silk
 Road: China and India's New Economic Frontier, the new
 South-South economic relations present real opportunities-as
 well as challenges-to African countries. They also highlight
 the need for complementary reforms by China and India to
 support more vigorous African development. In analyzing
 Africa's intensifying relationships with China and
 India, Africa's Silk Road examines the trends to date
 and considers the implications of these developments for the
 economic future of the African continent. The diagnosis
 cautions that the opportunities engendered by China and
 India's trade and investment with Africa will not
 necessarily be converted into growth and poverty reduction
 in the region. A critical finding of the study is that it is
 not just the quantity of these trade and investment flows
 that matters-it is also the quality of the overall
 commercial relationships underlying as well as shaping these
 flows. This paper contains the following headings:
 connecting two continents; performance and patterns of
 African-Asian trade and investment flows; challenges at the
 border - Africa and Asia's trade and investment
 policies; behind-the-border constraints on African-Asian
 trade and investment flows; between-the-border factors in
 African-Asian trade and investment; and investment-trade
 linkages in African-Asian commerce - scale, integration, and
 production networks.
Starting a Foreign Investment across SectorsDe la Medina Soto, Christian; Ghossein, Tania (World Bank, Washington, DC, 2013-11)The ease of starting a foreign
 investment in various sectors is a relevant consideration
 for investors seeking to establish an investment project
 abroad. Two thematic areas will be analyzed in this paper to
 answer the following questions: Which economies impose
 equity ownership restrictions on foreign investors and which
 procedural barriers do foreign companies face when
 establishing foreign-owned subsidiaries in these economies?
 The analysis is based on findings from the Foreign Direct
 Investment Regulations indicators, which measure 103
 economies, on whether they restrict foreign ownership across
 economic sectors and on the establishment process they
 impose on foreign-owned companies. Nearly 80 percent of the
 economies covered in the Foreign Direct Investment
 Regulations database restrict foreign companies from
 entering in some sectors of their economies. In addition,
 establishing a foreign-owned company takes longer and
 requires more steps than starting a domestically-owned
 company in 94 percent of the economies observed. Overall,
 economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and high-income
 OECD economies have fewer equity restrictions on foreign
 ownership than economies in the other regions and require
 the least number of additional procedures of foreign
 companies to establish a subsidiary. The findings are
 significantly correlated with inflows of foreign direct
 investment on a per-capita basis.